It is necessary to perform the puttying of the ceiling from gypsum cardboard for painting according to certain rules and requirements.
As is known, all the defects that are present on any basis, will be very noticeable in the event that it is dyed.
That's why, in order to exclude poor-quality performance of works and remove all possible roughnesses, the surface should be specially prepared, namely, to conduct its shpaklevanie.
In the event that all the work is done correctly, the subsequent painting will take place without any difficulties and the ceiling will acquire an attractive appearance for many years.
It is worth noting that the putty helps to hide all defects and irregularities on the ground as much as possible.
This work is carried out on the same principle, as for an even, and for a multi-level ceiling, made of gypsum cortex.
In any case, with the right approach to the matter and minimal building skills, the puttying of the ceiling is done by oneself without outside help.
For more details on how to prepare the ceiling for painting with your own hands, see the video, which is located below.
Before the surface of the plasterboard is coated with a final coating, which is called the finishing coat, it must be treated in a special way using specialleveling compounds.
In this case, the leveling composition is puttying, which must be applied to both a two-level and a solid ceiling, which is assembled using gypsum board.
Currently, there are several different types of putty, which can be divided into the starting and finishing compositions.
In addition, this finishing material differs among themselves and in composition, namely those components that make up its basis.
An important role in the plastering of the base, assembled from gypsum board, is played by a primer that makes the surface more suitable for applying the basic composition.
Almost all starting compounds in the finished form represent a thick, sour cream-like mixture.
In most cases, their main purpose is to remove all the strong drops that may be present on the surface of the base.
Also with this mixture, various technical holes and cracks are embedded.
If necessary, the starting material can be applied in several layers, each layer must be thoroughly dried before applying the next one.
In some individual cases, a reinforcing mesh can be placed under it, which makes the base of the gypsum board more durable.
In turn, the finishing compositions have a more liquid structure, which makes the surface of the base almost ideal and as flat as possible. The main purpose of this mixture is to give the base a smooth shape, so it needs to be applied in a thin layer.
Preparatory work
The puttying of the ceiling, which was assembled by their drywall, is the final stage of the works before painting, which should be approached with full responsibility.
In order to do all the work yourself, you need to prepare the appropriate tool and material.
First of all you will need the putty yourself, as well as suitable priming compositions. Also it is necessary to have at hand a special mixer, graters and spatulas.
At the first stage of work it will be necessary to properly prepare the surface of the ceiling.
To do this, remove all dust and dirt from it, and make sure that there are no any unevenness. After that, the entire surface of the ceiling must be thoroughly primed.
This is done to ensure that the adhesion of the mixture and the base of the gypsum board is as strong as possible. It is better to do this work with an ordinary roller.
After the ceiling, assembled from plasterboard, after priming will dry well, you can proceed to the next stage of work.
Now all the places of joints of gypsum boards should be reinforced with a special reinforcing tape.
This is especially true for a multi-level ceiling, which consists of a large number of differences, respectively, and has many joints.
In order to fix the reinforcing tape to the ceiling, a small amount of solution must be applied to the joint, after which it is necessary to drown the tape in it.
When installing the tape, you should take special care to ensure that it lies as flat as possible, without any distortion.
This work should be done with each joint, after which it is necessary to allow time for the joints to dry well. After that, carefully remove all the hardened pieces of the solution from the tape.
Start layer
The main purpose of the putty is to hide all roughness and defects before painting the ceiling.
When applying the starting layer of the material, it is important that you can not skip a part of the ceiling surface. Otherwise, after painting it may show serious shortcomings.
In the room in which the puttying of the ceiling, assembled from the plasterboard, it is necessary to provide sufficient lighting.
This will visually observe even the smallest shortcomings.
In case the puttying is applied in several layers, each of them must be allowed to dry and only then to apply the next.
It is recommended to dilute the mixture in small amounts to coat the ceiling. This is primarily due to the fact that the composition dries quickly enough and you just can not have time to fully develop it.
Special attention should be paid to the places where the sheet was fastened to the frame when plastering the plasterboard ceiling.
The layer of putty should be as thin as possible and do not contain any streaks, since it is quite difficult to fix them after drying yourself.
Apply the mixture with a spatula first along the surface of the ceiling, then crosswise, making sure that the grooves from the screws are filled as tightly as possible.
Special attention should be paid to fixing the corner joints and this work should be carried out in two stages.
To begin with, one side of the corner is processed and only after it dries, the second shpaklyuetsya. Thus, the entire surface of the ceiling, assembled from the plasterboard, is treated.
For more details on how to independently make a ceiling filler from gypsum board, see the video that is posted above.
The final stage of the work
In order for the surface to acquire an ideal evenness and maximum smoothness, the final puttying is carried out.
After this stage of work, the gypsum board can be painted in the preferred color. The work should be done carefully, trying to prevent any shortcomings and the formation of defects.
For the finish putty, it is best to use a wide spatula, while the mixture used should look like thick sour cream.
When applying putty, make sure that the layer is laid as evenly as possible and as thin as possible.
When performing the work on puttying the plasterboard surface with the finishing mixture, one should not rush anywhere, since the quality of work must be impeccable.
To topcoat putty acquired good cohesion with the base of drywall, and besides, was as smooth as possible, it is performed with a special trimming grid construction or fine sandpaper.
Precisely in the same way all irregularities and work-related defects are corrected.
It should be taken into account that grinding gypsum surface is performed only after the finish coat dries well and gain a good grip with the ground.
In any case, at the end of the work on the puttying of the ceiling from gypsum board, its entire surface should be not only smooth, but also smooth.
Putty plasterboard base should be carried out only by quality compounds.
When carrying out the work, it should be borne in mind that the appearance of the surface, even after painting, depends to a large extent on how the plasterboard is puttyped on plasterboard.
The slightest defect and defect is necessarily subsequently manifested, and will spoil the overall appearance of the base.
With the right approach to the business and the observance of workflow technology, plastering of the plasterboard substrate can be performed independently.