Arrangement of a drainage well with own hands

Drainage wells are divided into

types. Modern drainage system allows to separate wells into such types:

Drainage wells

  1. Observational. Used to inspect and inspect the sewage system. Its diameter should be such that it was enough to allow a person to pass into it and to test the system's functionality inside and correct any violations if necessary. Also performs the functions of the swivel.
  2. Swivel. The construction of a drainage well for cleaning sediment from the head of water. At every second turn of the drainage pipe and the location of the turf. The circuit of the device uses inlet and outlet sections, depending on the diameter of the pipe required to launch a person there.
  3. Collector. Used for a closed drainage system and perform the tasks of the reservoir. The water accumulated in the well is pumped to ravines or water bodies, as well as for watering the fields. They have a water-permeable bottom and are made entirely of plastic.
  4. Absorptive. They are installed point-wise in places where it is required to dry a piece of Inet land to drain water into the main sewage system. The well can be no more than 2 meters, and the specificity of the installation is:
  • First of all, it is necessary to excavate the pit.
  • A gravel is placed on the bottom of the pit, then a pipe with a diameter of 1.5 m is laid in it.
  • The pipe is completely forced with brick, slag or gravel.
  • The lining is made along the pipe walls.
  • When the well is filled to the top, it must be covered with a cloth or a layer of soil, so that it naturally removes groundwater.

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How to install a drainage system?

Ready drainage systems are easy to install, reliable in operation, but have a high cost, in particular, pipes with a large diameter( up to 1000 mm).But you can try to create this well yourself.

The installation of a drainage well requires the use of a corrugated pipe of the required diameter.

  1. Inspection drainage wells should be 340 or 460 mm in diameter so that the worker can move, lower and raise his hands as needed.
  2. Storage and filtering should be a diameter of more than 575 mm.
  3. If necessary, so that a person can fall into the structure, you should choose a diameter of 925 mm.

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Scheme for assembling a well

In order to build a well, separate parts are required which, for greater economy, it is better to buy separately. On the items:

  1. Cutting holes in the well for pipes together with rubber cuffs.
  2. Set the bottom, which is treated with mastic for safety.
  3. Backfilling of sand and gravel, and then placing cement.
  4. Installation of the structure itself. To avoid leakage of walls and joints, joints are also treated with bituminous mastic.
  5. Sleeping well with gravel and sand to the top. A hatch is placed in the cement frame.

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To avoid blockages of the drainage system, it must be periodically cleaned using a hatch. In another way, this engineering solution can not be used and if the installation is correct, then the working capacity is at a high level.

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