How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country: 6 best ways

Options for fighting mosquitoes in different situations

Cottage is a very multifunctional place. They go there to work, relax, seclude themselves and so on. Therefore, there is no definite advice on how to get rid of mosquitoes. In principle, it would be more correct to say that it is impossible, but it is realistic to protect oneself from these small bloodsuckers, and in different situations the ways for this are also different.

If for the premises, tents and even pavilions complete disposal of mosquitoes is possible in the presence of a mosquito net, then on the street you can not forbid them to fly up to their food. And yet there are ways and tricks that allow you to leave all your blood to yourself.

Fighting mosquitoes

Ultrasound from mosquitoes

It's safe to say that this is the most modern option to protect yourself and your family from itchy bites. There are compact devices that repel insects with sound, inaudible human ear. Some of them are designed for one person, hung on the belt or put in a pocket and operate in a two-meter radius. Others, more expensive and more large-scale, are able to protect a whole room from mosquitoes. The third, the most expensive, at the request of manufacturers will save you from the presence of bloodsuckers in an area of ​​50 meters and suitable for an evening rest on the street.

Similar devices are currently manufactured by several companies. The quality of their work depends directly on the price due to the fact that the development is still new. However, it should be noted that even the best devices can not cope with the stated efficiency.

Ultrasonic mosquito repeller

Fumigators and fluids from mosquitoes

For several decades now, the leader among the ways to fight insects are electric fumigators and cigarette lighter with a liquid. They do not emit a tangible smell and can be quite effective( while fluids do better with the task), but some people do not like the quality of their work.

In this case, the plate, which must be inserted into the fumigator, is simply ignited and extinguished after a few seconds, and a foul smoke fumigates the room. Mosquitoes while falling directly on the fly, but there is a big risk of poisoning the smoke and the person. The worst thing is that it will not be possible to air a room after that either - mosquitoes will fly again.

Please note! If the agent for the fumigator seems to be not effective enough, do not resort to aggressive methods, just change it to another, from another manufacturer, and be sure to look at the expiration date.


Repellents from mosquitoes at the dacha

Another popular remedy is repellents from mosquitoes and other insects. These substances are manufactured in the form of a cream, liquid or spray and applied to the skin. They have a rather sharp unpleasant odor, but often this is less unpleasant than feeding flocks of mosquitoes with their blood.

However, it is not necessary to take every liquid with an unpleasant odor in the remedy for mosquitoes for repellents. There is a popular bike about the fact that one company in the campaign was smeared from head to foot with insect fluid with instruction in an unknown language and returned from the campaign all bitten.

Only after they transferred the method of application, and it turned out that the liquid had to be poured nearby, so that mosquitoes flew on it and did not touch people.
Minus repellents are a relatively high risk of causing allergies or breathing problems.


Mosquito traps

A good way to get rid of flying bloodsuckers is to place traps for them. On the street or in the arbor, they can reduce the number of insects, and in the room and completely rid them. As a liquid that people took for repellent, the trap distracts the attention of mosquitoes to themselves, and by flying, the insect has practically no chance to get out.

Traps can be made by hand. To do this, take a plastic bottle and cut off the top. The lid can be thrown out. In the bottle you can simply put a piece of a banana or pour half a cup of warm water, pour 1-2 spoons of sugar and add 1-2 grams of yeast. Then the top part of the bottle is turned upside down and inserted into the bottle - the trap is ready.

You can purchase ready-made devices that work from electricity. They act by attracting insects to the light of ultraviolet lamps. However, the effectiveness of purchased electric UV-traps for mosquitoes is much less positive than on self-made work.

Trap for mosquitoes

Spirals from mosquitoes at the dacha

There is another proven way to get rid of insects on the street - it's a spiral. They are quite inexpensive, sold in packs of several pieces. The minus of this remedy is not to be used indoors and in an enclosed space.

The spiral is installed at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the person and is ignited for 10-15 seconds. After the flame needs to be extinguished, and the agent will begin to actively smolder, emitting acrid smoke. Inhale it and be in the immediate vicinity of the spiral categorically impossible, if you do not want to earn problems with the lungs. However, if used properly, spirals from mosquitoes do not do any harm to your health, 5+ coping with the task of scaring off insects.

Spiral from insects

Popular methods from mosquitoes

Almost all the tools described above are modern. However, people struggled with biting insects before, and they did it mainly with the help of plants. And, no rare flowers for this search will not have to: mosquitoes do not like mint, tansy, tomato tops, cloves and wormwood.
Other folk methods of fighting mosquitoes in the country are described in the video on the next tab.

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