We rub the seams of the tile in the bathroom with our own hands

We rub the seams of the tile in the bathroom with our own hands

The grouting of tile joints in the bathroom with your own hands will provide effective protection of interlacing joints and update the interior of the room.

The main thing is to choose a quality grout and properly carry out finishing work.

To date, the market of finishing materials offers this type of products to the consumer in a wide range.

When choosing a grout for tiles in the bathroom, you need to pay attention to the technical characteristics of the proposed composition.

Typically, this is an indicator of its water resistance, the shrinkage parameters after the ripening of the mortar joints, the level of moisture absorption and the degree of adhesion to the substrate. And also the strength of the finished finish.

From the existing range of trowels, it is better to choose the manufacturer's products with a well-deserved reputation.

Italian and German brand mixes Mapei, Litokol and Schtern are expensive products of high quality.

But Atlas, Plitonite 3 and silicone grout Ceresite are in the middle price category, they are of good quality, because of what they enjoy high consumer demand.

If the experience is not enough, but you plan to save money and carry out repairs in the bathroom with your own hands, it is better to purchase an inexpensive cement compound.

Cement grout is viscous and elastic, due to which it is obedient even in the hands of an inexperienced tiler. It is convenient and easy to work with, the only minus - the cement composition after the opening "lives" not for long.


If you rub the interlacing seams in the bathroom, a professional is taken, it is better to invest in high-quality and expensive grouting.

In this case, an epoxy mixture is suitable, but do not forget that its use requires experience.

Epoxy grout quickly hardens, as the composition can not be updated, it is necessary to work qualitatively and without delay.

Let's consider more in detail the technical parameters of both materials, which will allow you to choose the right grout and make by your own hands the quality formation of seams in the bathroom between the tiles.


  • Types of cement-based grouts
  • Types of grout on an epoxy basis
  • How to choose the color of grout for interlacing seams?
  • Technology of trowelling of tiles

Types of cement-based grouts

Trowelling dry composition based on cement is usually packaged in packs of 1-2 kg. To conduct the working process, dilute the mixture with the required amount of water.

How to properly prepare such trowelling mixes, will tell the material offered in the article.

At the moment, the Polish Atlas grout is in high demand. Products "Atlas" is made of three types: two on cement basis, the third - two-component epoxy mixture.


The first version of "Atlas" is used for the design of narrow intertitic seams. The second option "Atlas" on a cement base is used to produce seams with a gloss effect.

The price for "Atlas" depends on the constituent components of the finishing material.

Grout for tiles in the bathroom of the Finnish company Kesto arrive on the shelves of building stores in ready to use form. They are packed in plastic containers with a volume from 1 to 20 kg.

The price of this grout exceeds the cost of dry cement mixtures, but the solution can not be spoiled by the wrong ratio of components, since all the proportions are connected by the manufacturer himself.

Silicone trowel for joints of bathroom tiles - Ceresite, recommended for inexperienced tilers.

The composition hardens after cooking is not soon, due to which it is convenient to use them, as there is time to correct the seams and remove excess mix.

The price for this type of finishing material is suitable for middle class consumers.

The price of Mapei Ultracolor Plus is high, but it can be considered the best option for expensive bathroom repairs. In this case, the price is fully justified by quality.

Cement trowelling consists of water repellent components and polymers. The solution has the property of quickly setting, so the surplus mixture must be removed immediately.

Epoxy grout types

Epoxy grout is manufactured using epoxy resins and a special hardener.

As a rule, such formulations are completely ready for use and do not require any foreign additives, they can be used immediately after purchase.


You can learn more about the workflow with epoxy trowel mixes from the video of the plot.

As the epoxy grout is endowed with a strong viscosity and hardens in a matter of minutes, it is difficult to work with it. The composition is not suitable for making joints smaller than 4 mm.

The price of epoxy grout depends on the type of its components and color. In any case, do not expect that the price for epoxy finish may be lower than for cement mix.

If your choice is to stop with epoxy finish for the bathroom, then it's better to pay attention to the two-component composition "Atlas".

It is recommended for the design of joints of surfaces subject to stains, with frequent cleaning. Grout "Atlas" has a high index of mechanical strength, absolutely water resistant.

"Atlas" - is a good barrier to acids and biological factors.

