What are decorative plasters and where they are applied, many know, but few people guess that they are divided into two types - internal and facade. Their separation occurs not only in their ability to withstand weather conditions, but also in the structure of the coating.
This division is solely related to their appearance and structure. Let's just say, for residential premises, plasters are more suitable, which can give warmth and comfort to the room. Decorative plaster bark beetle does not fall under this definition and is intended solely for decoration of facades.
There are a lot of positive aspects of applying such plaster, there is no sense to list their meaning, so we focus on its main advantages.
Firstly, it is an excellent ability to withstand almost any weather conditions. Equally, it can withstand both savage frost and intense heat. With full compliance with the application technology, decorative bark beetle is able to decorate the facade of your house for decades.
Secondly, its price. The cost of plastering bark beetle to date is one of the lowest in comparison with other similar facade technologies.
And, thirdly, it is an opportunity to finish the facade with your own hands. Whichever this technology seems to be difficult at first glance, with the necessary tools and knowledge of the theory, even a novice master will cope with it.
Decorative plaster bark beetle is of two types: acrylic and gypsum-based. What is the difference between them? The fact that the acrylic composition, although it looks on the wall is much more attractive and richer, has a rather complex and finicky technology of application - many different subtleties and nuances. Therefore, work with such material is best entrusted to specialists.
By the way, the bark beetle on an acrylic base is already sold ready-in buckets, you will only need to clip it to the color you like. Naturally, not manually - to give absolutely the same color to a few buckets of solution, even if you try hard, you will not succeed. Therefore, from this situation there is only an exit - tinting on special machines with the use of computer technology.
The bark beetle, which is sold in bags and is a dry mix, is much easier to work with. By the way, such a mixture costs much less compared to acrylic. The application of decorative plaster to the bark beetle in this case is slightly more complicated due to the fact that we have to prepare the solution independently, but in the process of work this composition is less whimsical and it is simply applied to the surface.
Decorative plastering technology bark beetle
If you have a question about how to apply plaster bark beetle, the first thing to do is to learn how to prepare the mixture correctly - this can not be avoided. A small digression in the amount of necessary water - and the mixture will go wrong, the result will not be what it needs. That is why it is necessary to carefully study the instructions on the package and add fluids exactly as much as indicated there. The dry mix is poured into a bucket with the right amount of water and thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer. To mix it is necessary for some approaches - plaster should swell and take necessary density.
Before the beginning of works on direct plaster, the wall to be cut must be covered with a special primer with quartz sand. If we are talking about Ceresit brand products, this primer is called CT16 and serves not only to increase adhesion, but also to preserve rough plaster for the autumn-winter period.
By the way, about the time of year - to apply plaster bark beetle is best in spring or autumn, when there is no strong heat. Quick drying of the mortar also leads to the appearance of the overlapping docking areas.
Now the process itself, it's not very complicated. Facade plaster bark beetle is applied to the wall with the help of an ordinary spatula, after which it is rubbed with a plastic falcon until the required layer and the appearance of the desired structure. The layer of this decorative plaster is set by small round stones, which are in its original composition - rubbing the plaster on the wall, you should feel how these stones rub against the wall. By the way about the pebbles: the bark beetle differs in granularity - the organizing grooves of pebbles can differ in size from 2.5mm to 4.5mm. This nuance also needs to be considered when choosing a dry mix - as a rule, the granularity of the plaster bark beetle is indicated on the package.
Now about the nuances of how the bark beetle is applied by hand. Virtually all finishing materials of this type are applied by planes. What does it mean? Namely, that if they took up the finishing of one wall, then it must be completed entirely. And nothing else - otherwise you will get a view of the connections, no matter how hard you try to paint them afterwards. In general, making an angle from both sides will be wrong.
Unlike its acrylic counterpart, dry plastering bark beetle does not require tinting - a special facade paint is used to give it the necessary shade. After the plaster has completely dried, the bark beetle( as a rule, this is 24 hours, everything depends on weather conditions), the paint is applied to the surface by a roller or by means of an atomizer. With painting problems should not arise - though, if you decide to highlight any elements of the facade, then you will need a paint tape and the ability to paste it evenly.
Plaster bark beetle: blend price and work
Well and at last a few figures characterizing plaster bark beetle as one of the most inexpensive ways to improve the facade of your house. There is decorative plastering bark beetle around $ 15 for a bag, which, incidentally, depending on the faction, is enough for about 6-8 sq.m. The cost of applying bark beetle varies from 8-10 $ for the same square meter. So you have every chance to save a decent amount of money, fully master the technology of applying this plaster, and at the same time learn something new.
Vladimir Belov