Self-adhesive wallpaper: features and technology of gluing

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Do you want to make cosmetic repairs without effort and effort, and even save time and money? The most correct solution will be the gluing of self-adhesive wallpaper. This, perhaps, the most convenient way in a short time to transform the interior of any room.


  • Features
  • How to glue self-adhesive wallpaper
  • Where you can glue these wallpapers

Features of the work


Because the work with such wallpaper is easy, it brings pleasure and satisfaction from creating a new style of the room.


  1. You do not need to pay special attention to the fact that you can thoroughly spread wallpaper wallpaper glue.
  2. The need to buy brushes for glue disappears.
  3. You do not need to think which glue to buy for wallpaper.
  4. No need for shrinkage calculations after drying.
  5. You can open the windows immediately after the gluing of the self-adhesive wallpaper, they will not go away.

Having purchased self-adhesive wallpaper, you will find that there is no need for glue, since there is enough of it under the counterfeit.

How to glue self-adhesive wallpaper


  1. Gently apply a strip of wallpaper to the wall, starting from the top.
  2. With slow movements remove the substrate, and the part that is bare, put on the wall, pressing it, for good gluing.
  3. If you notice that air bubbles begin to form, then after sticking the strip, carefully pierce them with a sharp object, a needle may come up, so you will expel all the air from under the wallpaper and the bubbles will go away.
  4. The second strip should be glued slightly overlapping the previous one, but this overlap should not exceed 1 cm.
  5. Stickers should be carried out in the daytime and best of all from the window, this will allow to see all the flaws and inaccuracies that arise.
  6. When carrying out the gluing of wallpaper between each other, do not allow wrinkling or warpage, such defects will be difficult to eliminate. Places joints with a special cotton cloth or wallpaper brush.

In general, summing up, it can be noted that the gluing of self-adhesive wallpaper is not much different from the usual ones. Therefore, if you already have the experience of pasting walls with ordinary wallpaper, in this case, you will not have any difficulty in applying a high quality and accurate coating to the walls.

Important point! Ideally smooth application of this type of wallpaper directly depends on the quality of the walls themselves, it affects how they are even, clean, wet or dry. Even if there are light irregularities on the surface - the effect will be spoiled, they will be visible through the wallpaper, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.

Success when gluing such wallpapers in the room will be guaranteed only if there are perfectly smooth, smooth, clean and dry walls. If there are small irregularities on the walls, they will be visible. That is why, take all possible measures in order to properly prepare the walls of the room for paving.

To facilitate the process, you must mark up each strip. Start gluing from the top, gradually going down. Removing the formed air bubbles is also necessary from above, moving from the center to each edge.

Where can I put such wallpapers


The advantages of this type of wallpaper are obvious. The outer side of them is often covered with polyvinyl, so they are not afraid of getting liquid, and sharp temperature jumps do not have any effect on them. Such wallpaper is very diverse assortment of drawings and various patterns, so that they can be used in almost all rooms. Soothing glueing wallpaper is perfect for furniture in any of the rooms, it is enough just to choose the tone of wallpaper for the color of furniture, they will be wonderfully combined, transforming the interior.

Adhesive wallpaper for a children's room with a properly selected pattern for the preferences, the nature of the baby, will be ideal assistants in the formation of the interior of the children's room.

If a child is sufficiently active and emotional, then you should choose wallpaper warmer, quieter, pastel tones. And for children, whose character is more passive, you should choose bright colors, with drawings and patterns.

Do not worry for safety - the wallpaper does not contain any harmful substances and toxins.

Adhesive wallpaper for a children's room, photo:







This kind of wallpaper is good in the kitchen, we recall that the material has moisture repellent characteristics and other useful qualities. Therefore, even if during cooking or during dinner, the wallpaper will be accidentally soiled - you can easily remove the dirt with an ordinary damp cloth. The appearance of the wallpaper will not change at all.

As a rule, in the kitchen, our temperature differs, from the standard to the hot, which appears in the process of cooking. This moment also does not affect the wallpaper, because they are resistant to thermal fluctuations.

Self-adhesive wallpaper can easily replace the so-called "apron" in the kitchen. Thanks to this you will save a decent amount of money, becausethe cost of tiles is several times higher than the cost of such wallpapers. Do not be afraid to glue the "apron" from the wallpaper around the gas stove, it will not damage the coating in any way.

Self-adhesive wallpaper in the kitchen:







Self-adhesive wallpaper for the bathroom - also an ideal option. Such coverage has sufficient characteristics to serve you faithfully for many years. You just need to choose the right color, design and texture - and your bathroom will look great.

Self-adhesive wallpaper in the bathroom:



self-adhesive wallpaper-for-bathroom1




I would like to note that today such wallpaper is often used for pasting furniture, it can be as the front sides of cabinets, and tables, and chairs. In general, any smooth surface. Thus, the old furniture can be transformed and updated the interior.

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