How to organize lighting in a private courtyard?

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The correct organization of lighting in the courtyard of a private house is a pledge not only of security, but also of the attractiveness of the site. If you want to make the highlight of the territory yourself, first of all you need to learn some nuances related to the choice of street lights, as well as the option of yard lighting. Next, we provide you with a few practical tips with photos of street lighting ideas at home.
  • Determine the purpose of the
  • lanterns We select the appropriate luminaires
  • Electrical work

Determine the purpose of the

lanterns The first step is to decide what you want to light for the courtyard of a private house. The illumination of the territory of the site can be decorative, protective, functional or even festive.

Modern cozy yard

The most important is functional lighting, which is responsible for the safety of movement around the yard. This category includes lighting of garden paths, steps and porch. Most owners of private houses light such objects with lamps on short legs, which in the daytime complement the landscape design of the site, and at night effectively perform their function. To save money in the yard lighting, it is also recommended to use solar-powered lamps( in the last photo):

The next, no less important option for lighting the courtyard of a private house is security lighting. In this case, lanterns are used on the supports, aimed at the perimeter of the entire site, parking and front door. In order to save on electricity and understand in time that there is an outsider on your site, it is recommended to use LED floodlights with a motion sensor. Such lamps include light only when motion occurs in the detection zone of the sensor. To see how the security gentry lighting of an apartment house looks like, you can on the following photos of the examples:

As for the decorative illumination of the yard, it is used just to emphasize the most important objects of the garden. The original solution will be the installation of lamps in reservoirs, recreation areas, inside fountains and garden sculptures. Special requirements in this case are not presented to the luminaires, the main thing is that they do not contradict the general landscape design and balancedly illuminate all the elements of the yard.

The festive lighting of the yard area, as well as the decorative one, consists in decorating trees in the garden, a residential building, fencing and garden buildings. The most popular lamps in this case are street garlands and hanging lights. Most often this option is used for birthdays and New Year's Eve, when you need to make a thematic atmosphere. The best ideas for decorating the courtyard for the holiday are provided below:

We also recommend viewing the video, which shows even more ideas for the use of streetlights:

The best options for highlighting the garden area
YouTube Trailer

Choosing the right fixtures

To make a secure and durable lighting in a private courtyard with your own hands,attention given to fixtures. First, they must be street - dust and waterproof. Secondly, they should be economical - to consume as little energy as possible and at the same time to cover the yard well. We recommend you to choose floodlights with LED lamps, which are several times more economical than other light sources. A good solution is to use motion sensors and a photo relay. You can also buy a suitable flashlight separately and connect a twilight switch to it.

LED floodlight with motion sensor

Otherwise, the lamps are chosen according to the design and, of course, the cost.

Electrical work

We have already discussed with you how to organize lighting in the dacha with your own hands, where they dwelled in detail on the important moments of conducting electrical wiring. To independently light the courtyard, we recommend that you take into account the following practical tips:

  1. Before setting up a courtyard area, be sure to plan the arrangement of the luminaires and the route of laying the wires to each of them. It is better to lead the cable to the connection points at once, so that you do not have to tear up the decorated garden and do double work.
  2. Wiring is best done in the soil so that it does not spoil the design of the site. About how to hold the cable underground we were told in the relevant article. The only thing we can add - under the ponds and flower beds, the cable is recommended to be laid at a depth of 1 meter, and not 80 cm.
  3. Light switches are best installed in the corridor, so that they are not affected by bad weather conditions, and control of outdoor lighting was convenient.

Otherwise, problems should not arise. If you have any questions, and you do not fully understand how to make lighting in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands, we recommend that you describe the situation in the category "Question-answer", so that our experts will help you with advice!

It will be interesting to read:

  • How to conduct wiring in the house
  • How to make a LED spotlight by yourself
  • How to save electricity legally

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