How to make a room in the second floor

Preparatory process before installing the second floor in room

Before proceeding with the installation of the second floor in the room, a number of preparatory work should be performed. First of all, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail, determine how it will look in the final form, and draw up his sketch.

To create a drawing, you can consult a specialist: he will help with the choice of materials, help you decide on the type of construction that is suitable for the premises, and also give good advice on where to start and how to finish the job.

To create such a structure will need a lot of building materials, so it's better to prepare them in advance, so that everything you need is at hand.

For the construction of the second floor a huge role is played by the size of the room and the height of the ceiling. The minimum ceiling height should be about 3.2 meters, and to build two full floors it will take about 4.5 meters. From the height of the ceiling depends on which room will be placed on the structure. If the structure is installed for a bedroom then it will be enough 2 meters in height, and if a storage room is planned on the second floor - it will be enough and 1.5 meters.

Bed on the second floor of the room
Library on the second floor of the room

It should be taken into account that a small room is not suitable for the construction of such structures, since it should contain steps, and besides them, the room must also contain furniture.

An ordinary staircase occupies most of the room. To climb to the second floor will need about 15 steps, and this is already quite a lot. But if the room is not so large and does not allow to install such a ladder - it can be replaced by a retractable one. These are mainly installed in attics, they occupy considerably less space and are no less convenient.

Extendable steps

To easily create a ladder yourself, watch the video tutorial.

How to install the second floor in the room

To the second tier of the room has served a long time, proceeding to install it, you should follow the step by step instruction.

Step 1. First of all, you need to make a strong frame from the beams.

Step 2. We lay on the beam frame.

The entire structure must be firmly attached to the walls. If the beams are made of metal, then they will need to be welded or bolted firmly. The metal structure looks more attractive than the wooden one, since it is much thinner. The wooden construction will look powerful.
Metal construction of the second floor
Wooden structure of the second floor

Step 3. Attach the structure to the walls and ceiling using brackets. You can buy them at any construction store.

Step 4. After the frame is installed, you need to cover the floors of the second floor. This can be done with wooden boards, chipboard or special glass.

Step 5. Do the fence. It can be made of any material, a height of at least one meter.

Step 6. Install the ladder. Depending on the size of the room, determine the place where it will be located.

Ventilation and lighting of the second floor of the room

A well-known fact that warm air accumulates under the ceiling. And therefore, it is impossible to stay at the top of the room without ventilation for a long time.

Basically, the second tier of the room is installed near the ventilation systems, but if this is not possible, then such a system can be made yourself. For example, ventilate through the roof or combine it with another room with flexible pipes and a fan.

As far as lighting is concerned, it all depends on which room is on the second floor. If this is a bedroom, then there will be enough light, and if you plan to make an office or a library there, you will need natural light. To do this, you will have to make changes in the wall and make a window there.

Natural lighting of the second floor of the room
Installed chandelier on the second floor of the room
Second floor of the room

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