Finishing the doorways with your own hands

Finishing the doorways with your own hands

Doorways can be made by any homeowner with their own hands.

As always, success depends on your ability to hold the instrument and, of course, clearly following the nuances of technology.

In addition, skipping ahead, let's say the following: slopes - this is mostly a decorative addition, the local finish of the entrance / interior doors, which will hide all the fixing points along the perimeter, and its installation can be performed in 1 day.


  • methods of making slope
  • Preparatory work
  • opening processing plaster
  • Types formation slopes
    • Laminate
    • Plastic
    • Plasterboard
    • MDF
  • Original ideas

methods of making slope

Slope is used to give a close, "commodity" type aperture and the strengthening of the door frame( entrance / interroom).

There are several options for how to make slopes:

  • sealing mortar and plaster;
  • gluing the finishing board with the same solution;
  • casing along the perimeter of the finish with liquid nails or self-tapping screws.

Methods are divided into the formation of the slope: there are materials, and the ways of fixing them are different.

To fix the slopes with mortar - it's simple and reliable in the matter of soundproofing.

In addition, such a slope without voids, does not bend, but in terms of design "poor": you can somehow paint, give the texture good plaster and only.

Finishing the slope of the door

Another thing - the installation of finishing material: MDF, laminate, gypsum board, plastic panels, lamellas - they are very reliable and look externally excellent.

Finishing of doorways is carried out on a metal profile or wooden bars. This installation is appropriate, if you see that to seal the voids will have to spend a lot of solution.

But there is a nuance: you need to contrive through trial and error to adjust the slope elements to each other at regular angles and at the same time to withstand their evenness in one plane.

Preparatory work for

The same preparation is carried out for any performance of the slope( see photo):

  • the door leaf and door frame are pasted with a paint tape / film to insulate the surfaces from the solution;
  • retracts all protruding parts that will interfere with the priming and installation of slopes(
  • wiring is recessed, the protruding part of the finish is rubbed against the wall);
  • the surface around the input box is completely primed.

Preparation for finishing

To properly draw a slope, you need to know its device:

  • 1st layer is always rough: primer, sometimes foam plastic + primer for thermal insulation, plaster layer or just a piece of moisture-resistant plasterboard( glued directly onto the plaster);
  • 2nd layer - installation of the entrance finishing: from simple painting to laying, though expensive cork.

Stucco treatment

Plaster is used as a rough coat before painting and finishing the doorway with panels.

For the plaster is a cement slurry with sand, sometimes plasticizers for rapid drying, for example, the same alabaster.

For the prevention of unevenness putty putty.


The technology is as follows:

  • For finishing you need a primer, sand with cement, spatula, level, putty, alabaster, mesh and brush;
  • The surface covered with dust and unevenness is covered with concrete on concrete, then it is kept;
  • Beacons are placed on the level: profiles can be held with a mixture, as a temporary glue;
  • The solution is applied within the beacons and distributed by the scapula. After equal level on the lighthouses and held for a whole day;
  • Putty fill cracks on the surface;
  • The finished surface can be immediately painted with wallpaper or paint.

Types of slope formation

It was a turn to describe and describe the technology of sloping in various ways. First, let's talk about how the input slope is formed by the material over the solution.

Finishing material on the solution:

  • Drywall, MDF, plastic are fixed with cement mortar or glue on the leveled and primed surface - and it's ready! The whole point of technology;
  • Set the level of the slope, then check the entire perimeter for deviations from the vertical level;
  • Fill the entire space with mortar so that in the end the slope level is lower than the primer level. When it dries, level it( puttying), smooth out any irregularities with lightly emery paper with fine grain;
  • Apply glue on the surface under the slope. Lay them on the place of attachment and press down;
  • While the solution has not yet started, check the level of all surfaces and, if necessary, manually correct the material. If there is a clearance between the skin and the wall( the surface is uneven), then it is possible to seal it with a mortar and then fit this element separately.

It is also possible to mount the slope on the frame.


