Wooden hanger

Everyone knows that "the theater starts with a hanger".It is worth noting that not only in public establishments the coat hanger plays an important role, but also in apartments and houses. Indeed, the absence of this important piece of furniture can cause confusion in the hallway. Today, there are many different kinds of hangers of various shapes and designs on sale, but it will not be difficult to do it yourself from improvised materials. About how to do this - we will tell further.


  • Product design selection
  • Clothes hanger outdoor with your own hands
  • Suit hanger outdoor wooden
  • How to make a wall hanger
  • Hangers outdoor wooden: photo

Product design choice


For the manufacture of clothes hangers, usually use wood. But not every material is suitable for this. You should choose the most dried and solid wood. If the material is not properly dried, then after a while it can lose its shape. It is recommended to give preference to pine from all types of wood for a hanger. This material is good in that it can be easily processed and at the same time has a low weight. If you decide to use an oak array, it should be noted that it is more difficult to handle and heavier. Parts of the hanger made of wood are usually joined together by glue. To him are similarly presented some important requirements. By the way, glue in the presence of undried wood can lose its adhesion, because of the release of moisture material.

Very important role is played by the choice of the form of the hanger. In this case, it should be borne in mind that for this piece of furniture you need at least three supports, the length of which depends directly on the height of the product. Thus, it turns out that the higher the hanger, the more massive and more it should have supports. Often, this product is intended not only for outerwear, but for trouser suits, so that in one place you can store all your clothes. For this purpose, the width of the hanger is usually more than usual. Thus, many different clothes can fit here.

When you have decided with the hanger model, you should draw a diagram, which will indicate the exact dimensions of the future product. And it is desirable to describe the dimensions of even the smallest details. This will come in handy in the course of manufacturing the product. When the circuit is ready, you can proceed with the installation of a floor stand for clothes made of wood.

Clothes hanger for outdoor use with their own hands


For the manufacture of the product you need:

  • saw,
  • knife,
  • drill,
  • nest,
  • chisel.

Necessary materials:

  • uneven bars of the right size,
  • boards,
  • wood glue,
  • screws,
  • stain for processing the product,
  • varnish.

When all this is there, you can start working. It is desirable to determine in advance the shade of the future product. In general, light wood can be painted in almost any tone. To do this, just apply the stain until the surface of the hanger is the right shade. When covering with stain or lacquer, it is necessary to place a substrate under the product. Otherwise, drops can accidentally get to the floor. Varnish should be used only after the stain has dried completely. In general, with a varnish because of a strong smell it is best to work in a room that is well ventilated or, in general, outdoors. After opening with lacquer, the product should be wiped with a rag soaked in a weak solution of vinegar.


Let's take a closer look at the order of the works:

