Once again on the plasterboard wall covering

Drywall is an excellent finishing material, indispensable in the alignment or construction of partitions, walls, ceilings.
The article describes the technology of wall plasterboard plastering, describes the techniques of wall plastering with gypsum board sheets.
Having familiarized with the article, you can do it yourself, without the help of professionals, to paint the walls with a drywall sheet yourself.

For plastering walls drywall is used for a long time. For example, in Russia drywall was widely used since the 50s of last century. True, the material produced in the 20th century did not possess such high properties that make it accessible not only in terms of cost, but also in the possibility of application.

Drywall has several advantages over other finishing materials:
- high fire resistance and soundproofing;
- low cost;
- light weight;
- ease of use, practicality and simplicity.

What you need to know in order to properly apply drywall when walling?

Let's consider the main points of the technology of wall plastering with a drywall sheet.

For cladding different ways of fastening the material, frameless or frame are used.

It is recommended to use gypsum board with thickness not less than 12 mm for permanently heated room. In a summer house for wall sheathing, it is advisable to use a moisture-resistant, fireproof gypsum board.

The frameless method of wall lining with its own hands is based on the use of plasterboard sheets with a thickness of at least 12 mm.
This method is more suitable for use on a flat surface, on which old plaster is kept well. In addition, the wall must be securely installed.
The assembly stages are divided into preparatory, assembly, finishing.
At the preparatory stage, the old paint, wallpaper, plaster, dust, dirt is removed from the surface.
Damaged areas are plastered, cracks are embedded. For high-quality sealing of the surface, the crack should be cut at a depth of not less than 5 mm when smeared. The unevenness of the surface is checked.
With irregularities of not more than 4 mm, plasterboard sheets are fastened with gypsum or mortar or putty.
If the surface is uneven to 20 mm, the sheets are laid using adhesive applied to the sheets in 25. .. 35 mm increments.
If the unevenness is up to 40 mm, then the gypsum boards are laid in two layers.
The first layer is made with sheets cut into strips up to 10 cm wide. The second layer is assembled from solid sheets and fixed with putty.
You can not do without the tools needed to perform the work without a tape measure, a sharp knife, a level, a jigsaw, a rubber hammer.
You will need a putty, grout, paint mesh and tape.
For the fixing of drywall sheets it is recommended to use special glue compounds.

Skeleton method of fixing the GKL
The installation of the frame is necessary for high wall irregularities and on wooden surfaces.
The frame method of wall plating with drywall sheets provides for the installation of a framework intended for leveling surfaces and fixing gypsum boards.

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Frames can be assembled from a wooden beam or galvanized metal profile.

For the construction of a wooden frame, it is recommended to use a bar with a section of at least 30 × 30 mm, carefully treated with antifungal, fire-fighting compounds. From the formulations it is possible to recommend liquids Aquatex, Senezh, Drevoteks. When assembling the frame from a wooden beam, be sure to leave gaps at the top and bottom for air circulation.
Bars to the wall are attached using dowel-nails. A self-adhesive substrate is laid under the bars.
The frame made of timber is suitable for use in wooden rooms. This will get an absolutely environmentally friendly room.

It is more expedient to use frames made of metal galvanized profiles such as CD or UD as frameworks.
CD profiles are intended for carrying out the role of carriers, and profiles of type UD are guides.
Using UD profiles, a flatness of the surface is specified, and profiles of the type CD allow to create voluminous structures and create rigidity to the structure.
For plasterboard walls plastering with their own hands it is necessary to perform a number of obligatory works.
The preparatory stage includes cleaning the wall from dust, dirt, old paint and wallpaper.
The wall is marked with a building level.
The supported profile is fixed to the supporting profile with screws or dowels.
First of all, secure the outer vertical guides. Pulling the thread between the end guides, the paint string or fishing line fix the remaining guides, while maintaining flatness of the surface.
After fixing the carriers, they begin to install reinforcing framework profiles. It should be remembered that the reinforcing and leveling profiles serve as the basis to which the plasterboard sheet is attached.
For stiffening the structure, use U-shaped brackets. By the way, the U-shaped brackets must be fixed in the middle by the marked markings.
When assembling the frame, always remember the flatness of the surface.

Vertical bearing rails are fixed at a distance of 400. .. 600 mm. Their length is equal to the height of the wall.

The sheets of gypsum board to the frame are fixed with screws at right angles. The hat of the screw must be recessed 1 mm. The step of fixing the sheets with self-tapping screws is 25 cm.
First of all, the sheets are mounted on the wall without any openings.

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