Chimney for the stove

The popularity of the burzhuyka, even with a large selection of more modern stoves, remains high. This can be explained by the of its compactness, the small cost of the device itself, the ability to install in any room, the relative ease of self-made burger even from improvised materials. But the simplicity of the design does not at all mean any relief with a combustion exhaust system - a quality and reliable smoke d for a burzhuyki is just as necessary as for any other furnace.

Chimney for the stove

Chimney for burzhujki

Traditionally, burzhujki apply for heating in garage, workshop or in a small country house. In addition, modernized burzhujki, having quite aesthetic appearance, are installed in residential country houses, in addition to central or autonomous heating.

If the installation of the turbocharger will be done on its own, then, before the proceed to the installation process, it is recommended to thoroughly understand the design of the chimney to the furnace. Since the burzhuyka in the overwhelming number of cases is made of metal, then the smoke

for for it is suitable metal. Today trading offers a wide assortment of various elements, of which it is easy to build a chimney of any design independently, if, of course, you know how to do it correctly.

Chimney construction options

Contents of the article

  • 1 Chimney design options
    • 1.1 Chimney drawing and manufacturing of necessary parts
    • 1.2 Chimney components
  • 2 Chimney assembly
    • 2.1 Video: installation of a simple chimney for a turbojet in a shed
  • 3 Chimney care
    • 3.1 Video:one more option for installing a chimney for a burster

The schematic diagram of a chimney design for a burglar can be executed on one of the of three species differing to the location of the pipe location and its exit the room outside.

Three basic layouts of the chimney in the room

Three main layouts of the chimney in the room

  • The chimney can go out through the wall at a level of 200 ÷ 250 mm from the ceiling. This - is a convenient and efficient design, since that piece of smoke exhaust pipe, which the passes through the room, will play the role of a kind of "battery", a fairly powerful heat exchanger, , which effectively integrates into the overall heating process, giving to the room a furnaceheat. This contributes to an increase in the total heat transfer from the burger, and means , much less fuel will be consumed to achieve and maintain the desired temperature level.
  • The second option is rarely used in garages or workshops, as the design suffices for the laboriousness of the in mounting. In this case, the chimney also passes through the entire room, but does not turn into a hole in the wall, but rises through the ceiling and is taken to the street through the attic and further, through the roof. The design is also very effective for heating the room, but to conduct the pipe through the attic ceiling to take a number of measures to protect against overheating all potentially fearful of the fire materials. To do this, in the thickness of the ceiling it is necessary to install around the pipe a special box that is filled with a heat-resistant composition, for example, fine-grained expanded clay or mineral wool.

Carrying the pipe through the roof, the also will have to do a lot of work, as the gaps between the roofing material and the chimney are necessary waterproof .Incorrect performed by work can lead to leaking roof.

If you use this design in a two-story house, then the pipe, passing through the of the first and second floors, , too, will participate in their heating, but you will need to complete a large volume work on equipping the pass through the two floors androof.

  • The third variant of the - design is less efficient in heat transfer, but has a much higher degree of fire safety. In this case, the chimney pipe immediately leads the to the street and is fixed vertically along the outside of the building wall. When choosing this design, the heat for heating the room will come exclusively from the burzhuyka itself. The pipe, even with its is of very high quality insulation, it will quickly enough to tap and draw heat from the furnace, and means , more fuel will be required to heat the room and to maintain the desired temperature in the it .The advantage is that only one pass through the vertical wall is required, which, however, also will require high-quality thermal insulation - it is in the immediate vicinity of the stove, that is, in the zone of high-temperature heating.

Most often in the conditions of garages or workshops choose the first, rarely - the third, and very rarely - the second option.

Drawing of chimney and manufacturing of

parts. After specifying the location of the furnace installation and having determined the chimney layout in its location, it is necessary to compile the drawing drawing , which visually shows which parts are needed for the installation of the system.

Drawing can be a simple outline - experts will help you understand the design

Drawing can be a simple outline - experts will help to understand the design of

Drawing can be done by hand, but main - carefully measure and put on it exact distances and dimensions.

