Can I wash it with a hand-washing powder in a typewriter: is it appropriate and different?

Can I wash it with a hand-washing powder in the automatic machine?
  • Powder requirements for washing machine
    • Less foam
    • Special composition
    • Spots - fight!
    • Bleaching
  • Distinction of powder for hand washing and for the automatic machine

Detergents that we use every day for washing are conventionally divided into two large groups: designed for use in modern washing equipment( this includes so-called automatic powder) and designed forcleaning the old-fashioned hands( we will call them "ordinary").The spread of prices for these detergents causes bewilderment: is it all the same what to pour into the container of the machine? Another novelty is perceived by a good half of buyers as another ingenious reception of marketers. ..

Powders for manual and machine washing - what

But there is a difference, and it is significant. In this article, we will disclose the reasons why housewives should be more careful about choosing a detergent for their car.

Powder requirements for the washing machine

Powder intended for use in automatic machines must meet the following requirements:

Less foam

In the products that are provided for automatic washing, a foam stabilizer is added. Otherwise, it will fill the case, and soap bubbles will come from all the slots in the unit.

Excessive amount of foam can deceive automatics. Because of it, the machine will incorrectly determine the level of water that has been poured. This will entail serious problems associated with the failure of the engine, control module or heating element, which instead of heating the water will heat the foam.

Consequences of using a powder for hand washing in a washing machine

Powder with reduced foaming is suitable for hand washing. True, it is an order of magnitude more expensive than the "usual" means.

Special composition

Surface-active substances( simply - surfactants) clean the laundry of dirt and dust. They form the basis of any detergent. The effect of these substances increases in soft water, so manufacturers regularly use additives to reduce stiffness. Included in the composition and special substances that protect the fabric from re-settling of dirt during the washing process;they have a complex name - "antiresorbents."

Composition of washing powder for machine wash

Spots - fight!

Today, the mysterious word "enzymes" sounds in every second advertisement of washing powder. It means enzymes that can remove various types of organic contaminants. Another of their merit - the ability to save clothes from spoiling the appearance of pellets. In the name of the powder for the presence of these substances, as a rule, the prefix "bio" hints.

Washing powder against stains for a washing machine - enzymes in the composition

"Work" enzymes only at forty-degree temperature. In the hotter water, they will inevitably die. If the hostess prefers to clean the laundry by boiling, things with stains should be soaked in advance so that the supplements will have time to destroy the dirt.

Take into account one more thing: enzymes lose strength when combined with a chemical bleach. The use of enzymes is contraindicated when washing natural fabrics, such as wool or silk.


Modern means bleach fabrics in two ways.

  • Chemical whitening is often carried out with active oxygen. It is important to remember that it operates at temperatures above 60 degrees. There is another type of chemical bleach, denoted by the Latin combination TAED.It refers to low-temperature and is able to achieve the desired result even in cold water.
  • Optical whitening does not remove stains in the usual sense of the word, but only enhances the reflectivity of the surface. Optical brighteners, settling on a fabric, do not spoil it. Keep in mind, it is not possible to rinse out such a bleach without residue, so the use of such products is undesirable when washing children's clothes.
Whitening things in the washing machine

Distinction of powder for hand washing and for automatic machine

As already mentioned, the funds developed for washing in automatic washing machines, almost do not form foam. And this is not the only difference from powders intended for washing by hands:

  • Consumption. As the automation dissolves the powder loaded into it, the powder costs are much lower than with manual washing. Also, the automatic powders have a high concentration, so if you put an "ordinary" remedy into the machine, its consumption would be higher and the washing result worse. Thus, the use of machine-readable means marked "automatic" is not only more effective, but also more profitable.
  • Composition. Powders intended for washing in the old manner contain components that can damage some parts of the machine. In contrast, automatic washing powders are supplemented with substances that soften water and prevent plaque settling on the internal elements of the device, which significantly extends the life of the device. In addition, powders do not use substances capable of damaging the rubber parts of the machine( such as chlorine and solvents).
  • Quality of washing. The manufacturers, who are interested in the quality of their products, regularly test it to determine the most effective composition and the optimal dosage of detergents. Loading a strictly defined amount of powder, which is usually indicated on the package, is an indispensable condition for high-quality washing. That's why a product that has proven itself with hand-washing will not give a decent result if you load it into a washing machine.
Can it be washed with a hand-washing powder in a typewriter - the difference of powders

When choosing a detergent, remember that a universal powder that would have successfully coped with any problems - alas!- does not exist. Experienced housewives buy several types of detergents at once, regardless of the complexity of the contamination, to achieve impeccable cleanliness and at the same time not to harm the most vulnerable elements of the machine.

Whether it is possible to wash with a powder for manual washing in the automatic machine - advice on choosing a CMC for a washing machine

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