Rules for laying gas silicate blocks

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Rules for laying gas silicate blocks

Gas silicate is a popular building material, therefore every builder, when choosing this material, should know how to put gas silicate blocks.

The material is a kind of cellular concrete, lightweight, but at the same time provides reliability at home.

However, it is important to properly lay the blocks, so you should know the technology of laying.

Laying methods

Gas silicate blocks can be laid in two ways: on glue or on cement-sand mortar.

Of course, cement and sand will cost several times cheaper than glue, but the consumption of the solution exceeds the consumption of glue in 6 times.

When laying on a cement-sand mortar, the thickness of the joints will be 1.5-2 cm, which has unfavorable consequences: the transmission of cold air increases, mold, fungus and condensate are formed.

To prepare the mortar you need sand and cement in a ratio of 3: 1.Water should be added so that the solution was in consistency like sour cream. Cement should be not less than M 500.

It is more convenient to lay the material on a special adhesive compound with high adhesion. When using glue the thickness of the seams is 2-3 mm, there is almost no heat loss.

If construction is made in winter, then it is necessary to choose glue with antifreeze components.

Prepare the glue like this: water is poured into a container, then a dry mixture is poured in and all is mixed. For stirring, you can use an electric drill with a special nozzle.


The amount of water and glue depends on the adhesive, so you should read the instructions for use immediately before use.

It is recommended to prepare glue in small portions, as the composition dries quickly.

When working with glue, you must follow certain safety rules. Due to the fact that the glue contains cement, protective gloves and plastic glasses must be worn during operation.

Also need to protect the respiratory system, for which a bandage or respirator is worn.

How is the masonry made?

For the construction of gas silicate, the following materials must be prepared:

  • reinforcing bars with a diameter of 8 mm;
  • waterproofing material: roofing material, bitumen, polyurethane, etc.;
  • sand and cement;
  • adhesive.

Also required tools:

  • rubber hammer;
  • spatula, brush;
  • hacksaw;
  • template for fitting blocks;
  • concrete mixer or drill with a nozzle for mixing glue;
  • plane, grater;
  • level;
  • brush with soft bristles.

When all consumables and tools are prepared, you can go directly to the installation work.

Any structure begins with a foundation. When installing a foundation for a house from gas silicate blocks, certain conditions must be observed.

First row

It is believed that for gas silicate walls does not require a solid foundation, but this opinion is erroneous.

Due to the fact that the gas silicate blocks are not resistant to bending, when the light foundation moves, the walls will crack.

It is necessary to check the level of the foundation, the differences should not be more than 1-1.5 cm. A properly constructed foundation will facilitate subsequent work.

When laying the foundation, it is very important to create a rectangular base.

The foundation level should be such that the first row of masonry does not touch the soil, since the blocks are very hygroscopic.

The upper level of the foundation is carried out above the ground level, or a pedestal made of ceramic bricks 0.5 m high is laid.

When the base is ready, markings are made for high-quality masonry. To do this, note the four corners of the structure. The accuracy of the markup is checked several times by measuring the diagonal of the base.

Blocks should protrude from the edge of the base for 4.5-5 cm. This is necessary to ensure that the precipitation does not drain into the junction of the foundation, but on the blind area. Between the angled blocks, a high-precision thread is stretched.

For ease of marking, you can use bars with nails, which need to be slightly deepened into the ground.


Also these bars are required to align the corner pieces, since they allow you to change the position of the blocks.

The next stage is the waterproofing of the foundation. To do this, you can use penetrating waterproofing, mastic, roofing material and other materials.

Waterproofing directly on the plinth in one or more layers.

For example, if a roofing material is used, its laying is carried out in several layers with an overlap of 15-20 cm, and each layer is smeared with a sand-cement mortar layer of 10 mm.

The installation of waterproofing should be carried out taking into account that the width of the coating should be greater than the width of the wall. For partitions waterproofing is not required.

When the base is completely ready, you can go to the masonry. Gas silicate blocks have the correct form, so their laying is fairly simple.

The key point is the first row, which must be executed correctly, because it will serve as the basis for the entire wall.

Installation of the first row is always carried out on the cement slurry, since the cement allows to level the surface horizontally. Corner blocks are first laid.

Masonry starts at the highest angle. Excess cement is removed by the trowel. After that, the remaining blocks are placed on the markup. Detail laying of the first row is presented on video.

The installation of the inner wall starts from the side wall. In advance on the floor and walls you need to make a markup.

Installation of the second row starts with a glaze or a solution of blocks of the first row. Glue or mortar is applied to the surface of the previous row and to vertical faces with a layer of no more than 0.5-0.7 mm.

If blocks with a groove-groove construction are used, the glue need not be applied to the ends. The glue protruding from the seams is retracted by the trowel.

Laying of rows is performed only after 2 hours after laying the previous row. With the use of kyanki blocks must be leveled. If there are any irregularities, then they can be eliminated with a plane.

The laying of all rows starts at angles, but the direction of the corner blocks must change.


For example, if in one row the block was placed by the long part in the left side, then in the other row it should be placed with a long part in the right side.

So, all the subsequent rows are shifted relative to the previous one by at least 8 cm. Alternating provides increased strength of the walls. Masonry is made with a bandage in half the block.

It is strictly forbidden to lay gas silicate blocks in the rain due to the fact that the blocks have a cellular structure that absorbs moisture.

If you need a smaller block, you can cut it with an electric saw, which allows you to make a rounded, curved or sloping shape.

When laying the window and door openings in the upper part of the opening, you first need to lay the steel corners, the length of which should exceed the width of the opening by at least 40 cm, only after this the laying of blocks continues.

A series above the openings is made in the form of a thermal belt, for this purpose it is necessary to use U-shaped hollow blocks. To the outside wall of the block is fixed expanded polystyrene.

An important step in the laying of a gas silicate block is reinforcement, which must be done after the fourth row.

Reinforcement is carried out in the following way: along the entire length of the series it is necessary to penetrate the electric shtroborezom. The length of the shtroba must correspond to the length of the reinforcing bar.

Then from the shtroby need to remove the dust with a hair dryer. After that, moisten with water and half fill with adhesive, then put the reinforcement 8 mm in diameter.

To prevent corrosion of the reinforcement barrel must be filled, for this purpose a special solution is used.


If the blocks are thicker than 400 mm, then the reinforcement should be stacked in two rows. The corners of the bar must be rounded.

For reinforcement, reinforcing mesh can be used, which is fixed to the blocks with dowels. If all conditions are met, the walls will last for a long time.

A detailed process of how to put gas silicate blocks, you can see the video in the article.

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