With this picture, you can safely go to a specialized store, in which an experienced consultant-consultant, without any difficulty, leaning on the parameters, will select the all necessary components of the chimney.

If the chimney is to be manufactured by yourself, it is better to make a straight pipe, since the elements that will help to arrange the chimney at a complex angle, it is quite difficult to manufacture - yourself.

It is very important to remember that if the chimney passes through any overlaps, then the connection of the separate elements of the chimney system should in no case be located inside walls or ceilings - joints must be at least 300 mm away from them. This condition is mandatory! - when depressurizing the connections, which can not be completely eliminated under the influence of high temperatures, a fire hazard situation can be created.

In addition, this arrangement makes the chimney repairable - in the case of burnt metal pipes, it will be easy to disconnect the damaged fire part, without dismantling the entire design.

Self-made chimney sheet metal pipes are not welcome - this process requires specialized tools and tools , a serious experience of the relevant work. Everything is important here - the exact keeping of the required diameter, and the complete sealing of the joints, to exclude even the slightest chance of seeping smoke and gaseous combustion products through them. Itself is impossible to fulfill.

If you want to save, then instead of expensive stainless or nickel-plated chimneys, you can use ordinary pipes made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.6 ÷ 1 mm, which can be purchased at the store or ordered from a tinmaker.

By the way, experienced masters are even taken for the manufacture of sandwich constructions .Two pipes of different diameters are made and by wrapping the smaller pipe with a dense layer of mineral wool, I put larger on the .

The tinsmith can order not only the smooth elements of the system, but also the knees at different angles.

Chimney system components

Professional chimney systems include all the necessary elements, from which you can select the parts for of any construction with a different complexity. And , in shops are presented as usual systems - single-layer metal pipes without insulation, and sandwich-parts, as well as all elements necessary for their interfacing. Therefore, it is recommended that when using a chimney pipe, in order to provide with safety and for a long-term effective service of the chimney, it is to use this system, thought out to detail, and not "self-propelled".

Currently, there is an opportunity to purchase any components for the chimney

At present, there is an opportunity to purchase any components for the chimney

When buying a chimney, it is necessary to take into account the diameter of trd decrease. If it is purchased on a ready-made burner, it repels from the diameter of the branch pipe already available on the heating appliance. If the burger is homemade, the diameter trd decrease should vary between 80 and 150 mm, depending on the volume of the furnace. The - volume should be calculated 2.7 times as much as the diameter in millimeters, and the volume of the - in liters. So, for example, for the familiar to all , the simplest "Gnome" bumper trash is 110 mm with volume its burner in 40 liters.

Prepare the in the for all the necessary elements for the selected flue model, and you should not forget about the sealing materials that are necessary to seal the joints of individual pipe parts. For these purposes, use a heat-resistant sealant and an asbestos cord.

Installation of chimney

When all is prepared, you can proceed to install the chimney from individual elements. If there are many of them, then taking as a basis the scheme, you can pre-lay out all the details in the right sequence. So is much easier to navigate in the process of direct assembly.

The wall behind the stove and behind the chimney along its entire length should be faced with non-flammable and heat-resistant material.

The wall behind the stove and behind the chimney must be faced with non-flammable and heat-resistant material throughout its entire length.

  • The first step is to wall the chimney and chimney pipe with a heat-resistant material, for example, asbestos sheets.
  • Next, a through hole must be made in the wall or ceiling. Its size will depend on which way the wall is insulated against and the will be selected.
  • If the wall is wooden, it is necessary to manufacture( or purchase) a box, with a circular hole in the center, whose diameter should be 3 ÷ 5 mm larger than the diameter of the pipe. The edges of the box must separate the pipe from the wall or the ceiling by 150 ÷ ​​200 mm.

The box to be installed in the ceiling can be filled with basalt glass wool at the maximum density, or go with the medium - or fine-grained expanded clay, which falls asleep after installing the pipe. The box in the wooden wall is best to fill the with several layers of asbestos strips, in which the makes a through circular hole.

If the wall is brick, then a hole is usually fitted with a special through-hole.

