Lattices on the windows of a country house or apartment on the ground floor is not only a guarantee of safety and inviolability of the home. Lattices can become a decorative element, decorating the windows and giving it a charm and personality. Of course, ordering lattices, especially if it is a question of several windows - business not cheap. But, having some skills in working with metal and a welding machine, they can be done with their own hands.
![Lattices on the windows for a country house with their own hands](/f/0a/e5/0ae588243ee0304d921dbe550892dbf5.jpg)
Lattices for windows for a country house with their own hands
Varieties of protective grilles on windows
Lattices can be either blind, rigidly fixed in the wall, or swinging, and sliding, locked from the inside. The first option though is a good protection against thieves, but from the point of view of fire safety is not always acceptable. Continuous non-removable grilles in the event of a fire can become an insurmountable obstacle, so they can be installed only in those buildings and premises that have two independent exits.
![Lattices can be both deaf and swinging](/f/52/ab/52ab5a05b37a67dc4cd15788466b581d.jpg)
Lattices can be either blind or swinging
Sliding grilles, as a rule, are already ready - their manufacture requires high accuracy and mobility of the structure. To save in this case it is possible unless on an independent installation, the technology of which differs little from the installation of swing gratings.
![Sliding grilles on windows](/f/ce/61/ce6124a6aa5bb4e779bb5aab0230ea60.jpg)
Sliding grilles on windows
Swinging grilles - perhaps the easiest to install and self-made, and at the same time a convenient and safe version of the gratings on the windows, which can be successfully carried out by hand. Swing gates are made lockable from the inside on the mortise lock. The material for the manufacture of gratings can be different: bar, metal tape, forged decorative elements. The most simple in the implementation of gratings made of rod, made with the use of welding. On the technology of their manufacture and will be discussed.
![Swing bars on windows](/f/00/4e/004e9f69a21db2465c27257950bb72c2.jpg)
Swing grilles for windows
Preparatory work for
- Before starting work, it is necessary to take measurements from windows. The width of the gratings is equal to the width of the window opening minus 5-6 cm. The height of the grids can be just below the window, and the gap between the grilles and the window opening must be such that it is impossible to climb through it.
- After completing the measurements, a sketch is done on a scale, where the main and decorative elements are drawn. If the grids have a complex pattern, you need to measure the largest holes in the drawing and, multiplying the measurement results by the scale, find out their actual size, so that after fabrication it is not possible to penetrate the attacker's house through them.
- If the swing gates are made of two flaps, it is necessary to provide a lock on each flap. It is possible to make one leaf rigidly fixed, and the second - swinging, which will make the construction more rigid while respecting fire safety. In this case, the swing flap should be located at the fully open window leaf.
A sample of a swinging lattice made of two
- leaflets. When designing a sketch, it must be remembered: in order for the grilles to not warp, they must have a sufficient number of stiffeners. It is more convenient to execute them in a frame from a corner, having connected a corner with a rod. More openwork gratings of complex shape are made with this requirement in mind: they must contain vertical and horizontal elements connected in as many points as possible.
- After the sketch, the required amount of material is calculated: rod and angle for gratings, corrugated rod for pins fixed in the wall, as well as the number of decorative and locking elements, as well as hinged loops.
From the tool and auxiliary materials you will need:
- Bulgarian and circles for metal;
- Welding machine;
- The perforator with a drill diameter is 1-2 mm smaller than the diameter of the corrugated rod for the pins;
- Hammer;
- Scraps of a corner or a metal strip for fastening of hinged loops;Primer and paint for metal.
Lattice technology
- Prepared material is cut into a sketch. If necessary, create a complex drawing of the bars bend. It is more convenient to do this according to a pre-made template. For rounded elements, a metal pipe of suitable diameter can be used. If the grating pattern is repeated in the mirror image - do not forget about this when preparing the details.
- Weld the grate according to the sketch. Do it comfortably on a flat surface, for example, on a metal workbench or concrete pad. Welding begins with a frame or extreme elements, picking them up on spot welding. After that, the gratings are measured, the diagonals are compared, and if the result corresponds to the sketch, the gratings continue to be assembled.
- If the grill is made without a frame, at the place of installation of the hinges and the lock to the rod of the grid, it is necessary to weld pieces of metal tape or corner. Also welded to one of the lattices is a steel strip, to which a lock is attached with vertical crossbars.
- Fasten the pins in the slopes of the window. To do this, the finished grids are applied to the window, aligned, marking the location of the pins, taking into account the fastening of hinged loops. To fix two-winged lattices, 8 pins are enough - two on each side of the window, from above and from below.
- Drilling holes in the slopes of holes 10-15 cm deep are drilled in the slopes. In them, pins from the corrugated rod are driven in such a way that 2-3 cm of rods remain on the surface. If necessary, it can be cut by a Bulgarian. On the rod weld a corner or metal tape in the form of a frame.
- Weld the hinges so that they are directed in the opposite direction - this will make the grille non-removable. Insert the mating part into the loops, apply gratings and in place weld them to the hinges.
- All metal elements are scraped off the scale, covered with a primer, and after it dries - paint on metal.
Lattices on windows can become a real decoration of your windows, if you show a little imagination. When painting, it is possible to cover them completely or partially with a patina layer, thereby creating lattices "under the old days".Forged elements with floral motifs or ornament can be attached to them. In the lower part of the grilles, you can also make brackets for the flower boxes. The main thing is to remember that the design must perform its basic function and protect it from uninvited guests.