Semi-circular tables - elite kitchens Snaidero

Do you want your small kitchen to be extremely comfortable, and even on its tiny area you could place the maximum of the necessary accessories for you? Designers have already solved this problem! In the company Snaidero came up with a great way to organize space - semi-circular tables for the kitchen, combining all the necessary elements for the owner and functions.

Semi-circular tables - kitchens Snaidero

Semi-circular tables - kitchens Snaidero

And if the usual alteration of the kitchen can take you a lot of time, this solution will be more simple and quick. After all, your problem is that you do not have enough space for cooking, do you? And it's easy enough to solve it!

Rounded tables Snaidero

Rounded tables Snaidero

Rounded tables Snaidero is not just a functional element, it's also a decoration that perfectly revitalizes the kitchen space and allows you to compactly and nicely arrange everything you need for a mistress.

  • cooking areas( eg kitchen boards and other appliances),
  • small kitchen sinks with a faucet that can be installed inside the table,
  • various knife and other accessories,
  • waste basket( placed below, and also attached to the table itself,allowing it not to overturn at the most inopportune moment),
  • various appliances needed for the hostess( food scales, kitchen equipment, etc.), which can be placed on comfortable shelves under the table.
Semi-circular tables Snaidero

Semi-circular tables Snaidero

More bulky objects( for example, a microwave oven) are installed behind the table, and above it are shelves with necessary utensils and other accessories.

You can do otherwise - in the center of the semicircular table install the plate( it will take a narrow part of the "wave"), and on the sides leave a wide area for cooking. Moreover, the table can have an additional "outhouse" from the outside, which will serve as a narrow dining table, and during parties - as an original bar counter. If desired, this element can be made retractable and abandon the usual cumbersome dining table forever!

Snydero kitchens - semi-circular tables

Kitchen Snydero - semicircular tables

In any version, such a design move can solve a lot of problems. First, thanks to him, the space will be saved to accommodate various appliances and additional furniture. Secondly, the installation of only a "wavy" table will be much cheaper than the overhaul of the entire kitchen.

Semi-circular kitchen tables Sneijdero

Semi-circular kitchen tables Snydero

At the same time, such an ornament of a narrow kitchen can be equipped with unusual glass shelves and drawers, too, "wavy".Well, if the area of ​​the kitchen allows, you can place in it items that are not of traditional smooth shapes, but rounded outlines, and this will only complement the interior and make it uniform in terms of style that will surely delight every visitor!

Semi-circular kitchen tables - kitchens Snaidero

Semi-circular kitchen tables - kitchens Snaidero

Kitchen sinks - the best assistant and the heart of your kitchen
Kitchen worktops - the key design element
The kitchen helps to become slimmer, or the rules of kitchen arrangement for weight loss
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Simple and original cutting boards for the kitchen

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