Curb tiles - a small detail for a large order

Types of curb tiles

Basically, each collection is completed with several types of curbs, which differ in their shape and size. One type is called traditional, and the other is called a pencil. A traditional curb for a tile is a rectangle of small length, which has a thickness of not more than 80 mm. It is used for horizontal laying as a separator of two types of wall tiles.

If you stack it vertically, then you get the impression of a divided space. This method effectively looks in modern design, if necessary, to select a certain element from the general background.

Border for ceramic tiles "pencil" placed on the joints between the wall and floor tiles or wall and ceiling. He gives the general appearance of completeness and unity. In addition, it is used if you need to move from an even surface to a volume one.

How can I use curb tiles?

Most often the tile-border for the bathroom is used as an additional element of decor. With its help delimit the tile in color and shade. In the standard version - it's a dark bottom and a light top, but you can play with shades and make two or three rows, this will give the overall picture a kind of animation.

In the modern interior, more and more often borders have a functional purpose, for example, with their help they make a frame for a mirror. They can also be used to focus on any areas of the room. This may be the area near the bath or the sink, which will attract attention in the first place.

The border tile for the bathroom plays not only the decorative role of the , but also the functional .Its function is to complete the laying of the tile or its combination in complex compositions. If you use vertical and horizontal stacking at the same time, you can achieve an excellent decorative effect, highlighting a certain section of the wall.

An unusual option is laying the curb in chaotic or staggered order. This kind of laying hides the disadvantages of laid tiles in problem areas. There are many options for using a curb, in addition, you can combine different types to achieve the original effect.

Proper laying of the curb

In order to make the laying correctly, it is necessary to lay out the full range of tiles. Do not put a border and a conventional tile at the same time, because in the case of uneven masonry, the strip shift will be very noticeable, and nothing will change already. And if you put a border later, you can adjust the line with crosses.

It is glued quite simply. First glue the border and the wall with glue. Then the element is pressed against the wall. If it does not become one level with the tile and fails, then it must be torn off and add more glue. In the event that it bulges, on the contrary, it is necessary to remove excess glue.

It is not necessary to exert much effort and pressure on the element, because it is thin and can break from the pressure. Then the excess glue is removed, and crosses are placed. Then you can put the next part.

Beginning from the far wall, moving to the door. It is also better to put all the first tiles, and then already pruning in the corners. In addition, if the curb is large in volume or with modeling, it protrudes from the general plane, and it is inconvenient to place the crosses in the usual way, then they can be turned sideways, so that the width of the seam remains unchanged, since they are equal in the section.

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