High level of chemical and mechanical stability is capable of providing a two-component grouting on the epoxy base of Litokol. It is used to make seams from 1 to 15 mm.

The tiler can also do the work with his own hands without much experience, since the mixture can be easily removed before curing.

The main thing in the working process is to use protective gloves. The solution, consisting of paste and catalyst, is mixed before the beginning of work, it is very corrosive and strongly irritates the skin.

The price of the material is high, but as you can judge from the photo, the result works on quality.

The color of the Litokol brand includes about 90 options, so choose a grout to update the interior of the bathroom, there is something.

How do I choose the color of the grout for the interlacing seams?

Determining which grouting mix for the seams of tiles to choose by composition, in order to fully update the bathroom interior, it is still recommended to pay attention to its color.

The color soluble mixture and the color of the bathroom tile should match each other.

Manufacturers have taken care of the development of a color scheme for grouting, taking into account which you can choose the right color. Below the photo shows the main layout of flowers.

Layout of colors

For grouting joints of standard tile size, it is recommended to choose a contrasting color.

Contrasting shades expressively and strictly reflected on the surface.

At the same time it is worth remembering, what would not be used in the work expensive tiles and grout, poorly held styling will emphasize the contrast color.

The choice of grout for processing the seams of transparent and glass mosaic, laid in the bathroom, must match the color of the product.

In this case, use the same clear solution.

The color of the trowel for a mosaic with an interesting relief should not be contrasting, it will brightly reflect the size of the tile in the bathroom, but at the same time, it will eclipse its texture.

Find the right color for the seams of bathroom tiles will be easier if the choice is made by taking a sample of the finishing product to the store.

After choosing the solution material, do not immediately buy a large package of the composition on the entire surface.

It may be that the chosen color of the grout does not strongly fit the tile, so it is better to buy a small packing.

After processing the minimum working area, and seeing how the shade is combined with the tile, you can buy a large packaging.

Having developed a package of a mixture, it will be possible to get an idea of ​​what mass will be needed to update the surface the next time the bathroom is repaired.

Technology of trowelling of tiles

Grouting of butt seams in the bathroom begins after the day, after installation. The maturing time depends on the thickness of the layer used and the humidity of the air.

Before starting to work, it is recommended to make sure that the tile is kept firmly and does not walk when pressed.


If the glue does not properly grasp both surfaces, the tile may slip when removing its surplus from the joints.

In any case, do not delay the grouting of the joints for a long time, since it will be difficult to remove the well-dried adhesive.

In addition, when removing strongly hardened surpluses, there is a risk of damaging the edges of the tile.

If the grouting of the joints is postponed, it is recommended to remove the adhesive, and at the appropriate time to deal with the seams.

But it must be remembered that garbage, dust and moisture can get into unprotected seams.

In order for the grout to adhere well, the glue from the joints is removed for the entire thickness of the finishing product.

If the removal of the adhesive layer is uneven, then unattractive spots appear on the surface of the joints.

Tools that will be needed for work:

  • shaped spatula;
  • rubber spatula;
  • spatula for leveling;
  • rectangular container;
  • rubber spatula for kneading.

How to look above the types of spatulas can be seen in the photo.

Tools for grouting

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. With the help of a figured spatula, the excess glue is removed from the tile, the dried crosses are removed by clippers;
  2. In a plastic container, mix the dry mixture with water to the consistency of sour cream. Give to stand for 6-7 minutes. Portions make small;
  3. Using a rubber spatula, gently fill the inter-joint seams. Work movements are perpendicular to the seams. The grout is carefully rubbed so that there are no voids in the joints. Remove excess by spatula, moving along the seam;
  4. With a spatula for leveling, surface grouting is performed. In this case, do not zeal and smooth the seams with your bare fingers, as some types of formulations are too caustic;
  5. With a slightly damp sponge remove the mixture from the tiles, do not allow the composition to dry out. The sponge must be constantly clean, so it is often washed with water. If you use even a fine abrasive to remove the hardened solution, you can scratch the surface of the tile;
  6. Fine abrasive grinds the seams. For the convenience of its use with sandpaper wrap the edge of the spatula and gently, until the appearance of smoothness, conduct grinding.

To learn more about the process of mashing the seams of tiles in the bathroom will allow the proposed video.

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