We carry out works on plastering of slopes of walls

We carry out works on plastering of slopes of walls

When carrying out repair work in an apartment or a house, plastering slopes on windows or doors is very often performed.

This work, despite its seeming simplicity, requires a special approach and knowledge of a special technique with which you can get a perfectly smooth and smooth surface of the base.

The plaster of slopes is carried out both outside and inside the window frame and is performed only after the installation of the window has been completed.

It should be noted that plastering the surface of slopes near plastic windows has some of its specific features and subtleties, and in order to do this work correctly, it is necessary to learn the basic technology first.

Before the plastering of the slopes with your own hands is done, it is best to practice a little on any level surface in order to thoroughly study the technique and the specifics of the work.

As a rule, plastering of the upper base of the window causes the most difficulties and in this case a small experience of carrying out this type of work will be simply necessary.

How to plaster the slopes of doors, as well as the surface near the window both inside and out, is detailed in the video, which is located below.

The work of the plastic windows

The plastering of the wall near the window is necessary first of all in order to make the geometry of the opening more even and eliminate all the gapsalong the perimeter of the frame.

This procedure is performed regardless of which building material the walls are made from.

It is better if the plastering of the slopes with your own hands will be done after it is established, both the window itself and the window sill, and in this case you will not have to return to clearing the gaps again.

The technology for performing works for plastic windows is slightly different from that used for finishing conventional windows, but the essence of the process is almost the same.

In any case, at the end of the work, the surface near the window should not only be smooth, but also as smooth as possible.

The plaster of the slopes of windows can be carried out with both gypsum and cement mix, especially if the work is done outside the room.

Before you start the work itself, you must first get all the necessary tools, as well as acquire in sufficient quantities the material itself.

So, the building level should be at hand and, preferably, its length should be at least one meter.

In addition, it is necessary to have a series of rules made of aluminum, a simple pencil, and a malk.

Application of plaster

You should definitely buy a spatula and trowel, as well as a bucket in which it will be convenient to breed the mixture for work.

Another thing to be stocked with mounting foam, with which you can quickly fill all the large gaps between the surface of the window and the base of the wall.

Do not forget about the ladder or any plane, with which you can get to the top of the window, including outside.

Preparatory stage

At the preparatory stage before plastering the surfaces of the action are similar, both for plastic and for wooden windows, and the final result largely depends on their quality.

It is best to install the sill at the preliminary stage, since in this case it will be possible to avoid closing the gaps later, and besides, the overall reliability of the entire structure will also increase.

Before the start of the process, it is necessary to protect the entire surface of the window as much as possible from the penetration of plaster. To do this, it is best to cover the sill with a layer of cardboard.

It is also desirable to clean the opening of all kinds of dirt and dust, remove large influxes, if any.

The blocks of windows, especially plastic ones, are hidden under polyethylene, which is conveniently attached with adhesive tape.

The window fittings, radiators, as well as other elements on which the solution may fall are hidden under the protective layer. A similar procedure is performed outside the window.

At the preparatory stage, before beginning the plastering of surfaces, it is necessary to cut off any excess foam that will interfere with making the surface even.

All the surface of the slopes near the window must necessarily be thoroughly primed. This will help improve the adhesion of the mixture to the wall surface.

Specialists recommend to paste a vapor barrier in the form of a film on a layer of cut foam, or treat it with a special sealant.

Next, you will need to make a special template yourself, called malk. It is on it later and will plaster all the slopes.

This device can be made from plywood sheets, which must have a flat surface.

Making malki should be given special attention, since the smoothness of the surface of the slope will largely depend on this tool.

For more details on how to perform the plastering of slopes near the window, see the video below.


Performing work

The plastering of various slopes is an important step in repairing an apartment or house. To the plaster of slopes should be approached responsibly and assembled.

In the room in which the plastering of the slope surface is to be performed, the ambient temperature should be at least plus five degrees for the cement mix and at least plus ten for the gypsum mortars.

Cooking mixture for plastering should be in strict accordance with the way the manufacturer recommends it. It should be abandoned the use of the mixture, the expiration date which has long been released.

Cooking solution is recommended in small amounts, as in case of its drying it will be impossible to achieve high quality plastering of slopes.

The best way to start is to calculate the required amount of mortar, based on the thickness of the intended plaster layer and the dimensions of the slopes themselves.

Before plastering on a slope, the place is determined where the angle of the future slope itself will be located and the marking will be done.

For these purposes it is recommended to use a special corner, which will determine the boundaries of the plastering of the slope surface and to protect further the angle from various mechanical damages.

Also beacons should be set before plastering.

Further on the marked corner in the upper part is directly applied the solution itself, which is pressed against the window leaf with the help of a stick, after which the mixture must be smoothly smoothed from the surface of the slope.

This is done until the maximum smooth surface of the slope and the angle itself are obtained.

Similar work is done around the entire perimeter of the window until the plaster layer becomes smooth and smooth.

At the final stage, special perforated corners are exposed to all angles of the slope, which hide under the last layer of plaster.

For more details on how plastering of slope surfaces is performed, see the video below.


Working with plastic windows

When plastering should be performed near plastic windows, it is necessary to take into account a certain specificity of the work and know some of the subtleties.

The plaster itself is applied in a similar manner as described above.

After its full application and before the plaster has time to dry and grind, it is necessary to carefully make a small furrow between the slope and the frame with a spatula.

The width of such a furrow should not exceed five millimeters.

Next, it is necessary to allow time for the plaster to dry completely, and then fill the furrow with a layer of sealant that has a silicone base.

This layer of sealant will form a special gasket that will protect the plaster from cracking.

As you know, plastic has the ability to expand under various external influences.

Arrangement of a protective strip in the plaster layer allows to protect its surface from the appearance of cracks and various deformations.


The plaster base of the slopes of plastic windows should be carried out as carefully as possible, so as not to damage the material of the frame itself.

In case if you need to apply a thick layer of plaster, you can make a slope with a drywall, which will reduce the consumption of the mortar.

Grouting of the top layer of plaster is carried out only after the solution has completely dried up and will rise.

If all the work is done correctly and in accordance with the technology, then the plastered slope will be smooth and smooth, as you can see in the video below.

The plastering of slope surfaces should be carried out not only correctly, but also in strict accordance with the developed technology.

Only in this case it will be possible to achieve the most smooth and smooth foundation. When carrying out the work, special attention should be given to setting up beacons, as well as processing corners.

In the same way, work is also performed for slope surfaces near doors. If plaster is produced outside the room, then it is not recommended to use gypsum-based mixtures.

In this case, you should stop the choice of cement mortars.

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