When there is a question about different plantings in the country, most gardeners prefer "perennials".And this is understandable, since almost all of them are more adapted to the difficult conditions of our climate, and care for them requires much less. From this category in a separate group are allocated plants, which are called curly. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.
Advantages of climbing plants
They are an excellent addition to the design of the whole plot, as well as individual buildings available in the country house - a house, shower, arbor or veranda.
With this vertical decoration it is easy to hide various defects of the walls( roof) or, for example, to "mask" the old lining( finishing) of the building. After all, when it comes to the appearance of a summer cottage, this issue is not given the same attention as the design of your home. Repair at the dacha constantly, "somehow by itself," is postponed until later, for the next and subsequent years. That there is no extra money for a new cladding, then time, as beds require systematic care. There are many reasons, but the result is one - a house as it was not repaired outside, so it stands.
By the way, recently there was an excellent article about landscape design( or dacha, which is also true) - read, find many interesting ideas.
Climbing plants not only transform the design of the whole plot, but also perform other specific functions, for which they are especially appreciated by gardeners.
Firstly, , with their help, you can make a fence from the fence with a solid one, after which the territory will not be viewed.
Secondly , shade the recreation area without additional financial investments.
Thirdly, , install a "live" hedge that does not require repair.
So, let's look at the most popular climbing perennials, which can be planted in the suburban area or the territory of your country house.
Girlish grapes
This is one of the most favorite gardeners and the most common plants. It easily tolerates even severe frosts, does not need regular watering and takes root practically in any soil. Once planted in the soil, the grapes will soon grow intensively. Its flexible, thin antennae penetrate almost everywhere and are securely attached to the substrate, no matter what the material is.
Juicy, bright green foliage forms a dense tent, which reliably protects the covered area from scorching sunlight. And if you still systematically take care of such a "tent", you can form it in any configuration convenient for the summer resident.
Shrub, no less common in our latitudes. There are several of its varieties, and the fruits of some have healing properties. The plant is unpretentious, but requires regular care, associated with its pruning and garter stems. It is often used to decorate arched structures or various wire frames that can be placed on the territory.
This frost-resistant liana, unlike some "perennials", both blossoms and fructifies. It can stretch to 12 - 15 m, but since the stems are very flexible, they need a vertical support. One of the features of actinidia is that in the period from spring to autumn its leaves constantly change their color.
Rose climbing
Foliage is shallow and stiff. According to the peculiarities of development, it resembles bindweed. If you pull the cord vertically, then the shoots of the shoots will be pulled upwards.
Despite all the beauty of this plant, not all gardeners tend to plant it, since there are certain difficulties with it. Rose loves an abundance of light and water, and in the winter it needs its high-quality insulation, as it is not good for minus temperatures.
As a rule, with the help of this plant, dense screens( on verandas, in arbors) are created.1 liana during the flowering period is able to give from 450 to 500 beautiful large flowers that adorn it for about 3 months. Given the variety of varieties of this plant, you can always choose what you like.
Another representative of lianas, evergreen. A characteristic feature - in the ability to expand in any direction, and without any supports. He finds them himself, whether it's a wall, a fence or whatever. For him, the main thing is to get hooked.
There are different options for planting ivy. For example, to cover a certain area with a solid green carpet. Or in pendant containers( vases, baskets).Its low hanging whips are an excellent decoration of any interior.
Also from the family of lianas, but under our conditions, only one variety, "Blue Moon", takes root. This plant can withstand up to -40 ºС.The flowers are very beautiful, blue. Wisteria will be appropriate everywhere - for the design of arbors, verandas, pergolas, arches. It literally transforms the part of the territory on which it is grown.
And this is not a complete list of all the plants that can be planted in the suburban area. In one article it's simply impossible to talk about everyone. In addition to the designated, it is worth paying attention to hops( although he does not like everyone), glory, passionflower, sweet peas. Each of these plants is attractive in its own way and develops well in our climate.