Holders for curtains - master class

To make curtains look more elegant and original, different decorations are used. For example, decorate the curtains with a beautiful garter. Such hooks for curtains ( or, as they are also called, holders for curtains) are sold in the store, but it is quite possible to make them yourself. We suggest you do this with us.

In order to make curtain holders by your own hands, you will need such materials and tools:

Holder for curtains by hand

Curtain holders for your own hands

  • Wooden beads - 7 pcs.
  • Threads of pink iris - 0.5 coil
  • Double-sided adhesive tape - 1 pc.
  • White Satin Ribbon( width - 1 cm) - 30 cm.
  • Scissors
  • Gypsy Needle
  • Thick and strong thread - 10 cm.

1. Cut a small strip of scotch. We glue it to the wooden bead in such a way that the adhesive tape is wrapped around the edges of the bead without hanging holes.

Holder for curtains by hand

Holder for curtains with your own hands

2. Then remove the paper layer from the adhesive tape - only the sticky transparent part remains. Fingers squeeze her to the bead to stick well. If not the whole bead is covered with adhesive tape, we stick the adhesive tape to the "bare" places of the bead.

Holder for curtains by hand

Holder for curtains with your own hands

3. Now we decorate the bead with a string of iris. First we need to decide on which side we will start winding the thread. If the left, then take the short end of the thread and press it in the center of the bead, leading the thread further towards the left hole. After that, the thread must adhere well to the bead.

Holder for curtains by hand

Holder for curtains with your own hands

4. Then start around the circle to wrap the thread with a bead. We start near the left hole, as planned. We begin to wind the thread only from there, where there is an adhesive tape - otherwise it will not hold. The tip of the thread, which we glued earlier, we hide under the circles of wound threads.

Holder for curtains by hand

Holders for curtains with your own hands

5. From the holes of the beads we move to the center: we wind the thread, pressing it carefully to the bead to stuck. The thread does not need to be tightened so much - it can "remove" the previous rows of thread from the bead.

Holder for curtains by hand

Holder for curtains with their own hands

6. The most difficult stage is winding the thread at the end, near the second hole of the bead. We do this carefully, not forgetting to carefully press the thread to the bead. Crop the thread, press its tip to the adhesive surface. One decorative bead is ready!

Holder for curtains by hand

Pick up for curtains with your own hands

7. In the same way, we make six more beads. If we need two holders for curtains - we make, respectively, another thirteen decorated beads( seven for each holder).The number of beads in the holder depends on our wishes and the thickness of the curtains: in the holder there can be ten beads pinned to each other( without lumens), and there may be only five, but with lumens of ribbons between them.

Holders for curtains

Pick up for curtains by your own hands

8. We leave to the finish line: we need to string decorated beads on a satin ribbon. To do this, we take a ribbon of the required length and a gypsy needle. Through the needle let's pass a strong thread( we took a woolen thread) and tie a knot. Then we pass the needle through the edge of the ribbon and lead the thread to the end, until the knot is "stuck" in the ribbon.

Holder for curtains by hand

Holders for curtains

9. Now we can pass the ribbon through all the beads: the needle and thread in this task will serve as a "locomotive".So, using a needle thread on the tape seven ready-made beads.

Holders for curtains

Holders for curtains

10. Then cut the ends of the ribbons with scissors so that they look fresh.

Holder for curtains by hand

Holder for curtains with your own hands

Holder for curtains is ready! Now they can turn the curtain around and fix this "construction" with a beautiful bow!

Decorative holders for curtains

Decorative holders for curtains

Workshop prepared by: Nika Strelyaeva

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