Decor doors with their own hands. How to update an old door

Usually, when it comes to repairs, few people take into account the replacement or restoration of the old door. If it "does not break out" of the new design, no attention is paid to the door leaf. Small cracks, scratches and scuffs remain unnoticed, but sooner or later the hour comes when you can not pass by the old door without shuddering. What is there to want in this case - to spend money and buy a new door? No matter how it is! This article is devoted to economical and hardworking masters who are not afraid to show imagination in work. Today we will tell you how to ennoble the front door with your own hands.


  • Door preparation
  • Door preparation
  • Door preparation
    • Recolor door
    • Door patchwork for doors
    • Door window
    • Mosaic on door
    • Art painting
    • Door moldings
    • Door decoding
    • Door wallpaper
  • Door decor: photo

Door preparation

It is known that the wallpaper should bechange every 3-4 years, as they accumulate dirt, germs, vapors and odors. And now remember, how many years did the cover of the entrance and interior doors in your apartment have not changed? And if the wallpaper in most cases are not exposed to mechanical influence, then we constantly touch the doors with our hands or feet, as a result of which there are scratches, microcracks, rubbing and pollution. In addition, wooden doors eventually deform completely independently - the woods tend to crack and shrink.


Buying new doors every few years is an unacceptable luxury for most people, but it is not necessary. Even the oldest and cracked door leaf can be updated using improvised funds or investing a minimum of finance. But before you start decorating a wooden door, you need to carefully prepare it.


  1. First you need to remove the old paintwork. This is to ensure that the new finish is kept on the surface as hard as possible, and also for health reasons - the old paint has absorbed a lot of microbes over the years. Remove the door leaf from the hinges. To do this, slightly open the door, slide between the bottom edge and the floor, a crowbar or other suitable object, to get a kind of lever. With slight but sure movements, press the lever, opening the door slightly. Be careful - it can weigh quite a lot, especially when it comes to old Soviet doors made of pressed wood.
  2. Put the door on the table and remove all accessories - hinges, locks, handles. If there are glass inserts, it is also better to remove them.
  3. Now you can start removing the old paint. To do this, you can use sandpaper or a special solvent. When working with a solvent, always wear a respirator and gloves. Another way - removal with a construction hair dryer. It is used to work in the video below:
  4. After removing the paint, assess the condition of the canvas. If it has chips and cracks, fill them with putty on wood.
  5. Handle the entire surface with a sanding machine or sandpaper by hand - the door should be smooth and smooth.
  6. Wipe the surface with a damp rag to remove dust, but do not drench the wood.
  7. Treat the door with an antiseptic.
  8. If you want to leave a natural texture of wood, then after this step the surface can be covered with several layers of varnish. Also, you can make the tone darker by treating the door leaf with stain. With its help it turns out to imitate noble breeds, turning a pine in a cherry or merbau. Such decor of the door will preserve naturalness and natural beauty.
  9. If you are going to repaint the door again or resort to other ways of finishing, after drying the antiseptic, cover the surface with a primer in 2 layers.

After such simple procedures you can start decorating doors with decors.

Decoration choice

If you understand, there are so many ways to decorate and update the door that all of them will not be able to try for life. We will focus on the most interesting and popular ones. Virtually any of the following zadumok can be implemented, without having absolutely no artistic skills.

Recolor doors

Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest way - to cover the door with new paint. It sounds boring, but no one says that the paint should be monophonic or classic white. To begin with, we'll figure out what can be painted doors at all. For this purpose, not only the enamel used since the USSR, which was used for almost everything from the painting of batteries, to walls, doors, stools and floors, is suitable. The modern market of building materials offers such a variety of colors that it is even somewhat embarrassing to buy enamel.


Optimal option for painting doors - acrylic paints. They are very comfortable to work with, they do not exude almost any smell( as opposed to odorous enamel), are presented in a wide color palette. With the choice of colors you should be careful, unless, of course, you decided to stop on a one-color version. The image below shows the optimal combination of colors that can be used to decorate the entrance door.


Not a bad option - latex paint. It is not afraid of water, it can be washed and cleaned. Such coverage will well serve in the bathroom and the nursery. The paint has no smell and dries very quickly, so you can manage with work for an hour and a half. By the way, about the children's room. If small children live in the house, invite them to participate in creating a unique design for the future door - the drawings will please parents and authors for many years. Plus, in all, there is an educational moment in the work - children will be more careful about the fruits of their labor.

Patchwork for doors

Very interesting technique that fits into almost any interior. To decorate the door with a patchwork, you can use not only fabric flaps, but also interesting cuttings from magazines, pieces of wallpaper, photographs and other objects that will look harmonious in a single collage.


Before you sculpt everything on the door, keep in mind that for the decor you can not use any kind of fabric. If you come to the sewing shop, then on the stands you will see that the materials for the patchwork stand apart. They are characterized by a denser structure and smaller repetitive patterns. In addition, the door-collage should not be done in the bathroom or in the kitchen, as the fabric is very quickly impregnated with fumes, turns yellow or even completely rot.

Patchwork is ideal for a children's room or bedroom. For work you will need PVA, glazing beads and furniture stapler. If you do not use a special patchwork fabric, choose tight patches so that no glue can be seen through them. Do not take scattered around the edges of the fabric, and the rest of the cuts are better to handle overlock. Laces look very elegant, but use them neatly and do not overdo it. Do not glue light-colored fabrics to the door, especially around the handle and along the edge - it will not be possible to wash such a skin.

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As the fabric collects dust, it will have to be vacuumed from time to time. Patchwork is suitable for any, even classic interior, if you choose the right texture of the flaps and the color palette.

