Maiden Grapes in Landscape Design( 22 pics)

In southern countries, girlish grapes are one of the most common crops used in landscape design. With the help of this plant, vertical gardening is carried out, hedges are created, and various design techniques are embodied.

But, despite its southern origin, girlish grapes in landscape design can be used in our climate. Thanks to frost-resistance, unpretentiousness and rapid growth, this species of lian will allow to decorate the garden plot in a short period of time and with minimal energy costs. To learn more about the maiden or wild grapes, the features of planting and caring for him and the ways of decorating the site or garden, you can from this article prepared specially for the readers of "House of Dreams".

girlish grapes in landscape design Photo

Maiden grape in landscape design photo

Maiden grape: general description of

Maiden grapes, which are also popularly called "wild", belong to the family of decorative and deciduous lianas. In total, there are about 15 types of girlish grapes, but in our climate, the most common are only two of them - triostric and five-leaf.

girlish grapes at the cottage

Maiden vine at the dacha

House in the girlish grapes photo

House in the girlish grapes photo

Maiden Grapes Photo

Maiden vine photo

This plant is paradoxical unpretentious and vigorous. Here are a few characteristics( advantages), through which girlish grapes are rightfully recognized as the most common plant used in landscape design:

  • rapid growth of .The average growth of plants per year is from two to three meters. With due care in just two or three years, the grapes will completely cover the facade of the building, the gazebo, the economic building and other objects;
  • frost resistance .Many frost-resistant plants turn out to be defenseless before the spring return frosts. However, this does not apply to girlish grapes. This species of lian perfectly tolerates the most significant fluctuations in temperature. In addition, the plant does not need shelter in winter;
  • unpretentious to soil .Girlish grapes can be grown even in conditions that are too complex for other plants. With regard to fertilizing, then, as a rule, it is produced only when planting;
  • invulnerability to pests .It is practically not susceptible to diseases, as well as invasion of pests;
  • no special support for .Since the girlish grapes are a rooting liana, the base for it can be anything you like - a building wall, a water pipe, a mesh-netting, etc. It is enough to direct the shoots of the plant in the right direction, and through time their lush foliage will beautifully fill the free area.

However, the most important virtue of the girlish grapes is its decorative value. If the plant is on the sunny side, its foliage acquires a rich crimson shade, and in the shade it becomes dark green with bright yellow veins.

girlish grapes in landscape design

Maiden grape in landscape design

Fencing for a site of girlish grapes

Fence for grapevine site

girlish grapes in landscape design Photo

Maiden grape in landscape design photo

Planting and caring for girlish grapes

As for planting and grooming, the girlish grapes do not create any special difficulties in these matters. It is enough to dig a middle-depth landing pit, lay on its bottom humus and drainage, install a seedling and sprinkle it with soil. At the time of planting, it is very important to immediately direct the seedling to the support, which it will entwine.

Further care for the girlish grapes will consist only in the formation and watering.

Since the shoots of the girlish grapes grow very quickly, pruning will be required already in the first year after planting.

To prevent the grapes from turning into an uncontrolled mass of foliage, try to direct the main shoots according to the fan pattern. Thus, the liana will cover the support with a uniform deciduous carpet.

Girlish grapes in the design of the country section of the photo

Maiden grape in the design of the country house photo

girlish grapes planting and care

Maiden grape - planting and care

girlish grapes planting and care

Maiden vine planting and care

Using girlish grapes in landscape design

Maiden grapes are most often used in garden design as an element of hedges, vertical gardening, decoration of the facade of buildings, outbuildings, etc. In addition to its decorative value, this plant has another important advantage: its suckers and antennae strengthen the walls, and dense foliage creates an additional shadow.

Let's consider in more detail ways to use this vine in the design of the site, including its entire territory:

1. Wild hedge from

As the girlish grapes branch well, it can take any shape. Planted plant near the fence or fence in a year will cover the entire free area, turning into a crimson or green deciduous carpet. If desired, the branches of the grapes can be put on top of the entrance of the fence, creating from them a kind of living arch.

The zoning of a garden or country plot is carried out in the same way. If it is necessary to protect or allocate some part of the site, it is enough to install a suitable support and plant a girlish gem about her, which in a moment will turn the object into an integral part of the landscape.

girlish grapes in landscape design

Maiden grape in landscape design

A hedge of girlish grapes photo

Hexagonal hedge from girlish grapes Photo

A hedge of girlish grapes photo

Hedge from girlish grapes photo

2. Vertical landscaping

In many countries girlish grapes are used to decorate industrial buildings and structures in order to improve their aesthetic appearance. Of course, it is indispensable in the design of the site, because with its help you can disguise any architectural object - whether it's a dwelling house or an economic building.

As the suckers and tendrils of the girlish grape firmly cling to the support, it is able to move even the smoothest surface. However, maiden grapes are not recommended to decorate plastered walls, t.there is a possibility that plant shoots will damage the finish. You can avoid deformation if you install an additional support near the wall in the form of a grid, along which the grapes will be launched.

Maiden grapes for decoration of the facade

Maiden vine for the facade decoration

How to fix the girlish grapes on the house

How to fix the girlish grapes on the house

girlish grapes in the garden design

Maiden grapes in the garden design

Maiden grapes on the facades of houses photo

Maiden grapes on the facades of the houses Photo

In addition to the walls, the lian can decorate any other landscape objects - arbor, rotunda, pergola, garden furniture, etc..this method will help create shady rest areas in the garden.

Maiden grapes for decorating architectural buildings

Maiden grapes for decoration of architectural buildings

Gazebo with girlish grapes

Gazebo with girlish grapes

3. Decoration of balconies and loggias

Maiden grapes can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the balcony. Its branches will bend the partitions, creating a "living" wall, which will not only beautify the structure, but will also make the room more obscure and cool. Since this species is extremely viable, it also feels fine in containers, especially if you fertilize the soil from time to time.

girlish grapes on the balcony

Maiden grape on the balcony photo

Maiden Grapes on the Balcony Photo

Maiden grape on the balcony photo

Maiden grapes in landscape design will allow you to realize any decorative ideas. This grapes perfectly coexists with other plants, so your garden will be full of bright colors throughout the year, changing one shade to another, as the seasons change each other.

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