Combination of wallpaper in the interior( 22 фото)

In the world of design art, new methods and solutions are constantly emerging, with the help of which it is possible to recreate the most unusual fantasies in the interior of a dwelling. An interesting and, at the same time, simple design novelty is the combination of wallpaper in the interior, so that rooms with a standard or atypical layout get a very stylish and original look.

In this article "Dream House" has collected several ideas for combining wallpaper that will be applicable to different rooms in an apartment or house.

Combination of wallpaper in the interior

The combination of wallpaper in the interior

Design solutions with the combination of wallpapers

The trend to decorate the wallpaper with different textures or different colors appeared relatively recently. At first glance, it seems that this feature is only of designer significance, but in fact, using a combination of wallpaper can solve a lot of functional problems. First, this technique is the best way to make zoning space. Quite often one room is used by us for completely different purposes. For example, in the bedroom, which is traditionally a place of rest, you can decorate a corner with a dressing table, a place for sports, etc. These zones need somehow to visually highlight, otherwise in general the interior of the bedroom will not look holistically and harmoniously. Solve this problem the easiest way by combining wallpapers of different colors.

Combining the wallpaper in the bedroom

Combining wallpaper in the bedroom

Various combinations of wallpaper combinations allow you to visually adjust the space of the room. Most often, modern living quarters have either the shape of a rectangle or the shape of a square.

If there are low ceilings in the room, when decorating walls with one color they will appear visually less. But if in a rectangular room narrow walls are covered with dark wallpaper, and wide ones - with light, the room will become spacious and high.

Visually increase the space of a square room will help to combine the wallpaper in such a way that one wall has a more saturated shade than the rest.

Also with the help of a combination of wallpaper you can visually hide the existing defects in the finish. If you select only one wall or its part with bright color, all attention will be focused on it, accordingly, any imperfections on walls of more neutral shades will simply remain unnoticed.

Combining the wallpaper in the bedroom photo

Combination of wallpaper in the bedroom photo

Variants of a combination of wall-papers of a photo

Options for combining wallpapers for photos

Combination of wallpaper for the bedroom photo

Combining wallpaper for the bedroom photo

How to combine wallpaper in the interior of

There are several ways to harmoniously combine the wallpaper in the interior:

1. Wallpapers of the shades of

This technique is ideal for combining wallpaper in the bedroom,where it is required to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere. At such reception one or two walls are made out by wallpapers of more bright shades, than the others. For example, you can often find a combination of white and cream shades, light blue and blue, beige and terracotta, etc.

Combination of wallpaper for the bedroom photo

Combination of wallpaper for the bedroom photo

Combining wallpaper in the bedroom interior

Combination of wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom

2. Wallpapers of bright colors

To create dynamic modern interiors designers recommend using several active colors in the design. For example, the combination of wallpaper in the living room can include two bright shades - green and crimson, yellow and brown, etc. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it and decorate the brightest color with only one wall or a part of it. In addition, so that the interior does not look too bright, the shades used in the wallpaper should be repeated in accessories or room details. If you are dreaming about a more relaxed version of the design, highlight a bright color one wall, and for the rest, select wallpaper soft pastel tones. A bright wall in this case will be the main accent of the room.

Combining wall-papers for walls

Combining wall-paper for walls

Ideas for combining bright wallpaper

Ideas for combining bright wallpaper

3. Colored wallpaper with plain

In many interior styles there is a tendency to decorate the walls with bright patterned panels. However, if you use different colors in the design, this technique can be implemented with the help of such a combination of wallpaper for walls, where one wall is pasted with wallpaper with a pattern, and for the rest, a uniform pattern is selected.

To maintain the harmony of color, the background on the wallpaper with the pattern should have the same color as the monophonic wallpaper. As for the choice of a drawing, it all depends on the features of the design itself. For example, you can decorate one wall with wallpaper with bright floral, abstract or geometric patterns, or you can give preference to unobtrusive painting of soft tones.

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen

Ideas for combining wallpapers

Ideas for combining wallpapers

4. Wallpapers with different patterns

Choosing for combining walls wallpaper with different patterns or patterns should be very carefully. To the interior does not look awkward, pick up wallpaper, patterns on which overlap with each other in color. In addition, the patterns should be in harmony with each other. It looks good tandem of geometric and abstract patterns, floral ornaments and drawings that imitate natural materials( wood, stone, etc.).

Options for combining wallpapers

Options for combining wallpapers

Combination of wallpaper in the interior photo

Combining wallpaper in the interior photo

5. Photo wallpaper with wallpaper

This technique is great for decorating any room. Most often there is a combination of wallpaper with wallpaper light tones. However, if only a small section of the wall is selected, it is quite possible to combine them with colored wallpaper.

Combining wallpaper with wallpaper

Combining wallpaper with wallpaper

Combining wallpaper in different rooms

Different ideas for combining wallpapers allow you to decorate the interior of any room. For example, to give the originality of the living room, you can create a wall with an accent, choosing for its design wallpaper with patterns or wallpaper contrasting hue. However, combining wallpaper in the living room should not be too catchy. Sometimes it is enough to select only a part or several parts of the wall.

Combining the wallpaper in the hall

Combining the wallpaper in the hall

Combining the wallpaper in the hall

Combining the wallpaper in the hall

For children's room, where zoning of space is very often required, it is recommended to combine wallpaper with a bright children's pattern and a uniform design. For example, you can focus on the game area or zone for sports.

Combination of wallpaper in the nursery

Combining wallpaper in the nursery

Combination of wallpapers in a children

Combining the wallpaper in the children's room Photo

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen can also be carried out with the purpose of zoning any thematic zone. For example, wallpaper with an unobtrusive floral or geometric pattern can be distinguished from the dining area, and the remaining parts of the room to leave monophonic.

Ideas for combining wallpaper in the kitchen

Ideas for combining wallpaper in the kitchen

Options for combining wallpaper in the kitchen

Options for combining wallpaper in the kitchen

And by combining wallpaper in the hallway, you can give this, often a small room, extra space. It is enough just to choose suitable wallpaper of light tones or wallpaper with narrow vertical patterns.

Combining wallpaper in the hallway

Combining wallpaper in the hallway

Combination of wallpaper in the interior of the hallway photo

Combining wallpaper in the interior of the hallway photo

Combining wallpaper in the interior is a great opportunity to add bright expressive accents to the room. However, embodying this technique, remember that any detail should be in harmony with the overall style of the room.

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