Quality treatment of apartments and furniture from bedbugs

What does sanitization of rooms from bedbugs involve?

Pest control means the destruction of insects in a certain area. The complex of measures can be carried out, both in an apartment and on the street, however, more often, processing is required to be carried out in apartments.

Disinsection means the treatment of the apartment with toxic, insecticidal preparations. They are an excellent solution from insects, but almost harmless to humans.

What does the sanitary treatment of premises from bugs?

Disinsection from bugs differs from a similar procedure for ants or cockroaches, since these parasites feed only on human blood. That is why the treatment of rooms is carried out only with the help of various aerosol agents or exposure to temperatures. It is important that the sprayed preparations remain on the surface of the furniture as long as possible, then it is possible to completely get rid of the parasites - new individuals emerging from the larvae will immediately die.

What does the sanitary treatment of premises from bugs?

The treatment of the apartment can be carried out by the following methods:

  1. Treatment with hot mist.
  2. Cold processing.
  3. Use of chemical agents.

The use of chemicals is the longest and most laborious method, but at the same time the most effective. It is his most often used.

Treatment from bedbugs in St. Petersburg - where to turn for help

In order for disinsection to be reliable and effective, it is necessary to choose the correct disinfestation service. Very many of them use toxic drugs in their work, which negatively affect the health of residents.

Treatment from bugs in St. Petersburg - where to turn for help

In St. Petersburg, a lot of companies that carry out disinfection and disinsection of premises.

If you need a really high-quality and reliable treatment of the sofa or the whole apartment from bedbugs, it is best to ask for help in the district SES.

Treatment from bugs in St. Petersburg - where to turn for help

Before calling specialists, it is necessary to find out which preparations will be disinfected. If the manager talks about Dikhlofos - you do not need to call such a team. Currently, such procedures occur when using such agents as Fufanon or Tetriks.

In addition, it is necessary to learn about the provision of the company guarantees. If, after carrying out the disinfestation, the insects soon reappeared, then the repeated disinsection from bugs should be made free of charge.

More often in Ekaterinburg, pest control is performed by local SES.Usually two drugs are used - one that is eroded in an hour and the one that is in five hours. SES rarely provides treatment services from bugs to ferry, giving preference to chemical products.

Treatment from bugs in St. Petersburg - where to turn for help

How much does pest control cost?

The cost of the service will vary depending on the chosen company, the size of the room and the number of insects. In SES processing will cost much less than in many private companies.

How much does pest control cost?

The cost of processing from bedbugs is 1200 rubles per room on average. This is when using chemicals. The cost of processing a hot mist is higher, for a one-room apartment will have to pay about 4,500 rubles. This is the most expensive method of processing, but it is on it that the biggest guarantee is provided.

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