Arrangement of ventilation in a country house with their own hands

Arrangement of ventilation in a country house with their own hands

With the construction of the cottage with time, the question may arise: can you equip ventilation in a country house with your own hands, since in this case it will be possible to save significant financial resources.

In general, ventilation is an invariable attribute in the construction of country cottages.

Without it, it will simply not be possible to protect the internal space from the unpleasant smells of the sewage system, and in addition to ensure an optimal microclimate.

It should be noted that properly and properly equipped ventilation in a country house allows you to save indoor spaces from harmful microorganisms and bacteria.

To date, the installation of quality and modern ventilation is carried out in all residential buildings that are located outside the city.

There are several different types and schemes of ventilation, designed for private cottages, which, with the right approach and the availability of all the necessary materials themselves can equip everyone.


  • Principles and types of ventilation
  • Basic ventilation characteristics
  • Calculation of the
  • system

ventilation system device Principles and types of ventilation

To date, several different ventilation schemes are actively used for ventilation in a house located outside the city.

Each circuit has, both its advantages and disadvantages, and with the right approach to the matter can be realized by own hands.

Device of air outlets

Despite the large number of differences in the various ventilation options, they have several unifying factors.

First of all, any scheme should ensure not only the flow of fresh air into the surrounding space, but also the outflow of the old one.

In addition, it must ensure effective protection of indoor premises from harmful elements and foreign odors from the side of the street.

Also in its operation, ventilation should not allow the smell of sewage to enter the rooms.

In general, in private construction, three different ventilation schemes are used. The most popular is natural ventilation.

This type of ventilation will significantly reduce the cost of its subsequent operation, in addition, it is possible to regulate heat exchange and maintain optimal ambient humidity in the surrounding space.

If the house has natural ventilation, then the room receives the air that is in the surrounding atmosphere.

Quite often in private houses one can find a mixed type of ventilation of the surrounding space.

Most often it is used in those cottages in which the usual natural extract simply does not cope with all its functions.

With this type of ventilation, not only natural, but also additional forced ventilation is installed, for example in those spaces where there may be a risk of smell of sewage.

General characteristics of ventilation

Before starting the installation of a ventilation system by yourself, it is important to choose the most optimal option that will allow maintaining the optimal microclimate in the house.

Installation of natural ventilation is relevant in the case if the construction of the cottage used a brick, gas block, foam block or expanded clay, as well as wood.


In addition, the air in the surrounding atmosphere must be clean and free from any harmful impurities.

It should be noted that the operation of this type of ventilation will largely depend on the weather conditions. For its arrangement, it is necessary to install the duct only in an upright position.

Such ventilation will be ineffective if the building has only one floor.

If the ambient air is filled with harmful impurities and odors, and the house is built of materials such as 3D panels, sandwich panels, vacuum panels, then it makes sense to do forced ventilation.

This system, as a rule, is additionally equipped with automatic cleaning devices and several fans, which ensure the inflow and outflow of air.

To date, the most preferred option for ventilation in a private home is a mixed type.

In this case, the inflow of air into the interior of the house is carried out naturally, and its outflow, on the contrary, due to the installation of fans.

These fans are installed at the entrance to the ventilation ducts responsible for the outflow of air.

At the same time, one should take into account the fact that for the efficiency of the mixed type of ventilation, fans should be selected based on the area of ​​the entire internal space.

The mixed scheme implies the arrangement in the house of several separate channels for outflow and airflow from the premises.

This allows you to avoid getting into the house of unpleasant smells of sewer from the toilet room, since the corresponding channel is mounted separately from the general system.

Calculation of the

system The installation of any type of ventilation requires, at a preliminary stage, before carrying out all work, to make certain calculations.

This is necessary not only to avoid falling into the living space, for example the smell of sewage, but also in order to ensure the inflow and outflow of air in the required quantity.


It is also necessary to check the power of the installed air heater and fan on the exhaust pipe.

Carrying out all necessary calculations, it is necessary to consider both external and internal factors.

The air exchange is necessarily taken into account, as well as the possible temperature difference between the internal living space and the street.

It should also be taken into account when calculating such a value as the volumetric heat capacity of air.

All this will give an opportunity during the operation of the ventilation system to avoid its possible overloads and failure, as well as getting an unpleasant smell of sewage from the toilet room, for example, in the bedroom or the hall.

Directly the fan power on the exhaust duct is determined based on the main purpose of the room.

General scheme of ventilation

For example, if you plan to install a fan for the kitchen space, you need to take the full volume of the room itself and multiply it with a factor that is ten.

For toilet rooms in which the smell of sewer can accumulate, this coefficient will have a value of seven.

The given calculations will give the chance to define as much as possible precisely productivity of the equipment and accordingly to make installation of really effective system of ventilation which will be capable to create an optimum microclimate in an internal space of the house.

Ventilation system

Before starting to install the ventilation system in your home, you should prepare all necessary building materials and components.

As ducts one can take plastic pipes of the corresponding section. For their docking use special adapters or couplings.


To mount the pipes themselves to the surface, use special clamps or a set of pins and straps. It is recommended to fix the pipes every one and a half meters.

At the same time to remove the unpleasant smell of sewer from the bathroom and toilet, you need to assemble your air duct, and for your own spaces.

This will avoid the spread of an unpleasant smell of sewerage throughout the house.

To get into the cottage fresh air, you can mount one common channel, which, just like the exhaust, is out of the building.

Special condensates should also be provided that will help to get rid of the problem of moisture entering the interior of the house.

All horizontal pipes must be equipped with additional fans of appropriate power.

In addition, non-return valves must be present in the system, which will help to set the air flow direction.

In general, all these recommendations will give an opportunity to make effective ventilation in the house with their own hands.

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