Why choose them?
Scaffolding scaffolding construction provides the opportunity to work on objects with facades of any complexity: bathing, columns, cornices, arches. In their use, they are mobile and convenient, allow free movement on repair and construction sites. This is achieved thanks to a spatially-tiered system, which is assembled from individual elements, such as racks, ties and clamps. Such a system is easily disassembled and collected, which is very important for the mobility of the work performed.
The main advantage of such forests is the simplicity of the construction, other types of scaffolding do not differ. Clamps can easily be fastened in any desired place on the profile. Such a system allows you to freely change the distance between vertical struts, both in height and width. This factor is the most important in the selection of forests for construction. There are two types of clamp construction: a professional one, which is assembled from two-inch diameter pipes, and lightweight - consists of a 1.5-inch diameter profile.
Note! Select the type of scaffold only after consulting a specialist.
Other types of structures
Vine wedge construction is also often used. They are necessary for the same purposes as the clamping woods, but they have a different design. The name comes from the peculiarity of fixing elements that are connected by a wedge. This system has the following advantages: the patented fastening is very strong, resistance to high loads, high speed of installation with minimal effort. This design is used in the following areas:
- for the installation of supporting structures;
- construction and erection of various structures;
- for exterior finishing work;
- for the construction and repair of ships, and so on.
However, there is a kind of forest, which combines the best qualities of yokes and wedge systems - wedge-slip scaffolding. It is easy to dismantle the design, allowing to establish a flooring at any height. It is used both for internal and external works in structures of any type. Woods wedge-yoke have such advantages:
- installation is very easy and fast;
- flooring can be placed without a step at any height;
- low price due to low metal consumption;
- the ability to freely move forests through the construction site.
Note! This design can be easily assembled and disassembled by only two people.
Scaffold scaffolds - exact calculation
Calculation of clamping forests is an important stage, because incorrect calculations can permanently slow down work plans and cause additional financial costs. Make a calculation is better to entrust a specialist. But to date, many sites of representatives of different firms have special calculators that allow you to independently calculate the forest.
To do this, it is necessary, first, to calculate the length and height of the assembled structure. To do this, you absolutely absolutely need to know what works the clamp construction will be used for. Secondly, a series of designs is chosen, for example, LX-60.This factor determines the maximum permissible height of the structure. Further, the required number of marches and working tiers of flooring is determined.
All these data are entered into a special calculator, and you get the required numbers. It is not difficult to make such calculations. But if you are not sure about your skills, then it's better to consult a specialist. He will give you an accurate answer about the necessary number of forests.
Important! Before calculating the forests, it is necessary to clearly understand what types of work will be performed, what they will have the maximum height, and determine the degree of their complexity.