The most beautiful and more difficult to make - panel doors. Sometimes their appearance resembles a two-sided tile of chocolate, where rectangular lobules and there are panels.
- Structure and layout of panel doors
- Types of panels for wooden doors
- Insulated panels for external entrance doors
- Doors with figurines for wooden interior doors
- Wooden doors with floating panels
- Assembly and gluing of wooden panel doors
There are several varieties of panels for decorative and targetdestination. Smooth panels with torn strips are used for both entrance and interior doors. Doors with floating and filigree panels must be protected from bad weather, entrance doors with such panels are allowed in the entrance or for the glazed balcony.
For the manufacture of doors, well-treated and properly dried wood of coniferous or hardwood is selected. The choice is very wide, from pine, beech, walnut to oak and mahogany. Depending on the type of wood, the complexity of processing is determined and the price for the door is divided between interior panels. It is important that the board has a uniform monolithic structure, without knots, cracks, color changes and other visible defects.
Structure and layout of panel doors
The panels fill the space between the binding and the binding of the wooden door. The edges of the panels are machined on the bevel so that they easily fit into the tying and grooving grooves.
- For the production of paneled doors, pine is the most common material. Pine board has a pleasant honey-yellow color, beautiful texture and can be processed. Natural antiseptics present in the wood texture contribute to the durability of the doors from the pine board.
- The trim for room panel doors is made from a well-dried board of at least 5 cm thick. For bindings, an equal or more thin bar, or a board, is used, depending on the design of the panel doors. Well-ground wooden planks are connected to a single or double spike. As a rule, on the vertical boards are made eyelets, and on short horizontal boards - thorns.
- On the ground and marked boards, a stud is made of a thickness of 16 mm, a tongue and groove with a width of 12 mm. Spikes and eyes are filed with electric jig saw. The dowel is selected by the puncher, and is made by crimping. The design is assembled on glue, leveled at right angles and fixed with spikes. Additionally it is strengthened with screws or nails.
Types of panels for wooden doors
The panels are made of a thin, compact board or plywood-plywood. Sometimes from chipboard, with figured edges along the perimeter. Sometimes, as a decor, they use pads that are placed on the glue and fixed with small carnations. A variety of types of panel doors, photos of which can always be found on the Internet, will help you choose the right version for your taste.
Insulated panels for external entrance doors
Foil panels do, as a rule, for insulation of entrance doors. While surfacing, it can be both on one side and double-sided.
- The door frame is made of a thicker board or bar, allowing you to make a selection for two parallel dowels. Free space is filled with a heater. First, one of the plane of the door is assembled, then the heater is laid, the mineral wool is best suited, and then the second panel plane is mounted.
- Sometimes, for giving aesthetic appearance or for beauty, the panels are placed in wooden frame frames. The frames are supplied with crests and thus inserted into the grooves selected in the strapping boards. Insulated single-sided panel doors, are made by a half-way method. From the front side of the doors, a casting is made on the frame. For the installation of panels it is enough to make grooves or tongue grooves with a depth of 15 - 20 mm.
Fittings for wooden interior doors
A figurine is a thickened part of the panel, thinning to the edge. From solid pine boards, with a thickness of not more than 50 mm, make panels with figurines. In the form of panels are square or rectangular with sawn edges along the perimeter. The edges of the edges are treated with a zenzubel or a figural plow. There is a frame frame with such panels in the longitudinal grooves on the joiner's glue.
Wooden doors with
- fusing panelsOn the door leaf, markings are made, and fixing spikes are performed. The panels are made separately, approximately 2 mm less along the perimeter of the edges of the door trim. The gap prevents the door from deforming during shrinkage.
- The lower edge of the entrance panel doors is usually reinforced. In addition to the proximity of the lower edge of the entrance front doors to the ground and the greater impact of natural phenomena on this part of the door( dampness, mud, splashes from puddles, etc.), many have a bad habit of opening or holding the door with the foot.
- For this purpose, the lower part of the strapping is made from a board or a set-up compacted beam up to 25 - 30 cm high. In addition, the lower part is covered with thin sheet copper, brass or other stainless metal.
Assembly and gluing of wooden panel doors
Its features are assembled and riveted to the glue of the panel doors. Before gluing, all the assemblies assembled on a dry panel door are released and slightly moved apart. So that the design is held at the tips of the studs. The panel is removed from the nest and coated with glue along the perimeter. Promised are also the open parts of the studs and grooves, in all accessible places. The door is exposed on the corner piece, checked at the corners and diagonals, is laid in hiring, where it is securely and tightly fixed until the glue dries completely.