Stained-glass doors

If you need to make the decor of the glass door, the best option will be a stained-glass window. There are several techniques for doing stained glass, but we will describe the simplest one. For work you will need special stained-glass paints, a volumetric contour on glass( silver, white or black), stencils or a sketch in scale 1: 1.


How to decorate the door with a stained-glass window:

  1. Place the sketch into a natural size on a flat surface( floor or large table).
  2. From above, lower the glass door. By the way, you can make a stained glass window on the glass inserts of the wooden door.
  3. As the sketch is perfectly visible through the glass, circle all lines with an artistic contour and wait until it dries.
  4. Fill the spaces between the edges with stained-glass inks of the appropriate colors.
  5. Wait for the required drying time and install the updated door in place.

This is a very simple and interesting technique that instantly transforms any interior. To the stained glass door does not turn into a tarnish stain on the background of the usual decor of the room, do it "support", for example, painting in the same way a plafond of a chandelier or a table lamp.

Mosaic on the door

Mosaic can decorate the metal door or ordinary wooden cloth without inserts. This is the best option for the bathroom, because the mosaic is not afraid of moisture. Pieces from which you can assemble an image can be made not only from ceramics. Very beautiful look glass compositions, metal mosaic. And if you crave peremptory originality, the door can be decorated with river or sea pebbles.


Whatever material you choose, it should be borne in mind that the mosaic will significantly increase the weight of the door. Make sure that the door frame is in proper condition and secure it if necessary. To reduce the load, instead of heavy pottery or stones, you can use wood veneer or acrylic glass.

Use liquid nails to mount the mosaic. Before gluing, put on the door a sketch with a simple pencil, think through all the colors and prepare the right amount of material. It is best to start with the largest fragments, for example, if you decide to lay a bird on a branch, first make a branch, then the body of the bird, and then the smaller details - eyes, leaves, paws, etc.

Art painting

We promised that almost all the options outlined in this article can be implemented without special artistic skills. But not to mention the painting of doors is simply impossible, especially since there are many techniques. If the artist is languishing inside you, there are no questions - give him the will and paint the door along and across. For the rest, you can choose the simpler options.


The stencil, for example, can also be called artistic painting, albeit with a stretch. Stencils for decorating doors can be made by yourself or purchased at an art store. Applying paint through them can also be done in different ways - from a bottle, using a sponge or a brush. The idea for a stencil can be taken any, starting from simple plant ornaments, ending with reproductions of the works of famous street artists.


Useful tip: When working with paint in the spray, consider that the spray can get on the walls, the floor and the furniture next to it, so all surfaces within a radius of a meter from the door should be covered with a film or rags.

If you are making a stencil yourself, cut it out of thick paper, plastic film or cardboard. Ideally, beginners should use a self-adhesive film( oracle) to make the drawing clear.

Moldings on the door

If you want to make the door leaf more expressive, highlight the moldings. Moldings are called relief contours, and they can be painted in contrasting colors, for example, the classic version - a white canvas with black moldings. If the door leaf is solid, do not despair - you can at any time buy moldings separately and attach them to any place you like. To fix the wooden slats, use liquid nails.

door coloring

Decorating interior doors with moldings should be done carefully, so as not to overdo it with shades. We recommend that you use the color chart above. Favorite combinations of interior designers: white and black, white and green, dark blue with red, yellow and blue, red and white.


Decoupage of doors

Decoupage in the past few years does not lose its total popularity, but it is usually used to decorate caskets, bottles and stools. And why not decorate the door? To do this, you will need to collect a little more beautiful cuttings from magazines, napkins and newspapers, but the result will surpass all expectations. Without artistic skills, you can turn a regular door into a real art object.


Required tools and materials:

  • images that you want to transfer to the door( napkins, scraps, postcards, etc.);
  • synthetic brush;
  • glue PVA;
  • glitter;
  • acrylic paint;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • circuit;
  • scissors.

In short, the whole process looks pretty straightforward: first the surface is painted with white acrylic paint and waiting until it dries. A second layer is then applied. This is necessary in order to create a substrate - on a white background the chosen shade of paint for the decor of the door and the drawings will look brighter and clearer. A layer of colored acrylic is applied to the substrate and the images are pasted onto it. If they are napkins, then the paper is very thin - you have to work carefully, do not allow the appearance of wrinkles, ruptures and air bubbles.


Glitter and contour are needed for drawing points, stripes and other small details that can complement the composition and make it more voluminous. When the glue dries, the door is covered with a clear acrylic lacquer. As you can see, everything depends on your imagination and correctly selected images.

Wallpapers for the door

The easiest way after painting the door is pasting them with wallpaper. But in this case too, you should not think that we are talking about mediocre "boring" pieces of paper - everything is much more interesting. Take at least modern wallpaper - with their help you can not only decorate the door, but also visually expand the space. For example, if you choose a landscape with perspective.


The second interesting option is 3D wallpapers. They usually come with very beautiful and unusual drawings, but the cost makes you move back to the exit from the store. For finishing one small door, it makes no sense to buy a whole roll, so ask the leftovers in the store( they usually cost less) or find out if some of the friends recently did repairs. ..


Silkscreen and velor wallpapers look simply luxurious and look great in a classic interior. In this case, it is not at all necessary to glue the entire canvas - you can close the compartments, delimited by moldings, and this will also look spectacular.

The decoration of the old door by one's own hands is one of the most pleasant and fascinating moments of cosmetic repair in the house. We considered the most popular options for the restoration of old doors, but there are still many ways, from gluing metal rivets and collages, ending with carving or stucco.

Door decor: photo

Finally, we suggest you look at the photos of the beautiful finish of the doors and, perhaps, they will push you to create your own original decor.

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Door Decorations For Christmas -28

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