How to permanently get rid of ants in the house - all effective means

Ants have a "reputation", undoubtedly better than cockroaches, flies, bedbugs and other domestic insects. They are often cited as examples, as an example of hard work, perseverance and coherence of action. But those who encountered these representatives of the animal world in their own homes know that getting rid of ants is the most difficult.

Chemistry on guard

sredstvo-raptor-ot-muravev The most effective and easy way to get rid of ants is to use special chemicals. Excellent coping with this task Raptor, Regent, Ruby and well-known Masha. The agents in sprays are good because they can be sprayed directly onto the anthill or in places difficult to access for staining with chalk( on cabinets, inside suspended ceilings).Fine or gel conduct lines along the ant tracks and draw a continuous contour along the perimeter of the room. When using a specialized product, follow the manufacturer's instructions and then ventilate the room.

Folk remedies

In a house where there are small children or pets, the use of chemical means of destroying ants is undesirable. Although many manufacturers are talking about their safety, the need to use gloves when preparing baits or processing, puts these claims in doubt. The "grandmother's" methods will come to the aid.

  • Ants do not tolerate strong odors. Garlic, citrus crusts or clove umbrellas, heaps of turmeric or cinnamon, laid out along the tracks and in places of insects, scare the ants away. You can also use essential oils by swabbing the border near the food storage areas. The remedy is absolutely safe, but it does not last long - until the odor disappears.
  • Soap destroys ants and rinses off chemical traces on which they are oriented. To do this, sprinkle a solution of 1 teaspoon of any liquid soap or detergent in a half liter of water.
  • Earlier in the villages honey jars and containers with other, attracting ants, were greased along the edge with unrefined vegetable oil. Insects could not overcome this barrier.
  • Boric acid is a poison for ants. With its help, you can not only scare off insects, but also get rid of all the individuals that live in an anthill. A bag of boric acid( sold in a pharmacy and weighs 10 grams), a teaspoon of sugar or honey, the yolk from a hard-boiled egg are mixed together. The mass is decomposed into small groups in places where insect clusters are seen. The ants eat the poison themselves and take it to an anthill, and in 10-15 days your house will be clean.
  • If you are afraid to use boric acid because of children or animals, scatter raw corn flour or manga along the ant trails. Getting into the stomach of an insect, they swell and cause death.


Cleanliness is the key to peace of mind

No chemical or folk remedy can help you get rid of ants if there is water on the floor of the crumb, in the sink there is water, and on the table there are utensils with the remains of food. If the ants have absolutely nothing to "profit" at your house, they will leave themselves. Therefore, especially carefully monitor the cleanliness, store cereals and sugar in jars or containers, sweets - in sealed containers, fix the mixer and do not allow water dripping into the sink.

61 The main thing in dealing with ants, do not allow an anthill to be in your house. If you notice that the number of insects has risen sharply, this may indicate that you have settled a separate colony. Trace the paths and main places of the ant cluster. To do this, you may need to push aside the kitchen furniture, dismantle the plasterboard boxes. If you find a nest, getting rid of the ants will be easy.

An anthill in a hard-to-reach place can be filled with gasoline or diesel oil( enough 30-50 ml per anthill).Ants in this place will no longer appear for years.

All methods of fighting ants will be effective only if your apartment or house is the place where they are looking for food or live. If, however, through your "territory" their paths go to another place, then it will not be possible to completely remove the ants. Even if you completely cover the entire floor with chemicals - they will pass behind the baseboard, inside the ventilation or over the false ceiling. It remains only to be patient, to keep clean and hope that eventually the ants will find a more convenient and short route.

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