That the cellar is necessary, nobody needs to prove. Not to mention the city apartment, even in a private house it is impossible to provide long-term storage of products that we procure, as they say, "for the winter."It is he who can allow us to keep them fresh in the relative cold. In any refrigerator, we can not put as much as fit even in a small cellar. Therefore, the cellar, like any building, should be built qualitatively, with observance of all the rules, so that it will serve us for many years.
First, you should decide where and how you decided to build a cellar. In general, any cellar is a small pit, excavated in the ground and appropriately equipped. Therefore, we can build it anywhere: in a private house, in a garage, on a private plot or just on the street. The main thing is to choose the right place. If the cellar is decided to be built in open terrain, then the place for it should be chosen higher, since it will be damp in the lowlands.
In any case, where the cellar will be arranged, it is necessary to determine exactly at what depth the groundwater is lying, otherwise the cellar can be flooded elementary. Namely, proceeding from this, its depth is determined. As a rule, it does not exceed 2 meters. It should be taken into account, and what will be the sex, because in many ways it depends on the composition of the soil.
The recommended time for building cellars is summer. During this period, groundwater is at the lowest "point".Well, the weather. This is important if it is decided to arrange a cellar in an open area. Particular attention is paid with such construction to the issues of waterproofing. Through the floor and walls of the structure, water must never penetrate under any circumstances. In addition to the fact that it is unpleasant to have an eternally wet cellar, the safety of the products in it will be under big question.
The order of work on the construction of the cellar
First digging pit( excavation).As a rule, the width is chosen small, not more than 3 m, maximum. In general, the size of the cellar is determined arbitrarily, based on the availability of free space under it. About the depth it was already said that, as a rule, it does not exceed two meters. The walls of the pit are made with a slight bias, otherwise the earth will constantly pour.
It is the bottom of the pit and will determine the size of the future cellar. It should be borne in mind that the actual size of the cellar will be smaller than the pit size. Experts recommend that it is expected that the equipment for the waterproofing layer will "leave" about 40-60 cm on each side. Therefore, on average, the cellar will be shorter and already excavated pit for about 1 m on each axis - consider this.
Floor and walls of the cellar
When the pit is ready, the next stage begins - the preparation of the floor. The bottom is covered with crushed stone( not less than 3 - 4 cm) and well packed. For this purpose, a piece of a small log is suitable. Your task is to compact the soil. It would be nice to pour the floor with liquid bitumen. After that, a concrete screed is made. The thickness of the screed after the drying of the mortar must be at least 10 cm. It should not only "hold" a certain weight, but also experience a groundwater pressure from below. And only then waterproofing material is laid.
There are many such materials, and one of the most common of them is ruberoid. I used it for waterproofing, when I built a cellar at my dacha. However, experts consider it to be "the last century", and it serves a roofing material for no more than 5-6 years.
Now we'll deal with the walls. The material for them can serve as blocks of concrete, natural stone, brick, but only burnt. The use of silicate bricks, slag concrete is undesirable. In general, one should be guided by how the selected material responds to high humidity. The walls are laid with a brick approximately to the ground level - it all depends on the thickness of the selected ceiling.
The waterproofing material is also laid on the outside of the walls. This is done step by step, after laying several rows of stone, otherwise it will be difficult to handle the entire outside side of the wall( do not forget that the distance to the edge of the pit will be small).
Special attention should be paid to the corners and joints of the floor and walls - this is where the water most often seeps. Wall joints with each other should be sealed from both the internal and external side. The result is a well-insulated stone "bag".Log into the cellar is easier to make through the laz with the stairs. From what to make the overlap, everyone decides for himself. The demand for it is the same - it must withstand the weight of three to four people. In general, this depends on the location of the cellar. If it is under the open sky, then in winter the overlap must withstand the weight of the snow cover.
As a rule, on one side of the cellar are shelves, and on the other - the so-called bins for storing products in loose form( potatoes, carrots, etc.).It is necessary to provide and such things as lighting and ventilation. Usually put two ventrubes, a diameter of not less than 10 cm. They should be located in opposite corners, as one pipe will draw in air, and through another it will go out. With this constant ventilation, the products are stored longer.
Video article - a cellar / basement device: