How to make a smart home with your own hands - circuit options and device management

Intelligent control system for various engineering communications and devices that increase the degree of comfort under the general name "smart house" has many advantages. Its installation is all the more necessary if among the household there are people with disabilities, old age, who find it difficult to use the usual elements of technical schemes( for example, switches).

But is everything as simple as the advertisers tell us? The fact that "our specialists are fast" and so on, it is understandable. But before you start( especially) to the self-installation of the elements of the scheme of an intelligent house, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points.

Firstly, , the terminology "smart house" is applicable to everything that is subject to "automation".Even a simple lighting regulator installed in only one room is already a sign of the presence in the home of an element of such a system. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the specific goal that we pursue.

House number 1 What do we need - to manage household appliances using one electronic "think tank", to open the gate of the gates on the country side, to ensure automatic switching on / off of street lighting( and so on)?There are many options, but this approach will help to optimize costs. And they can be significant.

Secondly, , you should evaluate your abilities. It's not enough to know something, you still need to be able and perform various technological operations with your own hands, without outside help.

Thirdly, , from which to build a "smart home" scheme? On sale there are ready-made kits, but their cost is enough( especially imported ones) high. In addition, are the components to be repaired( if so, what will it cost) and will it be possible to ensure the joint work of the elements from different manufacturers?

In some cases it is more expedient to buy everything you need at retail and mount it into a general scheme with control from a PC. Computer now exists in almost every home, although it will be somewhat longer, but at the same time and cheaper.

In principle, in 35 000 - 40 000 rubles you can keep up. If you pay for the services of masters, you need to multiply the indicated amount by about 1.5.

Another control option - from a separate console with the possibility of programming various options.


And most importantly. Much depends on the deterioration of the electricity supply system. Before planning large-scale improvements, it is necessary to calculate how much the load on the "line" will grow. Will there be enough of her electrical wiring to satisfy all our requests and wishes for increased comfort? And if you have to deal with the re-laying of cables( wires), then what will be the total cost of such an event? It is this factor, as a rule, most often and limits the "appetite" of the owner of the home in terms of the degree of automation of the house.

Therefore, we will consider only some variants of schemes that can be used to control something.


In principle, this is one of the easiest ways to improve the convenience of living. It is enough to purchase a dimmer( control device), and it is not difficult to mount it. Such products are classified not only for the maximum load, but also for the method of placement. The main options are three - directly in the fixture, on the wall( in combination with the switch) or in the distribution( power) shield. More information about these devices is described here.

With the help of such a device, the degree of illumination of the room is regulated, therefore, there is no need for various night lamps, sconces and the like. By the way, they can also manage the curtains( blinds).

If the motion sensors are included in the circuit, the light will turn on when entering the room. Their installation and configuration has a number of features, so read about them in detail in this article.

smart House

Engineering systems

First of all, heating and forced ventilation. Having installed the appropriate sensors( humidity, temperature), properly arranged them, the owner can, for example, remotely switch on heated floors, adjust the position of the windows. The possibilities depend only on the degree of automation and the number of appliances involved in the scheme, up to the boiler( if it is not programmable).

Security system

To ensure 100% security of the home is not capable of any scheme that there would not approve the advertisers. Their goal is to sell, and our task is to think everything over first. How to minimize the risks of unauthorized entry? It is necessary to determine the most "dangerous" areas from this point of view. Perhaps it is enough to "protect" only 2 of them, or maybe - to put such "barriers" on all windows and doors, combining them into a general scheme. The choice of appropriate sensors is large - movement, presence and a number of others.

Listing all the capabilities of systems is a waste of time. The range of products is significant, the operation of each model has its own characteristics. One of the simplest variants is shown on the general scheme:

House 2

Here is an expanded configuration with increased functionality.

The House 3

Well, what exactly to choose for your home - at your discretion, dear reader.

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