How to remove old shpaklevku - methods of varying degrees of cruelty

How to remove the putty - in which cases is it required?

Repair work in almost all cases involve the removal of various kinds of coatings from walls, ceiling or floor. It can be whitewashing, old wallpaper, paint, plaster and so on. Putty - powder building material, which is also used for finishing the premises. Its main purpose is leveling the surfaces.

Removing the old putty may be partial or complete, therefore, before removing the old putty, it is necessary to inspect the whole surface for the strength of the coating. If the putty has peeled off or cracked in some places, the problem areas need to be cleaned using a scraper or spatula, it is well primed and re-applied.

If you can not reanimate the old putty and clean the surface completely, then you should get the following tool: a spatula, a hammer and a chisel, a puncher with a spade or a shovel, a bulgarian with a diamond circle.

How to remove old filler - common

technique Before removing the filler, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures, since a lot of dust and dirt forms during work. All the furniture must be taken out, the floor covered with polyethylene or newspapers, and a sheet draped with water should be hung on the doorway.

The first step is to try to determine the limitation period of the old putty, the approximate thickness of the layer: this will determine the amount of work. If the previous coating is poorly removed with a spatula or scraper, then starch solution should be prepared. A liter of water is put two tablespoons of starch, after which the solution is thoroughly mixed.

The resulting mixture is applied to the surface with a brush, roller or spray and left for about fifteen minutes to allow the liquid to seep into the pores. After applying the mortar the putty should become loose. Then, using a hard metal spatula, it is necessary to remove the old coating from the surface to be treated.

For convenience, it is possible to conditionally break the surface into sections and sequentially process them one by one. At the joints between the slabs and ceilings, the putty should be removed using a chisel and a hammer, because in such places it is the strongest.

After this, it is necessary to wash the surface with warm water. But before cleaning the putty, you need to remove its residues with sandpaper.

How to remove old filler if the usual method does not help?

If the layer of old putty is thick enough, then it is better to use the perforator .For this purpose a blade or chisel is inserted into the cartridge, and the operating mode of the perforator is switched to the "kick" position. This breaks the entire layer.

An alternative is to use the grinder with the diamond circle .First, a notch is made on the surface, and then a layer of old putty is grinded. To do this, the tool must be held in such a way that the disc is parallel to the surface to be machined.

This method is the fastest, but at the same time very dusty. When performing this type of work, a respirator and goggles should be used so that the dust does not penetrate the lungs and does not irritate the mucous eye.

Before starting the process, you must determine the location of the wiring and, if necessary, stop the current supply. During work, you need to take breaks and ventilate the room. Before applying a fresh layer of putty, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned and well primed.

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