Once upon a time. ..
Once it was not just fashionable, but shocking. It was the painted or completely unplastered fragments of the brick walls of the that the inhabitants of North America and Western Europe expressed their protest against the foundations of bourgeois society in order to get rich and settle down eventually plastering the brick wall, giving it an ordinary, and therefore a philistine look.
In our country this fashion came with a five-seven-year delay to immediately take its place in the apartments of Soviet rich people - store directors, functionaries and underground guilds. She left the same way - after being late for ten years, although no-no, and now you can find an apartment with vinyl "brick" wallpaper.
Stylishness of
But fashion has taught us that it always comes back. And in this season the whole world was again seized by the fever of brick walls. However, now such a design element no longer carries any ideological burden, becoming truly democratic. And if so, then it can be used by those who for some reason do not want to spend a lot of money to repair their homes, as well as those who really follow all the stylish novelties in the field of apartment design, not wanting to lag behind them.
Different invoices for different rooms
The convenience of this type of interior design is primarily that it is suitable for any residential and non-residential premises of your apartment. So in the rooms visible fragments of brickwork you can cover a special "breathing", and therefore not harmful to health paint, in the bathroom and kitchen they will be painted with paint, repelling water and fat from yourself, and in the same hallway or stairwellyou can do with the most ordinary plaster.
We give the brick wall a deep volume
Far not always want to paint the walls in one color. In this case, you can use a fairly simple painting technology that will give a brick wall not only beautiful texture, but also an interesting volume, making it a really valuable decoration for your apartment. To do this, you need to divide the paint into two parts. In one of them, add a little black paint, and, mixing, paint the wall with a brush so that the paint penetrates into all the depressions and cracks. After letting it dry, put a light tone on top of the dark tone. Do this with a roller, not pressing it hard, and then all the grooves will remain dark, while all the sticking surfaces of the of the brick wall of the will become lighter, which will give the desired volume.
If there is no brick wall
Well and if in your house under a plaster and wall-paper bricks are not hidden, it is easily reparable. You can make your own wall by simulating wallpaper like wallpaper, painting them in color, or using foam plates. With a sharp knife, you cut out "bricks" and "cement space" with them, so that later with the same knife remove all unnecessary between the bricks, leaving an uneven layer of bare foam polystyrene balls. To stick and paint your " brick wall " must be exactly the same technology, which we told just above.
Good luck.