Wall decoration in the kitchen

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Kitchen is one of the most important premises in an apartment or house. Because of its direct purpose - cooking, this room is exposed to various harmful factors, such as temperature changes, steam, fat, high humidity, smoke, etc. All of them badly influence the interior. In order to level this harmful influence, it is necessary to choose the right way than to finish the walls in the kitchen.


Requirements for materials for finishing the kitchen walls of the


The most important requirement for the finishing materials that will be your kitchen is practical. The surface of kitchen walls should be easy to wash without losing its appearance. As a rule, work in the kitchen is associated with a constant risk of wall contamination. Splashes of various liquids( juices, coffee and tea, soups and fat broths) can eventually turn the finish into an unpleasant picture. Therefore, the surface of the walls in the kitchen should be easy to clean.

The second requirement is resistance to moisture and temperature extremes. Especially this property is manifested in winter, when cooking a large number of dishes, the room temperature rises, and then sharply decreases, and a large amount of steam is released. Unconventional materials, such as paper wallpaper, can lose their properties.

One of the most important requirements is fire safety. Cooking in the kitchen in most cases is due to the use of open fire. Therefore, it is not recommended to trim its walls with combustible materials, such as plastics.

The most popular materials for kitchen walls


Wall decoration in the kitchen with ceramic tiles. Ceramic tile. It is a classic in the kitchen decoration. It has been used successfully for quite a long period, and the popularity of such finishing is only growing. Tiles can only be laid apron - a small area of ​​the wall above the working surface, and perhaps the entire perimeter of the walls. The beauty of various drawings, different sizes, the possibility of combining - make this material one of the leaders in the rating of finishing the kitchen.


  • easy to clean,
  • is not afraid of moisture,
  • resistance to temperature changes,
  • long service life.


  • high price,
  • installation difficulty,
  • need for thorough surface preparation.


Wall decoration of kitchen with wallpaper. They are considered the simplest option for finishing the kitchen walls. Naturally, we are talking about non-woven or vinyl wallpaper. They have a special microscopic coating that allows them to be washed with a damp cloth using non-abrasive detergents.


  • low cost of materials,
  • ease of installation( you can paste them yourself for a few hours).

Disadvantages: wallpaper is traditionally afraid of direct sunlight, they just burn out on them, as well as high humidity and temperature differences that can cause them to peel off the surface.


Wall finishing in the kitchen with plaster. Plastering as a kitchen finish appeared relatively recently, unless, of course, it is considered that its similarity, which was created by the Soviet "mountain-builders" with the application of paint and whitewash. Today plasters, created on the basis of synthetic or mineral materials, can visibly revitalize the interior of the kitchen, making it more elegant. Mineral mixtures are based on gypsum, lime or cement. Synthetic is based on polymers, such as styrene or acrylic. The color of the walls in the kitchen due to the painting on the plaster can have a wide range.


  • is easy to paint,
  • not too high price of materials,
  • ease of application.

Disadvantage: need to coat plaster with special compounds to resist moisture.


Decorating the walls of the kitchen with a stone. This material is an excellent alternative to ceramic tiles. Artificial stone can create in the kitchen a wonderful atmosphere of a medieval castle. If you select the right lighting for it, the result will be very good. This material has gained popularity as an addition to the interiors in the Art Nouveau style, it perfectly harmonizes with furniture of any color and design solutions.


  • is easy to clean,
  • is easy to install,
  • has a relatively low weight,
  • is quite a nice material.

Disadvantage: high price.


Decorative wall finishing in the kitchen with MDF panels. This material is rarely used for cladding the walls of kitchen facilities. Usually MDF is made furniture, but recently a large number of designers began to use it as a decoration. The main advantage of this material is that it is possible to create an excellent wall design in the kitchen due to the combination of panels with different colors.

Pluses: beautiful appearance.

Disadvantages: is quite high cost of repair, fear of excessive moisture, and, especially, steam.

Simple finish of the kitchen wall with your own hands

For our kitchen, we chose a rather simple finish. The working area will be finished with several rows of ceramic tiles, and the rest will be covered with vinyl wallpaper.

