How to learn how to cook with electric welding - photo and video lessons

Welding is the most reliable joint of all-in-one parts. In everyday life, it is widely used in the manufacture of fences using mesh-netting, hothouse frames, stoves for baths and garages or various containers required in the country areas. A person who possesses the skills of welding works, is able to create on his private plot the real masterpieces of openwork fences, canopies for roofs and other things necessary in everyday life.

Electric welding


What is the reason for the reliability of welding: the basis of welding:

On the strength of the creation of permanent joints, welding occupies a leading position. This is provided by heating alloys from various metals by means of an electric arc, which leads to plastic deformation of the materials used. At the same time, the elementary particles of the electrode penetrate each other in the structure of the materials being joined. As a result, molecular bonds with superhigh strength appear.

Thanks to modern innovative technologies, now it is possible to use for welding laser and electron beams, ultrasound and the flame of a gas burner. But for welding in domestic conditions, the most optimal is still arc welding, a source of energy, for the creation of an electric arc, which are welding machines of various types, including inverters.

Before you welding seam

Before you weld seam

Welding methods

There are the following welding methods:

  • Gas press , using the flame of acetylsilox. The advantages of this type of welding are in high productivity. Therefore, it is widely used in the oil and gas industry, in particular in the construction of oil and gas transmission lines, as well as in machine building.
  • Contact , carried out by an electric current having a relatively low voltage at a sufficiently high current strength. This method includes the following varieties: butt welding, seam and spot.

In addition, in some cases, roller and electroslag welding, friction and termite, as well as a number of other varieties are used.

Choosing the right

equipment If you decide to master the welding technique, then you will need welding equipment. It can be rented or bought. Currently, outlets offer welding machines equipped with a device that allows you to increase or decrease the current. Fans can do everything with their own hands, can make a welding machine from improvised means. In any case, you will need one of the following electrical energy converters:

  1. A transformer for converting AC power to a household electrical grid into the current required for welding operations. Choosing an aggregate of this type, it is necessary to take into account that cheap models will not be able to provide the necessary stability of the electric arc. They are characterized by a "sagging" of tension. In addition, they are too heavy.
  2. Rectifier. It is a device that converts an alternating electric current supplied to consumer networks into a permanent one. Unlike the transformers, these units provide sufficient stability of the electric arc, which, in turn, improves the quality of the welded seam.
  3. Inverter. It converts AC household current into the required constant, with the voltage necessary for high-quality welding. This device is compact and lightweight, easy to ignite, quick action and high performance.
By the way!
** Recommendation. The most efficient of these devices is the inverter, which is characterized by economy and high performance.
How to choose the welding electrodes

For the most common, arc welding requires electrodes, which are designed to bring current to the welding seam. In most cases, this is a wire consisting of a special melting powder. But for those who first encounter welding, it is better to use electrodes, in the form of solid rods covered with a melting compound. They even allow a newcomer to make a smooth seam. The optimum diameter of the electrode rod for this category of welders is 3 mm. Electrodes of smaller diameter are used to connect thin metal sheets, and for the use of

Welding electrode packing

Packaging of welding electrodes

electrodes of larger diameter requires more equipment.

Welding safety( welder equipment)

Welding works are accompanied by bright light and a lot of splashes of hot metal. Therefore, the welder must take care of protecting the skin of his face and eyes from burns. For these purposes, a special shield and mask will be required. But not only face and eyes need protection. The skin of hands is susceptible to burns from flying splashes of melting metal to a greater extent. Therefore, mittens made of tarpaulin or suede are a necessary means of ensuring safety. Ideal option - the presence of a dressing gown or overalls from a dense canvas or rubberized fabric.

The welder mask protects the eyes from burns and vision loss

The welder mask protects the eyes from burns and vision loss

In order to ensure fire safety, there must be a water tank or other means in the welding area that protects against fire if an accidental spark hits.

Step-by-step instruction for welding
  1. The welded surface must be carefully protected. It should not be contaminated and rust.
  2. Before starting the welding work, it is necessary to insert the electrode into the holder of the welding machine and create an electric arc. For this, it is necessary to cause the current to move in the welding zone. This process can be carried out by striking the rod of the electrode over the metal or touching the surface of the workpiece in the form of a tapping.
  3. As soon as the electric arc appears, it is necessary to create a gap between it and the surface to be joined. This gap should have a constant value and be in the range of 3 to 5 mm.
By the way!
** Recommendation. In order to obtain a smooth seam, without defects, it is necessary that the gap remains constant throughout the welding process. Otherwise, the arc will be interrupted, which will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the weld.
  1. The angle of inclination of the rod should be 70 °.But it can be changed, in order to ensure the comfort of performing welding operations.
  2. Of great importance is the stability of the electric current. It must be taken into account that too much of its force will cause metal penetration, and at low arc extinction occurs.

After you have mastered the technique of welding seam in the form of a roller, you can proceed directly to the implementation of permanent joints. Work begins with creating an arc. Then the welder goes to the direct connection of the parts. In this case, his hand must perform oscillatory movements from one element to another. The welded seam( trajectory) can be made in the form of a Christmas tree, a loop, a zigzag, and the like. In the end of work, it is necessary to clean the seam from the formed slags.

Once you master the basic skills of welding, you can proceed to perform more complex operations, making butt and T-joints, as well as overlapping and angular, moving in different directions. As soon as the hand becomes confident, you can start making more complex products.

Video - manual arc welding for beginners

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