In the interior, not only is the interior decoration or furniture arrangement important, but also the correct window decor. It would seem that this is the part that does not require special investment and attracts attention in the last place, but it is not so.
- Curtains of plish and blinds as an element of interior design
- Characteristic features of curtains pleated
- Advantages of decor with curtains pleated
- Curtains control
- pleated Curtains pleated
- Curtains pleated with their hands
- Curtains pleated in the interior. Photo
- Curtains pleated. Video
Harmoniously designed with the interior of the entire room window, can create comfort and comfort to the household. And vice versa, whatever the interior of the apartment, if the window looks foreign - it will spoil the whole impression of the room as a whole.
Nothing so decorates the window, like smart curtains, matched correctly, according to the general style of the room. They are able not only to decorate the room beautifully and to stylize it, but also will tell about the creative beginning of their owners. Today, quite often, plush curtains or blinds displace curtains. It would seem, strictly, but this has its own zest. Today we will talk about the design of window space curtains pleated, and specifically about what they give the interior, what is their specialty and how to make them own hands at home.
Curtains plizzus and blinds as an element of interior design
It is not necessary to talk a lot about blinds, everyone has a picture of them. This is a kind of dense for the window, created by means of plates( vertical or horizontal) made of plastic, or maybe of another material. Curtains pleated in something similar to them, but it should be noted that their main advantage is naturalness and a certain grace. As a rule, such curtains are made of paper or corrugated textiles.
To date, pleated curtains - this is not only a practical thing, but also decorative. Therefore, many seek to improve the window space, both classical forms and non-standard ones. Still, because manufacturers have tried, and in the stores we are waiting for a wide selection of curtains: various monochrome colors, curtains with prints, design solutions. Yes, and the price, frankly, is also an advantage.
If we talk about the universal side of such an acquisition, the pleated curtains are not only suitable for windows, but also for the decorative component of the interior, for example, they can decorate any glass elements, whether on walls or on a ceiling. Often in country houses there are spacious terraces and attics, which have glazing. Such a design is also admirably combined with curtains pleated. Of course, the list of application of such curtains is huge, but here the correct design is important. For example, it is worthwhile to understand that if there are high ceilings in the room, it is often houses of Stalin's construction, then vertical blinds of plisse are inappropriate in this case. Thus, the ceiling will become even higher, because the room visually will be narrowed.
The use of horizontal or vertical pleated blinds can influence the geometry of the room. This must be taken into account.
Features of curtains pleated
- The main fabric for such curtains are crocheted fabrics. Their reverse side usually has a spraying with an outflow: pearlescent or with an aluminum effect. This spraying plays an important role, it reflects light and gives a cool room, which is especially useful in hot summer days.
- Blind curtains are necessarily subjected to antibacterial and acoustic treatment. They at times increase protection from sunlight, the heat load becomes less, absorption improves. Thus, the curtains help get rid of the so-called greenhouse effect.
The advantages of pleated curtains are pretty much all of which are vividly represented in the reviews of those people who purchased them.
- Completing materials for the development of curtains are aluminum, high-quality plastic and steel. Fittings, as a rule, are presented in four color shades - white, bronze, brown and silver. But since the buyer's desire is a law, many manufacturers go to a meeting and paint the details in the right color.
- As for the fabric of curtains pleated, they have more than 300 different design solutions and colors.
- The dimensions of curtains in plisse width are from 30 cm to 2.3 m. The height can be up to 2.6 m.
The advantages of decor with curtains pleated
- As the fabric has sun protection, it does not burn out under their influence. Therefore, the service life of curtains at times increases.
- The material is not whimsical, does not dust and does not need special care.
- Cleaning the curtains will happen quite easily. Fold them carefully, place the roll in warm water, in which a certain amount of detergent should be added in advance.
Curtains management pleated
Curtains pleated include some mechanisms, with which it is quite easy and convenient to manage them. There are 3 ways of regulation: manual, rope and chain. The most accessible in financial terms is the rope way. But the most practical will be the chain.
Particular convenience of control will be if it is attached to the window sash. There are customers who would like to automate the management of curtains even more. For such people, manufacturers offer an electric drive mechanism. Thus, you can not get up from the couch to cover or open the blind with the help of the control panel.
Types of curtains pleated
There are two types of curtains pleated, the difference is in the materials used.
- With the use of tissue. According to the characteristics, reliable and durable appearance. The fabric can be of any color, both monophonic and ornamental. In addition, it can even be transparent. The famous model "Day and Night" is loved by buyers by the fact that in the daytime they become lighter, and at night they are opaque. Those.even at sunrise you will not wake up from a dazzling glow.
- Paper. This kind, of course, is much more vulnerable than the previous one. Usually it is used as a temporary option. Such a design can easily be built with your own hands. But do not forget that making home decor blinds pleated gives them even more fragility, as a rule they do not stand physical pressure at all, therefore they are short-lived. If you accidentally damage the paper curtains, you will have to replace them. Although, having enough time and desire, you can do them yourself permanently.
Curtains pleated with their own hands
For those who like needlework, making curtains with their own hands will bring pleasure. You can not only beautify your room, but also boast in front of friends and acquaintances. So, according to our instructions you can easily make curtains pleated at home yourself.
What you need for this:
- Wooden slats wide with a window.
- The paper is longer than the height of the window.
- Adhesive.
Glue one end of the prepared paper to the strip using glue.
Fold the whole width of the small piece of paper on the paper.
Then glue another bar to the other edge of the paper.
Connect the two straps for a couple of hours.
To adjust the height, use a rope. Make holes around the edges, insert a rope in them, fasten the top and bottom straps.
As you can see, making curtains of pleated paper at home will not take much time and will not take away strength. It remains only to attach the curtains to the window opening.
Curtains pleated in the interior. Photo