The withdrawal of the pipe outwards according to the first option. ..

Pipe outlet outwards according to the first variant. ..

... passing through a vertical wall

. .. with passage through the vertical wall

The pass-through assembly is necessary for to securely fasten the both from the outside of the building and from the inside.

  • The next step is to put the lowest part of the pipe on the nozzle of the installed turbojet using a heat-resistant seal. It must be fixed on the branch pipe with a special clamp - the gas burst must be completely excluded !
  • If the outlet hole is arranged in a wall, then the next pipe segment can be a knee made at the desired angle.

If the chimney is , is output through the ceiling, then an even pipe section is installed, with calculation , so that it either ends 400 ÷ 500 mm from the ceiling, or it rises above the attic floor by 300 ÷ 400 mm.

  • Next, the work takes place in the attic or outside the house.

In the roofing material, the roof is also fitted with a hole that is framed from the side of the attic room by a metal panel with a round( for steep ramps - an elliptical) hole for the exit of the pipe.

Passing the chimney through the roof of the building

Passage of chimney pipe through the roof of the building

  • The chimney after the passage through the attic space is displayed on the roof. Clearances between the roofing material and the pipe are mandatory waterproof .Such an operation can be carried out using different elements of -. This can be a metal panel, fitted together with other segments of the chimney, or a special elastic heat-resistant element that tightly surrounds the and tacks the and mounts on the sealant to the roof.
Special unit( flash) for waterproofing the pipe through the roof

Special block( flash) for waterproofing the pipe pass through the roof of the

The latter is convenient because it is easy to lay even on a complex, ribbed roof.

  • The desired total height of the chimney is about five meters, but in the case of a tube for burzhujki in utility rooms, the height can be somewhat reduced. The main - lift its over the roof, according to established rules, which are clearly shown in the diagram.
The regularity of the location of the pipe relative to the ridge of the roof

Regularity of the pipe arrangement relative to the roof ridge

  • When removing the pipe through the wall, from the outside of the building onto the branch pipe protruding from the wall, the knee is installed, which assigns the vertical direction of the pipe along the building to the .
  • The outer pipe must be insulated or made of sandwich segments .Smoke for For reliability is attached to the wall by special brackets that can also be part of the purchased kit, and can be manufactured independently from a metal corner.
  • Lifting the pipe to the level of the roof ridge and reliably fixing its on the wall, on top of the chimney must put on a fungus that will protect the channel from falling inside fall foliage and from water during rains or snowfalls.

Video: installation of a simple chimney for a burzhujka in a shed

Chimney care

In order for a stove to always have a good draft, and there was no smoke in the room, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures that will help keep the chimney in order.

Any chimney requires periodic maintenance work

Any chimney requires periodic maintenance work

  • In order for the pipe to be clean from sediments, it is necessary periodically to add chemical , specially designed for loosening the carbon, to the wood to be burnt.

For the same purpose, aspen wood is used, which contribute to the cleaning of internal walls. To clean the pipe with their help, for the preventive furnace only aspen wood is used. It is desirable that they do not burn out quickly, but smolder the maximum possible time in the furnace. To create such conditions, artificially reduce the draft by closing the ash-pit after the firewood has flared up.

  • Every year, mechanical cleaning of the pipe from carbon deposits and rust is carried out. To do this, you can use a special cleansing e rsh with gr uzom.
Special shovel for cleaning the chimney from damp layers

Special scraper for cleaning the chimney from the grass layers

  • After each cleaning, a surface revision is mandatory, carefully lowering the light bulb into the chimney .This is necessary to detect burnouts or cracks in time.

The process of installing a chimney from the ready-made segments - is quite simple, and you can handle it yourself. If there is a desire and make parts of the pipe yourself, then it is better to abandon it at once, especially in the absence of experience in such work.

Since any chimney must have the highest reliability , and all segments must ideally match with each other for their sealing, it is recommended to install parts manufactured exclusively at a professional level. It must be remembered that the ingress of carbon monoxide into the room from badly embedded seams or burned holes is, without exaggeration, the deadly danger of .

Video: another option for installing a chimney for the

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