Decorative wells photo

Our ancestors would have envied the presence of a well in every suburban area, because they had to go for water at the end of the street, and then carry heavy buckets of water to their house. But in those distant times they would not even guess that modern decorative wells are in most cases only elements of landscape design, and they do not fulfill their direct functions. We suggest you see how to choose the right wells and how to arrange them in accordance with the general orientation of the exterior of your site.

Why do you need a well if it does not have water

And, in fact, most often a well is used to cover rain water tanks, sewer hatches and other utilities, and only in individual cases, wells are used for their intended purpose - decorative "houses"Close the well with drinking water. In this case, such a picturesque design serves not only for aesthetic pleasure, but also performs a completely prosaic function - protects water in the well from debris, dust, insects, and in winter and from freezing.

And any house for the well is 100% exploited for decorative purposes - on the roof and on the sides plant ampel flowers, and at its base planted climbing plants. In such an unpretentious way, an ordinary well can be turned into a pergola or a shaded recreation area.

From what materials make decorative wells

Most often in summer cottages and countryside areas there are wooden wells. Natural material at all times was valued for its beauty, environmental friendliness and, importantly, reliability. In addition, buildings made of wood very easily fit into the landscape design, enough to surround the area with green grass, trees and flowers.

design of a well at the cottage

Well design in the country house

As a rule, the whole house( both the base and the roof) is made of logs or boards. The walls are laid out with brick, stone, tiles or trimmed with planed boards. The roof can be two-, three-, four-slope, with a weather vane or decorative skate, here already as it is more pleasant to whom. Here it should be noted that the roof of the well can be open and closed. In the first case, it is a canopy and carries a more aesthetic function, while in the second it closes the head of the well and plays a protective role.

You can cover the roof with anything: you can use a bar, boards, tiles( cement, ceramic, soft), metal sheets. Even bamboo is suitable for these purposes, in which case a unique design in the oriental style will turn out. A little advice from designers - if you want to accurately fit the well into the design of the site, it is better to make its roof from the same roofing material as the roof of the house.

Pillars are made from logs, they can be smooth and even or figured with carved patterns and sculptures of animals and birds. It is recommended to make a paving of concrete or paving slabs around the active or decorative well. Recently, a soft blind has gained popularity, which has better performance characteristics, does not harm the design of the well and does not allow the penetration of surface water to its walls.

how to make a decorative well

How to make a decorative well

Wooden decorative wells photo

Wooden decorative wells photo

Wooden decorative wells photo

Wooden decorative wells photo

How to decorate a well

Different situations make us think about improving the appearance of the well. Someone does not like its exterior decoration, someone got a well by inheritance from previous owners and lost old gloss due to old age. In any case, if you are interested in the question of how to decorate a well, our advice will help in this.

If your garden area is decorated in country style, with neatly arranged carts, wheels, decorative mills decorated with a wicker fence, then decorate the garden well in the same style. The easiest way is to fix the wheel from the cart to its base, thanks to such a minor detail, it will immediately fit into the general style of the site.

Design of a well in a country house

Well design in country house in country style

Wooden wells photo

Wooden wells photo

Beautiful well, drowning in greenery, surrounded by lawn grass and, for example, bushes for a hedge of juniper mixed with flower beds. To emphasize the rural style, near the well you can put a woven fence of branches or vines, and put a stone with a stone. If there is a small pond nearby, then take advantage of the case and install a wooden garden bridge through it. The main thing is to represent the whole picture of the site, then to come up with the design of the well at the dacha and make it into the exterior will be very easy.

How to draw a well on the site

How to decorate a well on the

Decorative pit on the site

site. A decorative well on the

section. One of the most beautiful ways of decorating wells is the surrounding of its densely growing flowers. For example, the roof of a well is often used as a flower garden. But the flowers can be placed on the side walls in hanging pots, and put in pots on the head of the well, and even surround its base, placing flowering plants along the perimeter of the well.

Beautiful decorative wells photo

Beautiful decorative wells photo

Decorative design of wells with flowers

Decorative decoration of wells with flowers

And the next option with the use of an alpine slide. If your well is operating, then the soil left after drilling the well, do not take it out of the plot, but build an alpine hill next to it. The abundance of stone, green vegetation and murmuring streams pacifies and creates a favorable atmosphere for recreation.

Decorative wells in landscape design

Decorative wells in landscape design

Decorative well at the cottage photo

Decorative well at dacha photo

A well in medieval style is decorated with natural stone, granite, cobblestones, and a metal dome serves as a roof of such a structure. A modern look of the well will give a minimalist style - forged poles instead of poles, polycarbonate on the roof and lack of ornate decoration. Such a well and decorating is not necessary, the main thing is that it fits into the exterior of the site.

How to draw a well photo

How to draw a well photo

And a decorative well can be decorated in a marine style. To do this, the base of the well and the pillars are wrapped in a thick rope, instead of buckets a wooden beer cask is used, anchors hang on the vertical racks, and the handle is used as the handle of the gate. Be sure, this element of the site's decor will certainly revive it and become a local "landmark", which neighbors and guests of your house will tell you about.

How to make a decorative well with your own hands

decorative garden well

Decorative well for a garden

And this part of our publication will be interesting to those masters who do not like to sit idly by. Let's see how to make a decorative well with your own hands.

For this we need a large capacity, for example, a tank. We excavate the pit in accordance with the size of the tank, and on the sides we make "allowances" of 20-25cm. For strength at the bottom of the pit, we fill the sand to a depth of 30cm, so the upper part of the tank will rise 30cm above the ground, too, but this is only to our advantage.

As soon as the tank is installed in the pit, the edges need to be sprinkled with earth and densely packed. Then surround the base with logs. In order for them to stand for a long time, a foundation about 30cm deep is poured around the well. Drill the holes and "sit down" the bottom row of logs on the anchor. All other logs are laid with well masonry to a height of 1 m.

Next we make a roof. First, you need to install racks - they are put inside the resulting square of the bar and fastened to it with nails - this will be the base of the roof. Now knock down the house two bars( we need 2 small houses), install them on the posts and connect them with cross bars - they must be tightly packed together, becausethey will play the role of a roof. You can finish the construction by installing a decorative cover on the well.

There are many options for designing wells, but the main advice that designers give is that decorative wells should not stand alone on the site. Our main task is to accurately fit them into the landscape design of the adjacent territory.

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