In modern life, a person's wardrobe is an important component. Despite the fact that many people may not have a lot of clothes, still need a separate space, which would be the best way to store it.
Contents of
- Main features of modern wardrobes
- Basic requirements for wardrobe
- Creating a wardrobe in a pantry, corner or alcove
- Dressing room from drywall
- Shelving as a dressing room
In addition, people who lead an active lifestyle simply do not have enough time to do so,to deal with the folding of things. Therefore often in such conditions clothes are simply scattered throughout the home. Fortunately, for a long time, wardrobes have become popular. They are spaces that can be used to store clothes and shoes.
In large houses under the wardrobe separate rooms are allocated. Accordingly, it can be a useful space for a large family, which has many dressings. In such conditions, you can not only store clothes, but always know where this or that element of the wardrobe is located, and also if necessary, wash everything together. In this scenario, not only does the work simplify, which often falls on the landlady of the house, but also makes it easy to choose clothes for a particular event.
In this article we will look at the basic options for creating wardrobes, and also analyze the most important aspects related to this process. With the help of small tips, you can create a decent dressing room even in a small dwelling.
The main features of modern wardrobes
First of all it is necessary to say that modern wardrobes have the most various variants of execution. However, the most important thing in all existing designs is reliability, practicality, and also convenience. Of course, it should be noted that without enough space, the dressing room turns into a real problem, as it will gradually have to give up old clothes, or store it in other places.
You should also note the following options for creating wardrobes:
- in the pantry;
- niche / corner room;
- wardrobe-shelving;
- wardrobe-pencil case.
In addition, there are many other options for placing dressing rooms, and all this is limited only by the imagination of the owners. The main thing is to adhere to certain requirements, which we will discuss later in this article.
As we have said, you can create a dressing room in a small apartment, where a full room for such needs can not be distinguished. At the same time, even a small angle can be enough to accommodate in it a lot of clothes, and even shoes. The most basic task is not to turn a dwelling into a warehouse, and for this it is necessary to approach the matter wisely.
Moreover, it is important to keep in mind that you can create a dressing room within the house without spending too much money. On the contrary, the space created for the storage of things can be constructed from improvised materials, and the appearance of the dressing room depends only on the owner himself, who conducts the work.
Basic requirements for the wardrobe
At the very beginning of the material, we already called the main criteria that concern the creation of a dressing room. It is very important to take into account all the details, even the smallest ones, since the convenience and general practicality of using space can depend on them.
- First of all, experts recommend to do everything possible to make the space of the dressing room not less than 1x1.5 m. It is in this framework that it is quite realistic to place hangers, drawers and shelves that will be convenient to use. If space is more compact, there will be numerous problems. Accordingly, you do not need to take risks, especially if the dwelling has too little space. So it will be even less, as well as new inconveniences.
- If the dressing room is very small and the space is closed, it is necessary to ensure free air exchange. For this case, quality ventilation is created, which prevents air stagnation. If such a problem persists, it will quickly manifest itself. The thing is that such air permeates the musty smell of all the clothes, and it will not be possible to get rid of it any more.
- Also it is necessary to be defined so that all available things fit into the dressing room. In addition, there must remain a lot of space for new things. Obviously, this can not be calculated, so we should approach this issue in our own way. In addition, and too much free space is best not to leave, everything should be in moderation.
The above are the most basic requirements, but there are many other features that appear only after the wardrobe has already been created. Of course, you need to analyze the situation in general and draw some conclusions before starting work. Most of the problems that owners can face are obvious. For example, you can not combine a wardrobe with a place to store food. The thing is that then, again, the smell will negatively affect the clothes, and this should not be allowed.
Well, it's also important to say that the dressing room must match the available space. That is, it is a question of common stylistics. If the storage space is too much to stand out from the whole house, then this can be equated with bad taste. Therefore, if you still decided to create an unusual dressing room, you should put the rest of the house in order in parallel.
It also does not hurt to pre-determine the general space that will be allocated for the storage of certain things. For example, if we plan to store dresses, the height of the dressing room should be from 1.5 m, and the depth - at least 0.5 m. Accordingly, there are certain requirements for the placement of shoes and other clothing. In order not to fall into a critical situation, it is necessary to analyze in advance the sizes and location of your clothes, and from this information to build off when creating a dressing room. If you want to use space to store some other things, perhaps not related to clothes and shoes, you should also think about it in advance.
Creating a wardrobe in a pantry, corner or niche
If we are talking about an ordinary apartment, then there is no need to allocate a separate room under the wardrobe. Often the owners of the dwelling successfully use a storeroom to store things. Of course, in most apartments you can find the very closets in which people usually put unnecessary things, or conservation. Accordingly, often nothing prevents just to vacate this space and equip it for storing clothes.
- Often, even small pantries are best suited for creating a modern dressing room, so first of all space must be cleaned of unnecessary things and other items.
- Now we need to create a structure on which we could place clothes, as well as shoes( and other things related to the wardrobe).
- For such things in furniture stores are sold the appropriate shelves and shelving, which will fit in the best possible space. We must first analyze all dimensions, and also bear in mind that we have a limited space in which at least one person should be placed. If you have planned to install too many furniture in the pantry, you should keep in mind that in this situation, it may not be possible to even turn around or change clothes.
