We choose a means for cesspools and toilets - types and practical advice

bioaktivator This question is of interest mainly to the owners of private houses and suburban areas. It should be noted immediately that the mechanical method of cleaning the "drives", none, even the most "highly innovative" means will not be able to replace - use the technique in the form of a sewer machine or household equipment will still have to. But here's how often - another question. And it depends on how correctly the chemical is chosen.

We will not consider those varieties of products that are used only for high-quality toilet flushing, odor elimination. This is a slightly different topic. There are special means for cesspools, which initiate the rapid decomposition of all waste, thereby reducing the degree of occupancy of the accumulator and increasing the frequency of mechanical cleaning of the septic tank or cesspool. By the way, almost all such products have disinfectant properties and are able to "extinguish" most unpleasant odors. Here we will dwell on them in this article.

Classification of

preparations. Consistency

  • Liquids. It is more convenient to work with them, since they are already ready for use.
  • Powders. It is believed that such formulations are more economical in expenditure, since a more precise dosage can be made using a measuring spoon. But this is most likely a purely subjective judgment, since it is unlikely that anyone in the suburban area will measure everything down to a milligram. After all, it is impossible to determine the volume of impurities in the tank, especially if it is not filled to the top.
  • Tablets. If you plan to use compost as a fertilizer on the site - the best option.

According to the application conditions

  • Anaerobic.
  • Aerobic.

The difference is that the first does not need air flow, and the decomposition process can take place in a closed volume. But for the effective operation of aerobic agents, oxygen is needed, so they are used only for cleaning open tanks. For example, cesspools of country cottages.


According to the chemical composition of


Such compounds are the most effective in their effectiveness. But this advantage is conditional, since a significant minus - the toxicity of funds - limits their use. The main difficulty is the utilization of processed products. Therefore, for the private sector, it is hardly worth stopping the choice on such drugs.


It is advisable to use them in fully insulated containers when the supply of clean air is not a prerequisite for the reaction to proceed. Basically, such funds are used to clean mini-toilets with a hermetic waste collector.


In their composition, bacteria, which, when ingested in their nutrient medium, promote its rapid decomposition into separate components. As a result of the processes occurring on the bottom of the accumulator, an organic matter falls, which can be used as a good fertilizer after cleaning the reservoir.

These tools should be discussed in more detail, since the analysis of user feedback indicates that most private building owners prefer them. Advantages of

  • The rate of decomposition of impurities is high.
  • Neutralization of any odors.
  • Long term.
Feature - these products are used at temperatures from +5 to +40 ºС( unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer).

Perhaps, there is only one minus, and then, relative - to achieve the required efficiency, it is necessary to make an accurate dosage. Lack of bacteria in the mass of waste, the process of their decomposition will make longer and less quality.

What to take into account when using biological tools

Terms of use

Probably, this is the most important indicator. Before buying any product, you should immediately specify in which temperature range it does not reduce its effectiveness. The factor is important, given that septic tanks and cesspools are located outside the house, on the street.

Recommended flow per unit of volume

If you compare this parameter with the price of the drug and its validity, you can choose the most optimal option for a particular drive.

Cost of

preparations For Moscow and the region. Packing may differ from the one indicated in the table. Data on the cost of the initial - "from. ..".

Brand Country of Origin Features Packaging ( g) Retail price ( rubles)
Microzyme series "Septite Trit". RF Effective in a liquid medium. It is recommended to add water to the septic tank. 250 645
Tamir High processing speed. 350 190
Dr. Robik 800 969
Sanex Poland It is also used to eliminate blockages in the sewage system. 100 225
Bio Favorite USA 950 690
Atmobio France Shelf life - no more than half a year. 300 590
All these means decompose not only sewage, but also various materials( substances), for example, paper, fats, wood, oil products and so on. But this does not mean that in a cesspool it is possible to throw off( literally) everything, anything.

Useful advices for

  • For qualitative processing of the drive it is desirable to use the same composition. If by its effectiveness he liked and proved effective, then changing it to something new is not recommended.
  • Many of these drugs can solve the problem of cleaning the contaminated segment of the territory. For example, remove( decompose) the remnants of spilled engine oil( gasoline) and simultaneously disinfect the soil.
  • Do not confuse such tools as "Microzyme" and "Micropan".The latter only neutralizes smells, therefore it is used only for processing garbage dumps.

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