Systems for creating a healthy microclimate in the home

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The comfortable climate of your house is inseparable from the concept of quality climatic equipment. Correctly selected and professionally assembled it contributes to the creation of a favorable atmosphere both in a private house, in an office or a production room. In addition, modern climate control systems should be consistent with the overall interior design.

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What is Climatic Equipment?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what is included in the concept of "climate control for home".This is a complex of technical devices, equipment and autonomous systems that help to optimize the climatic conditions in different rooms. To choose the right equipment, you first need to figure out what to use and what will be necessary for each individual case.


So, to create a climate in a dwelling house, most often use the following climatic equipment:

  • air dehumidifiers for excessively damp rooms,
  • humidifiers for premises with predominantly dry air,
  • air cleaners for cleaning premises,
  • convectors and heat guns,
  • air conditioners with cleaning functionair,
  • split-wall-ceiling systems,
  • multi-split systems,
  • mobile air conditioners,
  • channel air conditioners,
  • chiller systems.

Obviously, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on each of these types of technology, designed to create a climate.

Air dehumidifiers

Air dehumidifiers are very popular, especially in the autumn-spring period, when the amount of moisture in the air increases at times. The excess moisture in the house leads to such unpleasant consequences as the appearance of mold on the walls and floor, sometimes even on furniture, as well as the constant presence of a musty, raw smell. In addition, dampness has a bad effect on health and causes:

  • arthritis,
  • bronchitis,
  • premature aging of the skin.


The exit from such a "raw" situation has become a simple, but effective solution - the use of dehumidifiers. Due to the compactness and mobility of these devices, they are extremely easy and simple to operate. Among the advantages:

  • compactness,
  • low power consumption,
  • the possibility of lowering the humidity by 30-40%.

It should be noted that experts recommend not to lower the humidity below 40%, as the body will quickly lose moisture, which will lead to:

  • dehydration,
  • rapid fatigue,
  • drowsiness,
  • drying and peeling of the skin.

Air humidifiers

In contrast to air dehumidifiers that fight excessive humidity, there are special air humidifiers designed to maintain optimum humidity in the house.


Quite often the problem of over-dried air occurs with the beginning of the heating season, especially in apartment buildings, where it is not possible to control and regulate the supply of heat to the room due to a centralized heating system. Just to maintain the optimal balance between excessive dryness and excessive humidity in the winter, various air humidifiers are used. These useful devices range from traditional ones, in which humidification occurs by evaporation of water naturally, to more technologically advanced ones, such as ultrasonic humidifiers.

Air humidity is especially important for newborns and children up to one year old. Their lungs have not yet fully formed and too wet or dry climate will cause irreparable harm, which in the future will manifest itself in the form of various respiratory diseases.

Air cleaners

Air purifiers are a device that filters air at the molecular level. Passing through the purification system more inert and light gases get back into the room, and dust particles, heavy aromobenzols, carbon compounds and other unpleasant components settle on the filters. As a result, the room leaves:

  • unpleasant odor,
  • microversion from carpets,
  • dust.


It should be noted that the odor that has absorbed into walls or wallpaper air cooler can not be eliminated.


Another parameter that judges the comfortable climate of housing is the air temperature. Returning to the off-season, when atmospheric heat is not enough, and precipitation contributes to the formation of not only excessive humidity, but also coolness in living areas, convectors come to the rescue. These devices serve to heat the premises by means of air circulation, leaving far behind the habitual heaters and thermal electric fans.


The principle of the convector is that it takes from the environment, located below the cold air, which, passing through the heating elements, rises and heats the room.

Based on the same principle( air circulation), another type of climatic equipment works, namely, heat guns. From a conventional convector, the heat gun is distinguished by a much greater power of action, so it is mainly used in industrial premises.

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is the first thing that involves the arrangement of a climate system for the home. This type of equipment has appeared one of the first and is the most developed. The market presents various models from very inexpensive, low-power to high-tech, fully interactive options. Consider the types of air conditioners in more detail:

  • Split system. This is an air conditioning system consisting of two parts - internal and external, which are connected to each other by copper pipes serving to circulate freon( a special cooling component).The outdoor unit consists of a compressor and a condenser, the internal unit is in the form of an evaporator. In this case, both units are equipped with fans that are designed to create air currents and enhance heat transfer. Split systems are conventionally divided into wall, ceiling, cassette and column air conditioners, the main difference of which are the ways and places of installation of the indoor unit. The advantage of the split system is that the noise level produced in the room during its operation is minimal, since its main unit is installed outside the room.


  • Multisplit systems. Work on the same principle as conventional split-systems. The main distinguishing feature is that several indoor units are connected to the external unit. In this case, the internal blocks work as one interconnected whole.
  • Ducted air conditioners. This type of air conditioners is designed for installation behind suspended ceilings, and with the help of insulated flexible air ducts located behind the ceiling, chilled air is delivered to several rooms at once, which is convenient enough to maintain comfortable climatic conditions, for example, in private houses with a large area. An additional feature of the channel air conditioners is that, in addition to cooling the air streams, they can filter the air, clearing it of dust and bacteria. Unlike multisplit systems, channel air conditioners can not create autonomous climatic conditions in each individual room.
  • Mobile air conditioners. Recently, mobile air conditioners have appeared on the market of climate technology. This novelty has a number of advantages. They do not require special installation and are installed by the owner in any convenient place. They are easy to move from one room to another.
  • Chiller systems. Another device for air conditioning is the chiller system. The main difference from standard air conditioning systems is that instead of freon in this system, ordinary water or non-freezing liquid is used. Circulating water is cooled here with a special device - the chiller( hence the name of the system).The main advantage is that ordinary water pipes are used instead of expensive copper pipes. This makes the system both cheaper and easier to install.


Climatic equipment is the widest range of diverse systems, tools and devices that help to optimize climatic conditions in any premises, both residential and industrial.

Useful advices

Nevertheless, it should be remembered that when choosing the climatic equipment for your home, do not rely solely on aesthetic data, intuition or your own taste. For the efficiency of technology to meet expectations, it is better to turn to professionals. They can correctly calculate and take into account a number of important parameters, which the client may not even suspect. With the help of various systems and calculation programs, taking into account the individual parameters of a particular room, specialists will correctly assess the need for any functions of the new climate equipment, as well as determine its capacity.

Given all the subtle nuances of the functional of the climate system in general and climate equipment in particular, it is necessary to draw some conclusions.

  • First, do not rely on your own experience when choosing a climate system. Better to entrust it to professionals.
  • Secondly, you should clearly define what exactly you will expect from climate technology. It makes no sense to complete the house with all possible climate novelties and appliances.
  • Thirdly, if it is a question of new construction, the issue of climate systems of the future housing should not be allowed to run its course. Already at the project level, all the wishes for climate equipment and climate systems in general, should be approved and implemented during the construction process. This will avoid a lot of problems already prepared housing. For example, a house project for a cold climate should immediately include the installation of additional heating equipment. This will allow you to adjust the temperature in a particularly cold period, without additional costs for more powerful heating.

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