Hand held garden cultivator - varieties, prices, choice

Contents of

  • 1 Types of hand held garden cultivators and how they work
  • 2 How to choose garden cultivators
  • 3 Prices for hand cultivators
  • 4 Advantages of garden cultivators

Hand held garden cultivator photo Hand cultivator is your assistant in the suburban area. Here comes the moment when the cold season gradually comes to its logical conclusion. Soon there will come a time when all summer residents will send their strings to the land to conduct the first processing of the land and plant vegetable crops. A garden cultivator, a hand tool capable of combining several functions that are usually managed with several items of garden tools with great physical effort, will give you a huge help in loosening the land, weeding it and preparing furrows for planting your favorite vegetables. Today we will consider the basic criteria, varieties, optimal prices, before choosing garden cultivators and buy.

Types of hand cultivators and the principle of their operation

The simplest variety of garden cultivator is a steel nozzle for a relatively long cut, which consists of fifteen or thirty centimeters straight or the same closed metal teeth. Their number can vary from three to eight. With the help of such a cultivator you can easily loosen the soil or weed the weeds. It is worth noting that the work with this device is standing, you hold the handle with both hands, then pulling the attachment with the teeth towards you, loosen the necessary area of ​​the earth.

Hand held garden cultivator photo

If you use a conventional hoe, then you have to spend 2 times more time processing the ground than if you resort to the help of a hand cultivator.

There are even more convenient varieties of garden cultivators. The so-called walking cultivator for the cultivation of the land, which is usually referred to as a hoe with wheels. This device has a much more complicated design than the previous example of the cultivator with teeth. It is equipped with 2 sets of wheels, a handle, the length of which can be changed at your discretion, as well as a few foot-nozzles with asterisks, which, in fact, and process the soil. Such a garden cultivator will help you in plowing the land, as well as cultivation and weed control. Take into account that for each type of work you will need to install wheels of a certain type. So for the open areas will need large wheels, which will achieve a sufficiently high speed of work. But weeding the weeds should take care of installing small wheels, for careful work near your landings.

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The main advantages of such a cultivator will be a sufficiently high rate of soil cultivation, as well as the possibility of processing the land, both in the direct and in the opposite direction. It is worth noting that in comparison with a conventional hoe, you will save 6 times more time.

But be careful, the cultivator on the colossus is suitable only for ground areas of land that do not contain a huge number of stones, otherwise you may have some problems with working with a walking cultivator.

How to choose a garden cultivator

A hand cultivator must have a removable handle. Its height can be adjusted depending on the growth of the person who uses it. Also this handle can be used when working with other garden tools. When buying a hand cultivator, you should carefully inspect its metal star knives. The most qualitative of them are made of special steel, which makes them resistant to kink. The set of the device to be purchased should include two sets of wheels, at least 4 star nozzles for processing the earth to a depth equal to four or five centimeters. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that it was possible to remove central star wheels from the axis, which makes it possible to weed to control weeds on both sides of the bed.

prices for hand cultivators

To date, the market can offer customers cultivators of domestic and imported production. But it is worth considering that the cost of imported hand cultivators will be several times higher. Depending on the model, the cost of the domestic cultivator can vary from three hundred to one thousand five hundred rubles, but the price of devices for foreign production will cost you two or three thousand "wooden".

The cost of walking cultivators with star-shaped nozzles will be from four hundred to two thousand rubles for domestic models and from one thousand to three for imported models. But much will also depend on the size and configuration of the model.

What distinguishes import models from domestic ones, since the price is so dramatically different? The fact is that the difference lies in the quality of production technologies, and you will also have to overpay for the name of the manufacturer.

Advantages of garden cultivators

Both adult and children can use hand cultivators. Even retired people will be able to master this device. This tool requires much less physical effort than using other tools such as hoes or shovels. Starry legs are able to boast of the effectiveness of weeding the beds, by damaging the root system of weeds, and then removing them from the ground. Applying a manual garden cultivator, you will significantly shorten the time necessary for weeding the beds. So, you can spend more time in nature.

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