How much will it cost to warm the balcony with your own hands? Approximate estimates and tips

Self-finishing balcony will cost much less - it's clear to everyone. Of course, hired craftsmen will do everything much faster( how much qualitatively - another question), and they provide a wide range of services, at the choice of the customer. This insulation is external and internal, the arrangement of a "warm" floor and much more. On the one hand - it is convenient, but is it advisable from the economic point of view?

Even without "finish" finishing, taking into account the preparatory measures, does not take for less than 350 rubles / m² for their work. And this is provided, if you use the cheapest materials and the simplest technology - in 1 layer. If the work is done "turnkey", then then for 1 m² - at least 2,100 rubles ( "with all of its").Again, according to the "economy class" option, which means that inexpensive( and short-lived) products are coming into the business. And how much will it cost to self-insulate the balcony? With this, and it is worth investigating, but at the same time and find out how and on what you can save extra.

It is clear that each balcony has its own characteristics - location( it can be separate or adjacent to the neighboring one), the degree of deterioration and so on. As a heater and a "finishing" coating, various materials can also be used. Therefore, it makes sense to consider only the main stages of the work and determine what specifically is needed and the indicative prices for some products. And according to these data, it is easy to make an approximate cost estimate for the insulation of your balcony.

In order to have a more complete idea of ​​what you will spend money on, let's give one example of insulation.


The figure shows what you will have to do, although not all of the layers shown on it will need to be stacked( this is just an approximate plan).

What influences the value of

  • The location of the house and the "wind rose".If the room is constantly cool, then the insulation in 1 layer is unlikely to solve the problem.
  • Climatic features of the region( extreme minus temperatures).
  • Are there balconies from below and from above, and if so, in what condition are they? For example, if a neighbor on the floor above glazed his own, and even qualitatively insulated floors on it, then there is no sense in dealing with the "capital" finish of the ceiling. The same goes for sex, if the owners are already worried about the complex thermal protection of their home.
  • Prices for insulation, lining and consumables.

Stages of operation


It is clear that without this the thermal insulation of surfaces loses all meaning. The cheapest option is to install a frame from aluminum racks( the so-called "cold" insulation).But such savings are unlikely to allow the use of the balcony all year round, although it is possible to meet approximately 2 300 - 2 500 rubles / m².Installation of "warm" windows is much more expensive - from 4,000 rubles / m².Glazing using PVC profiles with 1 double-glazed window is considered optimal. The average price of 1 m² - 3 100 rubles. As a rule, the full glazing of the balcony costs 15 000 - 18 000.

This is the only part of the work that it is better not to do independently, but to conclude an agreement with the corresponding firm. To learn how to choose a quality window profile, read here.


Preparing the basis for

This stage has its own specifics, since if the wall is covered with a mineral wool, then it should not be leveled. But under the foam - it is necessary. But in any case it is necessary to carry out 2 types of work( after cleaning the surfaces): repair all cracks, joints, cracks( if necessary - make a screed) and impregnate the antiseptic.

  • A bag( 50 kg) of cement - 165 rubles( enough M100 - 150).
  • Putty - about 210 rubles( packing 20 kg).
  • Foam mounting - from 110 rubles / bottle.
  • Antiseptic - from 65 rub / l.


It will be required( regardless of what kind of insulation will be used) for the "finish" finish. To install on a balcony a bearing frame made of wooden slats is inadvisable - the wood will quickly rot. Metal profiles are much more convenient in both installation and operation.

  • The 3 m rake costs about 85 rubles( 28 x 50 mm).
  • Self-tapping screws - for 100 pieces approximately 30 - 35.
  • Expansion bolts - from 2,5 rubles / pcs.(6 x 30).


Insulation material

  • Polyfoam - from 220 rubles / m².
  • Minvata - from 250 rubles / m².
  • Dowel-nail - from 3 rubles / pcs.
  • Glue mixture for foam plastic - from 350 rubles / package( 25 kg, approximately 5 m²).


  • PVC panels - from 680 rubles / m².
  • Lining - from 1 000 rub / m².
  • Tiles - from 300 rubles / m².

Additional costs of

wall insulation It all depends on how well( and technologically correct) it is decided to make insulation. In any case, do not do without waterproofing the substrate. If minvate is used to reduce heat losses, then a vapor barrier is required.

  • Film п / э - from 11 rubles / m².
  • Isospan waterproofing insulator - from 780 rubles( roll 36 m², 2 mm).
  • Steam insulation - an average of 245 rubles / m².

What to take into account when choosing materials

  • What additional load will be on the slab?
  • How much will the useful area of ​​the balcony decrease? This refers to the thickness of the mounted "pie".
  • Compatibility of materials. For example, not every glue is used for fixing foam plates, as well as for use in outdoor work.


The article details the main activities that will require certain financial investments. According to the data given, it is not difficult for the reader to determine to what extent the amount of the insulation of his balcony will cost.

With the most budgetary option, taking into account that everything is done by oneself, it is possible to keep within 2,200 - 2,800 rubles.

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