This is the most common type of slope formation with the participation of the selected finish coat.

How to do this - first a little about the technology, and then specifically for each case:

  • Despite the fact that the solution is not used at all, the surface around the entrance door under the slopes must be primed so that the slopes simply do not fall over time;
  • As slopes are used mainly slats with an angular cut( 45 degrees in corners);
  • The wall is leveled( putty putty), and with such a condition that the thickness of the slope with the frame will eventually be level with the surface of the entrance door frame, but will not protrude by a millimeter, which will immediately become noticeable;
  • The skeleton frame is fastened with plastic dowels with impact screws. On the perimeter are attached two pairs of input strip( only 6 pieces), which will support the slopes. They are then put on the slopes and join together.

Laminate A special case of the above technology, except that the material is different. But each has its own characteristics.

Slopes from the laminate are durable, easy to clean, do not collect dirt, have a large selection of shades and look noble in appearance.


The installation is as follows:

  • consider the amount of material for pasting, make markings and prepare the laminate panels with spits at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • if the opening is larger than the width of the laminate, then the panels are joined by stiffeners of aluminum profile: exactly 4 pieces are cut out, then put liquid nails to the panels( across the panels);
  • for the slope to fit in its place flush with the door box, small stitches can be made under the stiffeners;
  • panels are attached using screws on the dowels, after which all the hats need to be covered with a lining made of decorative racks or plastic corners.


The familiar sandwich panel easily closes the deepest opening.

Installation is simple:

  • cut panels of the right size;
  • fasten the top with screws as close to the end;
  • we also place sidewalls;
  • cut the corners in the stool at an angle, glued;
  • we process all seams with transparent sealant, remove excess.

The simplest, fastest in execution and inexpensive way. The only "but" - openings should preferably be insulated and covered with plaster.

Plastic slope

If you leave a lot of solution, then fasten the wooden slats inside the opening, put the foam, fill with mounting foam.


A universal finishing material that is used on almost any surface, even walls and partitions are made of it.

Installation is as follows:

  • Cut out three panels from the sheet - the top and two sidewalls;
  • Wet the cleaned original surface and apply a mounting foam to it with a snake;
  • We glue our panels: press the panel strongly against the foam, immediately remove, wait for 3 minutes and put it back on the foam. So foam will have time to thicken and securely seize;
  • Remove the excess foam with a knife, the putty will close the corners. Then we glue them on a plastic corner.



Often used finishing material.

Installation is slightly more complicated:

  • We get rid of the cracks between the wall and the door box with mounting foam;
  • We process the surface under MDF primer;
  • We apply stucco on lighthouses on dowels;
  • Alternatively help out the putty for the facade. In this case, the mounting profile is placed in the solution which has not yet frozen;
  • The basis for the slopes of MDF is the solution: when it dries, it needs to be treated with soil;
  • MDF panels are cut to size 2 sides and 1 top of the opening. The glue is applied to the top of the slope and the part is pressed against it until the panel is applied to the glue;
  • All the cracks between the panels and the wall are sealed with a corner of plastic on liquid nails.

Original ideas

In addition to the usual plastic, plasterboard, laminate, there are other options for finishing:

  • If there are extra stripes of wallpaper, they can also be used for finishing: a simple corner of the wallpaper is glued. The only drawback is low strength;
  • Decorative stone: from panels of a thin artificial stone, which is fixed with special glue;
  • Ceramic tiles: a rare participant in technology, but with the proper ability to properly cut the tiles on the pattern, creates an excellent effect;
  • Of cork panels: expensive pleasure, but combined with laminate and parquet on the floor.

Slopes can be made by yourself( instructions with photos and videos to help).The main thing is to observe a number of nuances, absolute evenness of walls and accuracy of fastening of a material.


Do not neglect the size calculations, taking into account the errors in the form of material thickness and fasteners.

It may seem, they say "to do by eye - and so everything is simple, nailed, twisted, put", but it is better to do as in the proverb "seven times measure - cut once".

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