
Ondulin - known to all the roofing material, which came to us from Europe. His homeland is France, from where he was distributed and got to us. Due to its low cost, in comparison with other analogues, ease of installation, quickly gained popularity and is still in demand today. For some similarity with the ordinary slate it is also called bituminous slate. After watching the photo and video of the onduline, you can get acquainted with its appearance in detail.

Contents of

  1. Composition of
  2. Technical data of ondulin
  3. Advantages of
  4. Disadvantages of
  5. Video of

Composition of

This material is an environmentally friendly product. It is harmless both to humans and to the environment, since it is produced only from natural components. It includes:

  • cellulose;
  • resin;
  • bitumen;
  • mineral fillers;
  • pigments.

Technical characteristics of ondulin

Possibilities for long-term use Ondulin contribute to its technical characteristics:

  • ability to withstand chemical components( alkalis, acids, refined products);
  • resistance to mechanical loads - 1 m² up to 960 kg;
  • excellent water resistance.

The Onduline sheet weighs 6.5 kg, the sheets of this roofing material have the following standard dimensions:

  • in length - 2 000 mm;
  • in width - 960 mm;
  • for thickness - 3 mm;
  • wave in height - 36 mm.

Among the parameters that adversely affect the operational capabilities of the material, we can note the fire safety class - KM5.The material can ignite at a temperature above 230 ° C, because of this, Ondulin can not be used in medical institutions. However, do not be afraid that the roof will begin to burn from the influx of inflamed objects on it. Ondulin can only light up from the side of the cut, the surface of the sheets does not light up.

The first thing that interests any buyer when choosing the material for the roof, is its durability. Because, no one will block the roof every year, manufacturers give a guarantee of 15 years, but, in fact, it is proved that due to the technical characteristics of the ondulin, it can last up to 50 years.

It becomes brittle at very low temperatures, and softens when it is too high. However, these properties of ondulin are not a big drawback, as they are easily leveled. A crate is needed with a more frequent step and the strength of the sheets will be guaranteed. It is fastened as a usual slate with the help of roofing nails. For an aesthetically pleasing appearance, nails are purchased with hats of the same color as the onduline. After installation, this building material is kept very tightly and calmly carries a strong wind.

Advantages of

The weight of the ondulin sheet is not large, therefore transportation and installation will not cause any special problems. Due to its lightness, it is often stitched directly over the old coating. Also, this material is very flexible, which is another advantage of ondulin.

Large selection of color palette allows you to easily select the desired color. Coloring materials impregnate ondulin during the production of sheets, therefore, under the influence of sunlight, the paint quickly will not fade. But, even if this happened, the roof of ondulin can be painted anew.

For fire resistance, this roofing material is not in the first place. However, this does not mean that it is easily ignited. The temperature of its ignition varies from 230 to 300 degrees. In a natural environment, such temperatures do not exist, so this fact should not be paid close attention. The only warning can concern buildings that have high fire safety requirements( kindergarten, school, etc.).

Disadvantages of

The disadvantages of ondulin, in practice, no, but, nevertheless, some features should be clarified. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the color burns out, but, it is repairable by usual painting. The presence of an unpleasant smell of bitumen during intense heat. There are roofing materials, which have a much longer durability than onduline, but the price of such a roof will be much more expensive.

You can list and compare forever, but there is a main quality indicator - reviews about people who used it. According to numerous positive reviews, it becomes clear that this roofing material has, undeniable, an advantage over other similar materials. Yes, by some parameters it is inferior to others, but if we take as a whole: the cost, durability, complexity of installation and other characteristics, all agree in the common opinion that ondulin is the best option for roofing.


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