How to calculate the optimal size of windows in a wooden house - rules and advice

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People who are not professionally versed in architecture and construction are usually guided by personal impressions of what they have seen. Therefore, determining the size of windows in a future wooden house, take into account, above all, factors such as "fit" whether they are in the overall design of the house, the fashionable configuration of the blocks or not, and similar things. But the dimensions of the openings and, investigator, frames, should be precisely optimal. Why?

Windows are not only indoor lighting, but also increased heat loss. On average, up to 65% of the heat "leaves" through the glass. If we talk about the fact that large frames somewhat "increase" the duration of a daylight for a particular room, then do not forget that in the room, when the street is hot, the temperature rises. Figuratively speaking, the heat "enters" inside through the same glazing, through which it leaves in the winter. An exception to this plan can be unless the energy-saving windows, and then not fully.


The question of choosing the optimal dimensions of frames or blocks is quite complicated, since any structure is characterized by a certain degree of orientation, orientation to the sides of the world, materials( and thickness) of walls and a number of other features. Consequently, much depends on the part of the room in which the calculations are made and for what purpose it is intended.

 There is a general, "average statistical" recommendation for the ratio of the sum of the areas of all glazed openings in the room to its parameters. The approximate proportion is from 1 to 8 to 1 to 10. The interval between the window sill and the floor is about 1 m.

But this is the theory. And how to determine an acceptable option in practice? Owners of private buildings have an advantage - they have the right to choose, whereas residents of "high-rise buildings" simply do not have it.


What to take into account

The arguments below are only recommendatory in nature.

The role of this wall in the interior of the premises. If only one window is supposed, then it is usually located in the center, leaving sidewalls for furniture placement. The most rational placement of the window opening is on the wall, which is better illuminated. Light side .If this is how it is planned to place a large block, then you will have to spend additional money on the protective film. Various blinds and curtains from sunlight will protect, but from thermal - no. That's why experts in such cases recommend using light-shielding films that "extinguish" up to 80% of the IR spectrum. The best sides of the world in terms of energy efficiency are the west and south.

Room specification .Large windows are more suitable for such premises as a living room, kitchen, library and the like. But in the bedrooms, utility rooms to install them is hardly advisable.


Configuration of the room .If the room looks like an elongated rectangle, then one window, even a large one, will obviously not be enough. For uniformity of illumination over the entire area, it is advisable to equip them from 2 to 3, maybe even smaller.

Several tips for planning the house in parts of the world:

  • North - kitchen, utility rooms( toilet and bathroom, pantry and the like).
  • East - bedrooms.
  • The south - a drawing room, an office, a dining room, a nursery, that is those premises where the household spend quite a lot of time during the day.

Dear reader, I already realized that there is simply no standard for a private house. Therefore, when determining the size of a particular window, it is necessary to be guided by expediency. And what to consider, has already been said.

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