- In the event that there is too little space for hanging things, you can limit yourself to installing a metal pipe on which all the hangers will be placed.
Separately, I would like to note that in creating a miniature wardrobe in the pantry, you should remember the presence of lighting. Often in such spaces, from the very beginning, there are no lighting sources, so it will be difficult even to install shelves. Again, the lighting should be bright and uniform, as in the dressing room we will closely consider the clothes.
Also need to say that creating a dressing room in a wall niche is also a good option. First of all, it is worth remembering that the niche should be impressive in size so that in this framework it is possible to establish a full racks, but at the same time they should not focus on themselves. Accordingly, if the niche is quite large, then all clothing should fit easily. Of course, it is most reasonable to create something like this in the bedroom, since in other rooms the niche is superfluous.
The corner wardrobe is truly a modern solution, which is often used in large rooms where you can really place a full-fledged storage space for clothes. First of all, we are talking about the corners of rooms that are empty. In this framework, all the same racks are installed, as well as various shelves.
- The corner wardrobe can be closed. To do this, before the corner the structure( this can be again a rack) is placed, the height of which corresponds to the height of the ceiling.
- You can limit the creation of doors( these can be sliding structures), which will make the corner space an ideal place for storing things. If the room is too small, you can install a mirror door, and then the design will visually expand the space.
- It is also important to use the same materials for such needs( furniture of the same manufacturer series).In modern rooms often used wood of light colors, which is best combined with various elements of the interior. Moreover, it is also the most practical and inexpensive option for ennobling space. Often, the tone of the wood should be combined with the doorways. This is the basic requirement, which experts often point out.
In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, it is necessary to decide in advance how the dressing room in the corner of the room will look. Unfortunately, often the problem is too serious a discrepancy between the design of the room and the wardrobe itself. In such conditions it is expedient to look for ready-made design compositions and on their basis to create a dressing room. Only in this way will we be sure that the final result will most likely not disappoint us.
plasterboard cladding As you know, it is gypsum plasterboard that is the very material from which a wide variety of design designs are created. Often it is used to create multi-level ceilings, as well as various walls. In this case, if we talk about plasterboard when creating a dressing room, then often it's just about erecting small walls or so-called frames.
Again, you can safely create a dressing room in the corner of the room, and for this you need to erect walls on the sides of plasterboard. You can also make some kind of niche, and this will also be a good solution for a large room.
Often the process of creating a gypsum plasterboard cabinet consists of the following steps:
- To begin with, a skeleton is created, but first of all you need to make the profile marking, and also cut the corresponding blanks for the ceiling, walls and floor from it. Often this is done in building stores with the help of special scissors.
- You can safely install the floor profile, and for this case using self-tapping screws and screwdrivers. Next, the installation of wall profiles, and then - installation of ceiling profiles.
- In the process it is necessary to be careful, because it is very easy to damage the wall profiles.
- After creating the profile, it is necessary to gypsum cardboard it. And in our business, you need to create as many as 2 layers of material, between which you need to lay a heater. Also in the space between the sheets of drywall you can safely place the wiring and some other communications.
- After the plating, it is necessary to apply a primer to the walls and glue the joints.
- Then everything depends on the imagination and desires of the hosts. The easiest way is to decorate the created structure with wallpaper. The most important thing is to carry out the filler, which will make the material surface perfectly smooth.
It is necessary to say separately that instead of drywall you can use chipboard or plywood, but in terms of practicality and aesthetics of perception - this is not the best options.
It is also necessary to remember in advance that doors or other elements of a future dressing room should fit the gypsum board. As for the lighting of the space, which we mentioned earlier, experts advise to limit one single point light. Often power is more than enough for a comfortable stay inside the dressing room even in the absence of external light. As an original solution, you can place small lamps under each separate section with clothes. This will look at least unusual and modern.
Shelving as a wardrobe
Earlier in this article we talked about the fact that the storage rack is a good solution. The most important thing to keep in mind is that there must be a suitable place for this design. This can be a large wall in the bedroom, and the same rack should be perfectly combined with other elements of the room.
Fortunately, in various stores( furniture) you can find ready-made shelves, which are excellent for creating a dressing room. It is important to note that such a design can be created independently, but this is not such a simple process.
The main advantage of such racks is the variety of structures included in them. Accordingly, they have different shelves, hunks, spaces for hangers. All this best affects the storage of things, as the place is available for storing shoes, pants, t-shirts, dresses and other items of the wardrobe.
Most often, the owners create really large shelving, in which you can store a lot of clothes. Again, this is not always a good solution, as the appearance of the room may not be tolerated by the most pleasant changes.
Approximately the same situation with the counterfeit-pencil case. These cases are almost ideal spaces for storing clothes, since in this case everything is hidden behind the doors. In many ways, these pencil cases are similar to the closets, but their insides have many different elements. Inside the canisters we can find the usual shelving, which is no different from what we talked about a couple of paragraphs earlier. Of course, large doors have a positive effect on the overall style of the room, and on its comfort. People who for the first time will see a pencil case, may think that this is just a small cabinet, or an unusual wall( if the pencil is placed in a wall niche).