The more beautiful and inexpensive to trim the base of the house - 3 versions of the material

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The basement is the part of the foundation that rises above the ground level. Consequently, the same requirements apply to its finishing as to the whole base. It consists of a whole complex of measures - equipping the blind area, preliminary plastering( not always), waterproofing and a number of others. Nuances are determined by the characteristics of each structure and local conditions.

But when all the work is completed, the question arises - what is presentable to finish the cap? It is desirable that both beautiful and not too expensive and difficult. Materials for finishing the cap is more than enough. But the price for some products is such that not everyone is able to "shell out" such money. In addition, for the installation of certain products requires experience, special equipment, which is also associated with additional costs. And from this point of view, there are not so many options for inexpensive finishing.


This design is suitable for buildings built from almost any material( concrete cellular, brick, etc.), except for wood, since it is unlikely that the plaster foundation will be in harmony with it.



  • Good vapor permeability.
  • mosaic_plaster Resistance to liquids. The degree of moisture permeability depends on the type and amount of special additives introduced into the plaster solution.
  • Withstands temperature fluctuations, its high values.
  • Easy operation.
  • Good maintainability.
  • The ability to simulate various facing materials( for example, natural stone and a number of others).Everything depends on the imagination and professionalism of the master.
  • If you want, you can regularly change the color registration of the cap at a relatively low cost.
  • Minimum material costs.


  • Insufficient strength and, consequently, a short operating period.
  • The need for frequent renovation of the paintwork( in case of surface application of the composition).
  • Complexity of care. To clean up the pieces of dirt that has fallen is quite problematic - basically, only "dry" cleaning. In terms of maintenance, decorative plasters are preferable, but they are quite expensive.

Finishing features

  1. grid It is recommended to pre-mount on a plinth, for example, plates of expanded polystyrene( extruded).It simultaneously plinths and insulates, and level the surface.
  2. The mesh( plaster) is attached to the substrate thus obtained.
  3. Coloring. Naturally, the composition used must meet all the necessary requirements( for example, moisture and frost resistance - read about the choice of paint here).
  4. There are conflicting recommendations on the coloring of plaster. Someone advises to inject the dye composition directly into the solution. Argument - even with the slightest damage, the monotony of the cap is not violated.
There is another opinion - to paint "on top", since this treatment will block all pores and prevent moisture penetration. But the question arises: what about the vapor permeability? If there is a basement room, and even intensively used, a question of no small importance.

Siding panels

Of course, not all are on sale, but only those that are designed specifically for the socle. By the way, they can finish and walls.



  • Strength and reliability of the liner. It protects the foundation well.
  • Care of complexities does not represent - panels are easy to clean.
  • The ability to quickly replace a damaged product.


  • cokolnyj_sajding The process is more time consuming( read the article about installing the siding).
  • This decoration is more expensive, since the cost of the panels is added to the cost of the frame elements( slats, fasteners).

Features of finish

  1. Pre-installed crate. Since the finish of the socle is made from the outside of the building, it is desirable to use a metal profile, rather than wood, as rods - it is prone to rot.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the sealing of all connection points, as well as correctly calculate and maintain the necessary clearances( in the case of temperature deformation of products).

Stone( artificial)

In principle, the method is also relatively inexpensive and effective, if you choose the right type of product( use temperature, strength, and so on).



  • Artificial stone is easy to make at home - this we wrote here. This will slightly increase the time for the production of works, but will significantly reduce their total cost.
  • A variety of options for facing( appearance).
  • Durability, long service life.
  • Good maintainability.
  • Light weight and easy fixing. Artificial stone can be simply glued to the substrate.


  • as-glue-stone Works are carried out only at "plus" temperatures. This is determined by the properties of the recommended adhesives. It should be noted that with some you can work with a "minus" on the street. But here there is a certain complexity - how correctly to calculate the size of gaps between products? Therefore, "winter" work requires some experience.
  • The process is quite painstaking and time-consuming, you need increased attention and accuracy.

Features of the finish

Much depends on the material based on the imitation of natural stone. Practice shows that it is not everyone who will be able to perform such work independently - finishing. Most likely, it is necessary to pay for someone's services.

There is no point in bringing comparisons of materials at prices, They depend on so many factors that it is simply impossible to take into account everything. One must not forget the simple truth - it is not always possible to put an equal sign between the concepts of "cheap" and "quality."


Plastering plinth - the most economical version of , which does not require the involvement of professionals. But if financial possibilities allow, it is better to stop on the 2nd or 3rd options.

Practical recommendations

  • If the house is erected on a pile foundation, a supporting frame is pre-assembled, which is covered with any material. The main requirement for it is moisture resistance.
  • When calculating the cost of work, you need to look not only at the price of the material, but also take into account the costs of its installation. In addition, an important factor is the service life. It is more reasonable to buy a product for decoration more expensive and durable than to regularly repair the lining of the cap and at the same time to spend money again.

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