Sealant for parquet - mask gaps in the floor with minimal loss

Slots in the floor - why are formed and how to fight?

For some time after laying the parquet you are pleased to admire the natural pattern of wood and enjoy the warmth that it gives to your home. However, unfortunately, the attractiveness of this type of flooring is short-lived. Sooner or later, in the parquet, various gaps are formed, which not only spoil its appearance, but also destroy the structure.

This happens for several reasons. Of course, a special role is played by the degree of load on the coating and the intensity of its operation - when the protective layer wears away, the wood becomes extremely vulnerable to external influences. If the cracks were formed soon after laying, then it makes sense to think about the fact that the material was not sufficiently dried. If the laying of the covering of the geometry of the strips is not observed during the laying process, slots may also form!

Wood - parquet is no exception - rather sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity in the room, it just crumbles. This is also necessary to pay attention if you find ugly cracks in the floor covering. Specialists note that soft and rather hygroscopic varieties of wood, for example beech, are the most susceptible to drying.

So, if you have discovered this type of defects on the surface, then you will necessarily have the question of what to cover the cracks in the parquet. The most optimal option for repairing parquet with their own hands will be a quality sealant or special putty.

Sealant for parquet - a modern and practical solution for

Today, in the construction market, you can easily find a variety of sealants, but some are designed specifically to remove cracks in wooden flooring. As a rule, parquet sealant is a high-quality mastic, based on an acrylic dispersion that does not contain solvents.

This product is distinguished by its absence of unpleasant odor and the possibility of staining. Due to a rather high degree of elasticity, the parquet sealant is ideally suited for filling slots in the coating, the mobility of the compounds of which reaches 15%.The sealer is perfectly suited for filling the slots not only between the parquet boards, but also in the places where the plinth is fixed.

The popularity of compositions that are based on acrylic, is due to a number of their performance properties. For example, acrylic sealants have excellent adhesion to wood, which reliably secures the coating elements, preventing further cracking. During application and drying, they do not emit harmful substances and, accordingly, are harmless to humans.

Modern sealants for masking cracks in a parquet can be one- and two-component. The latter have in their composition special additives that improve the quality of the product. For example, some of them make the composition moisture-resistant. After its application and complete drying, the parquet floor can be safely washed with water. To apply the sealant, use a special "gun".The surplus composition is easily removed from the floor surface with a damp cloth. After it dries, you can start polishing the coating and even painting it.

Parquet putty - convenient and efficient

High-quality parquet putty is perfect for removing shallow cracks in the flooring. Before applying it, care must be taken to clean cracks and crevices from dust and dirt. It is recommended to apply with a rubber spatula( if the composition is prepared independently) or an acute "spout" -component on the packaging with factory putty.

The commercially available putty may be an oil-based or acrylic base. Oil-glue putty is safe, environmentally friendly and easy to use. It forms a dense layer, capable of "breathing", is resistant to temperature changes. However, it should be noted that it takes at least 24 hours to completely dry it.

Distinctive feature of putty from the sealant is a higher degree of viscosity in the initial state and a smaller index of elasticity!

Acrylic putties, like sealants, can be used for mobile flooring, but mention this should be on the package. They do not have an unpleasant odor, are not toxic and are capable of withstanding a heavy load. Putty based on acrylic is resistant to negative effects of moisture and vibration, "friendly" to the varnish for parquet and protective mastics.

If desired, you can make parquet putty yourself. To do this, connect 1 part of the liquid glass, 1 part of small wood sawdust and 1 part of dry chalk. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed and immediately used. If necessary, dry paint can be added to it, but its amount should not exceed 5% of the total weight of sawdust and dry chalk. Thus, it remains for you to choose between sealant and putty, which can be prepared at home.

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