When choosing a type of finishing material, the ordinary consumer( amateur) is guided not least by such criterion as the possibility of carrying out all technological operations for installation independently. Such an approach saves us from the need to invite hired workers( which is not always convenient) and pay for their labor( which few people want or simply do not have extra money).
In this regard, the products, known under the general name of wall panels, are suitable as well as possible. Which of them are used for interior decoration of buildings than the types of wall panels differ from each other, what are their features - you can learn about this and much more from the proposed article.
Classification of wall panels
Such wall panels are also called dial-up, since they are characterized by a length of 2.2-4 m, width - from 12 to 30 cm, thickness up to 12 mm. Although the market can be found samples and with parameters different from those indicated.
Of this category, the most popular wall panels are made of wood( lining) and plastic( PVC).Given the width of products, this kind of product is advisable to use for finishing small areas, so in the private sector - the most popular version of wall sheathing in residential and utility rooms.
Panels designed for interior decoration, often referred to as MDF.The base is a wood-fiber board impregnated with various resins. Surface design of sheet panels is so diverse that it allows simulating almost any finishing( construction) material.
Dimensions of this kind of products are much larger than the rack( the edge - from 1 m and more), the thickness is within 3 - 7 mm. Consequently, the speed of installation significantly increases. But this is also a certain drawback. Since the panels have the correct geometry and a small thickness, you will have to level the wall to the maximum. From this point of view, independent work on the finish can create certain difficulties.
The basic version is a square with a side from 30 to 90 cm, although there are samples having the shape of a rectangle. Material for the manufacture of such wall panels is very different - plastic, MDF, fiberboard and a number of others.
In principle, the given information for a general understanding of what wall panels used for interior decoration can be, is enough, but there is one unanswered question that can not be called insignificant.
What is this or that type of product made from? Here there are certain difficulties. To recommend something concrete is meaningless, since all the features of the structure are unknown, for the interior decoration of which wall panels are purchased.
First, in which rooms will be produced, for example, repairs. Residential or not, they are heated constantly or from time to time( for example, a utility room or a cottage on arrival of owners on the site).By what scheme is the ventilation arranged? After all, the microclimate largely depends on it. There are many nuances.
Secondly, from what materials is the house built, how is its insulation made, how effective is the vapor barrier and the like.
But all the same, on the general properties of wall panels, depending on the material of the fabrication, it is worthwhile to pay attention.
Wood( and products based on it)
- "Ecological cleanliness".
- Low thermal conductivity( i.e., additional wall insulation).
- Gradually absorbs moisture. It will take qualitative ventilation.
- Deforms when sharp temperature jumps occur. Consequently, in the course of time, gaps are formed.
- Despite the strength, with careless handling of scratches on wall panels can not be avoided.
- Simple wall care.
- Cheapness of the panels.
- Large assortment.
- Material at low temperatures becomes brittle( brittle).Installation of plastic wall panels has a limitation - it is only carried out in rooms with a positive temperature.
- Insufficient mechanical strength. It is quite easy to break such a wall panel.
- Possibility of wall finishing according to the most original schemes( on the whole area, on separate segments, as combinations with other materials).
- Care - the minimum.
There are not many of them, but it is the particular weaknesses of the wall panels of glass that limit their use.
- Friability. One careless move( for example, when rearranging furniture) - and everything, again, at least "spot" repairs. And if you take into account that there are no children in a rare family, the risk of damage to the glass covering increases. By definition, all babies are uncrowded;plus toys( including, and iron).It is possible to trim walls with such panels only from a level not less than one and a half meters from the floor. By the way, not everyone likes to feel in the aquarium, so glass products in living rooms are often used as inserts in the basic finish. For example, the so-called "apron" on the kitchen wall.
- High cost. This is what stops many potential buyers.
There are several other types of panels - from gypsum, 3-D and a number of others. But they have not yet found wide distribution in the private sector, so the author does not consider it necessary to deal with their peculiarities in detail. Who are interested in the details, will be able to sort out all their pluses and minuses on their own - the relevant information is not difficult to find.