The correct laying of facing bricks is not only professionals!

Solution problem

For brickwork, which will be painted or covered with other materials, there are no problems with the seams. However, for walls made of decorative slate - this is a very pressing problem, because the masonry will always be in sight. Therefore, a careful approach to the choice of the type of mortar, the joints to be used in the masonry, the thickness of the application of the mixture is necessary. This is done in order to obtain a better ratio of the thickness of the seam and the brick, and the ideal color solution.

It is rather difficult to do this, and it is necessary to participate both as an architect and as a master who will conduct the work. Different solutions are classified depending on the astringent additives that are included in their composition. According to these data, the solutions can be divided into several groups:

  • Mixtures in the form of dry powders;
  • The mixture is based on lime;
  • Mixtures for the performance of facade works.

Also all solutions are divided into types depending on mechanical resistance. In addition, the composition distinguishes between cement and mixed solutions. Focusing on the purpose of using the composition, it is possible to add various impurities to it: antifreeze additives, accelerators or retarders of setting time, plasticizers.

Note! When choosing the type of solution required, it is necessary to clearly know the conditions in which the brickwork will be made.

How is bricklaying made?

The finishing with facing brick is equivalent to the process of installation of ceramic masonry. In this regard, it is necessary to take the bricks from different packages at once, in the same way as in the case of using ceramics. The installation of decorative bricks requires certain rules:

  • It is necessary to determine the thickness of the joint, the level and the number of laying layers. For this, a stretched rope and level is used to align the outer rows;
  • The first row is laid out in a "dry" way to check the correctness of the future masonry;
  • It is always necessary to check the level and horizontality of all laid surfaces;
  • At work it is necessary to try to avoid pollution of bricks.

Before putting the brick, it should be lowered into the water - this helps to slow the drying out of the solution, and also flushes all possible dust from the material. The mixture must be evenly distributed throughout the surface. The brick is put on the mortar and sliding movement moves close to the previous block so that it is possible to fill the vertical gap. Then tap on it with a hammer for a more thorough grip. After laying the entire structure should be covered with polyethylene to protect against possible precipitation.

Important! Using dry mixtures, carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations for use and the method of batching.

Final works of

For a better understanding of how cladding brickwork is done, the video will be an excellent training material for you. When all the main work is done, it is necessary to proceed to cleaning the masonry. This process should be perceived as mandatory, because it is a logical conclusion of the work. Cleaning is done for two purposes: removing excess salt from the surface and removing all contaminants, residual solutions. These actions must be carried out with the following precautions:

  • Avoid skin contact with acidic materials;
  • Avoid contact with acid solutions of all metal parts and parts.

For cleaning, a perchloric acid solution of ten percent is used. This mixture is obtained by mixing one part of perchloric acid and nine parts of water. After the beginning of the cleaning of the masonry, this process must be continued until the entire surface has been completely cleaned. Important! For this work it is absolutely necessary to use protective clothing.

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