After all the wiring is installed, start preparing the wall for the starting putty. First of all, we need to press all the wires in the grooves. This is necessary to ensure that when puttying they do not stick outward, which can damage the layer. To do this, we dilute the thick mortar of the initial putty and use a spatula to apply it to the wire grooves in steps of 0.3 m. We do this carefully. If necessary, before the putty clamps, it is easy to hold the wire with a spatula, so as not to damage it.


When the putty dries, check the walls before the primer. Easily tap them with a rubber mallet or just a fist. If there are places behind the old plaster from the wall, it must be knocked down.

Next, you need to clean the wall of the remains of old wallpaper. To do this, moisten them with water and, when they are sufficiently soaked, carefully remove the spatula. The next step is to start the priming. For this operation we use an acrylic mixture of deep penetration. We apply it with a thick paint brush. Do not grind primer. After drying the walls, we apply one more layer.

After the walls dry, start the filler. The first layer is the starting mixture. It has a larger grain size, which is very good for leveling the walls. To apply the starting putty we need the following materials:

  1. A set of spatulas.
  2. Mixer and drill.
  3. Rule.
  4. Level.
  5. Trowel.
  6. Perforated corner.


Further order of work:

  1. To begin with, we install a perforated corner on the outer and inner corners of the room. We put the putty on the corner and gently level the corner on it.
  2. Give the putty a little to dry. Then start applying the second layer. Do this neatly, in even layers, from time to time checking the rule or level for the absence of unevenness. If the walls are too crooked, be prepared that you will have to apply several layers.
  3. After applying one layer, take a large trowel and clean the roughness and roughness. Then the wall is primed again, and, if necessary, again shpaklyuem. Ideally, after the starting putty should get a flat surface.
  4. Then apply a layer of finishing putty. When diluted, its consistency should resemble thick sour cream. It is applied in a thin layer. After drying, mash with a fine mesh, and ground.
  5. The next step is to glue the working apron from the ceramic tiles. Tiles we have a standard size of 20 cm x 30 cm. Between the two rows of material, we will lay a series of decorative cant.
  6. The size of the apron should be such that it is closed for 2-3 cm at the bottom with a kitchen cabinet, and on top with a hanging drawer. To do this, knowing the height of the kitchen cabinet's pedestals, we draw with the help of a level a horizontal line - the boundary of the first row. Then, along this line, we set the support for the first row. A metal profile or a wooden bar can enter into it. We fasten it to fasteners.
  7. The surface can be primed before laying the tile. For this operation we buy special glue. We raise it to the consistency of the melted plasticine. To apply glue to the surface of the wall and tiles, use a notched spatula.
  8. Between the tiles set several crosses - they are needed to maintain the same distance between them. After installing the second tile, check its position using the level. It should be in level with the first.
  9. Tiles stacked in rows from the bottom up. If you do this for the first time, do not breed a lot of glue. While aligning the tile, it can simply dry. When the glue dries, we stack the fringing, and then the second row, etc.
  10. After laying the tiles, we erase the seams. For this we use grout for seams. They come in a variety of colors, so you can choose a shade of tiles.
  11. The final touch is the gluing of the wallpaper. This is perhaps the easiest stage of finishing the walls of the kitchen. For him we will need: wallpaper paste, paint brush, wallpaper rubber roller. We spread the adhesive according to the proportions specified by the manufacturer for a particular type of wallpaper. To avoid the formation of lumps, carefully outweigh the solution as the mixture is added. Do it better with a mixer.
  12. Then take the level and draw the vertical line. We paste the first strip of wallpaper on it. We glue the material gradually from the top down, smoothing the roller. The next strip is pasted.
  13. If the ceiling is flat, then when forming the joint of wallpaper, the end of the strip exactly matches its level. If not, an overlap is possible. In this case, do not paste the end of the wallpaper. When the glue dries, gently trim the overlap with a knife and, having missed with the adhesive compound, glue it. That's all, the finishing of the walls in the kitchen with their own hands is ready.

Walls in the kitchen: photo


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