We carry out the cycle of the floor with our own hands

We carry out the cycle of the floor with our own hands

You do not need to invite a specialist for many repair and construction works, for example, everyone can do the cyclic sex with their own hands, without having the education and experience in the construction sector.


  • Preparatory work for
  • Important aspects of work
  • Hardening of parquet
  • Required tools and materials
  • We start self-drilling the


preparatory work Choose a quality and reliable tool for work. You will need a belt sanding machine( LSM), as well as a set of several replaceable ribbon-skins for it.

Prepare an extension cord in advance, which will allow you to connect to the network and process the entire room around the perimeter.

It's worth to wear clean socks, because shoes and slippers can leave marks on the ground floor only.

The self-leveling of the floor begins with the preparation of the room - it is necessary to close the doors tightly to isolate other rooms from the dust that will appear during operation.

Do not forget about safety equipment - there should not be any hanging clothes and things( long sleeves of clothes, a strand of hair, a beard, etc.), which can be tightened into a grinder.

The wooden floor must be bent along the wood fibers, it should never be done across, even with the original, rough grinding.

This rule is valid for any work with a tree.


Do not push hard on the machine, it should only be kept and not let it "run away."Do not long detain the grinder in one place, otherwise the groove in the board may form.

A few words about safety: at work, watch the wire so that it does not fall under the sole of the grinder.

If this does happen, then you should turn off the plug from the socket and find a working extension cable - it will be dangerous for life to work with it.

Important Aspects of the

The purpose of the boring of the flooring floor is to eliminate the unevenness between the boards, i.e.the elimination of the so-called "steps."

Do not aim for an absolute ideal plane on the entire surface of the floor. The main criterion for a good result is that you are comfortable walking barefoot on a smooth and pleasant flat floor.

For strong alignment of boards, it is necessary to start working with a skin with large abrasive elements. For these purposes, the number 40. Appropriate number indicate on the back of the skin.

The larger the number, the smaller the size of the abrasive element.

If you use a coarse skin, then you need to very carefully hold the grinder, in practice it should not touch the boards.

When you removed the "steps" and switched to a smaller grain( number 60, and then 80), then try to change the skins more often, since the abrasive elements are quickly clogged.

It is not necessary to save on the number of used skins, their cost is not so high, but it will be much easier and more convenient to work.

Depending on the type of wood, you will have to apply a little more or less physical effort.


For example, it's hard to work with oak, but even a child can cope with softwood boards, such as pine or spruce.

You should not strive for perfect smoothness, because after treatment with varnish, irregularities will appear, especially in knot areas.

Hardwood flooring

If everything is quite simple with wood flooring, then you will have to tinker a bit when working with parquet, especially a beginner.

You should be patient in advance, perhaps there will be mistakes during the work that will lead to the re-execution of all previous works, but as a result you will be able to get a beautiful parquet floor that you will do completely by yourself.

Required tools and materials

The cost of batching parquet on its own will consist of rent for the use of equipment, as well as purchased materials.

For the complex of work you will need:

  • parquet polishing machine;
  • machine for polishing parquet in the corners of the room and near the walls;
  • surface grinding machine for finishing parquet;
  • construction vacuum cleaner, able to collect all the dust formed as a result of grinding.

You will also need the following materials for work:

  1. sandpaper( several sheets with different characteristics of abrasive elements for coarse and fine grinding);
  2. special knife, which is able to cut nazhdachku;
  3. solution necessary for the preparation of putty;
  4. parquet lacquer;
  5. roller and brush.

We start the self-cycleing of the parquet

The self-leveling of the parquet begins with preparatory work - to free the room from all the furniture, to dismantle the plinths, to prepare the necessary number of extensions for comfortable work throughout the apartment area.

First you need to remove the lacquer and the upper wood layer, which deteriorated under the influence of external factors over time. For this purpose, use a sewing machine.

Refill the drum unit with sandpaper at number forty.

We make perforating lines for the lines on which the parquet was installed. In one pass, the thickness should be taken in the region of 0.2 centimeters.


When all the gross flaws in the floor have been eliminated, you can proceed to the next stage of the work. Using a surface grinder we perform fine grinding.

It is necessary to achieve not only smoothness, but also to level the floor surface. Gradually change the numbers of the grinding paper: 40, then 60, after 100.

Use special equipment to process the parquet in the corners and against the walls. Prepare the putty mixture and disguise all the cracks.

If you add parquet dust to the puttying solution, this will give an ideal color combination to the putty.

After that, go through the grinding machine with paper number 100.Clean the workspace with a construction vacuum cleaner. Next, proceed to the varnishing process.

Three coats of varnish should be applied, each subsequent only after the previous one has dried completely. Then once again, walk through the grinding machine with fine-grained sandpaper.

After that - applying the final coat of varnish and final cleaning with a construction vacuum cleaner.

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