  1. First you need to prepare the wood. In particular, the tree trunk is cleaned of bark and rough knots. In no case should the cortex be left, no matter how much it would be desirable to give the product a more natural appearance. After all, if you leave it, it will gradually crumble, thereby creating an additional reason for cleaning the room. In addition, the cortex is often a habitat for small insects.
  2. The bark can be removed using an ax or knife. After this, you should walk a few times on the wood first rough, and then fine sandpaper. The surface in the end should become smooth, at least in order to prevent clinging to the knots of clothes.
  3. After this, the base of the product should be made. It is worth saying that all the elements of the hanger( legs and tripod) are desirable to make one whole. You should not start with a cross. Otherwise, if it is then attached to the hanger itself, the structure may eventually loosen. It is necessary to adhere to the following rule - the lower edge of the tripod must be made on the same plane with the sole of the legs.
  4. After this, you can proceed to measure the diameter of the barrel. Removed dimensions will be needed to select a bar of suitable width. If the bar is wider than necessary, then you can cut it along the length of the saw to the required size.
  5. Normally, the height of the hanger is about 1.7 m. For a product of this height, the crosspiece should have a deflection of about 30-32 cm. Therefore, a pair of bars 65 cm long will be needed. They will need to be cut in half to get four blanks with a length of about 30-32 cm
  6. The most difficult thing is to attach the legs to the round barrel. If you simply attach the bars, the design will turn out to be unstable, and after the first fall, it will most likely fall apart. It is more correct to put the tripod on the floor and attach the leg pieces to it. To connect them, you will need to make triangular wooden inserts. Then they are attached to the bars using self-tapping screws.
  7. To strengthen the product in the places of attachment of triangular elements to the legs and trunk, it is necessary to drill a hole a few millimeters in diameter smaller than the diameter of the fasteners. It will need to be filled with glue in the future. Only after this you can screw self-tapping screws. Sometimes, in order to stabilize the construction, holes, other than glue, are also filled with rubber pieces.
  8. To give the finished hanger functionality, it is necessary to add hooks for outerwear to it. They can be made at some distance from the trunk. One important rule should be observed here. In order for the construction not to fall, the center of gravity of the clothes hung on the clothes hanger should not be outside the crosspiece.
  9. Hooks can be used as homemade or decorative. In any case, they can not be attached directly to a tripod, because the clothes hanger is quickly worn out and will become unusable. You can do this: take the bars and cut out of them a square with a side slightly larger than the diameter of the barrel. Initially, the hooks are attached to this square of wood, and then to the product itself. Thus, they will be securely fixed, and thus will not contact the "body" of the product, which due to this device will last longer. This is especially useful for wardrobe hangers, which are used quite often.

You yourself can decide which hooks to use - decorative or homemade. However, if you make them yourself from wire, they will not have a very attractive look. Therefore, it is better to give preference to decorative hooks purchased in the store. They are attached to a tree usually with a pair of screws. If you have the necessary skills, you can use a chisel to cut openings of a square shape, where you should then "hide" the hooks. This will look better than simply planting on self-tapping screws. When the hooks are in place, you need to connect a square wooden insert to the top of the product with a few screws.

As for the hanger itself, it can be painted with paint or varnished. Choose a shade to your taste, but it is better to choose a style of finishing the room, where there will be a wooden hanger floor for the hallway. A layer of paint or varnish is applied at least two times.

The base for the outdoor wooden hanger should be quite heavy and stable. As it can be adapted from the floor lamp, the skirt of the floor fan or buy a stand for the New Year tree.

Suit hanger outdoor wooden


The above hanger is not suitable for men's suits. Therefore, they make products of a slightly different design. Wood is also used as the main material. To collect such a hanger, you must first measure and cut the workpiece, according to the specified dimensions. Then they are carefully processed and ground. After that, the fixing holes are made in the right places.

Next, according to the scheme, the product itself is assembled and its finishing finish is carried out. Remains to attach to the base pieces of rubber or wheels. A little more detail about assembling such a hanger: first the vertical posts are screwed to the base with 4 large screws. Then, between these supports is inserted and screwed with a small screw. Further, a trouser holder is inserted into the holes of the vertical pillars. To securely fix it, the kiyanka is useful. After this, the design is screwed to the vertical posts using four screws. Then the hangers are screwed on. The hanger for the suit is ready for use.

How to make a wall hanger

The basis of such a hanger is the shield on which the hooks are placed. It can be made both solid and latticed. For the latter, less material is needed, and it is also easier. To assemble such a shield, take a pair of bars and attach them parallel to each other with dowels. After that, they are nailed to vertical bars about 8 cm wide, and already hooks are attached to the boards.

The dimensions of such a hanger can be different and mainly depend on the dimensions of the wall and the whole room. It is possible, if desired, to decorate it beautifully: cover with varnish, dye or film with a self-adhesive film. In any case, do not forget how to handle the ends and edges, so as not to leave any rough edges. If there is a desire, you can make a shelf in the upper part of the hanger with metal corners in the form of a board about 25 cm wide, where the hats will be stored. If the hanger is made to the full height of the wall, then in the lower part usually arrange a shelf for shoes. For reliability, it is desirable to install from the bottom bars measuring 5 × 5, which will support this shelf. Wooden hangers: photo

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