Technology of diamond drilling, drilling

Diamond drilling technology At the recent meeting of the Commission for Modernization and Development of the Economy, the President of the Russian Federation stated: "Internet to every home!" To achieve this goal in the shortest possible time, with quality and reliability, it is possible with the use of diamond drilling technology.

This statement of the president prompted not only the activation of the activity of Internet providers, but also construction companies, which began to struggle for receiving state orders. This is understandable, because conducting the Internet is a task, including for construction companies( especially at the initial stage of its implementation), which requires the use of modern technologies.

An interesting problem has been set - and as a result, an equally interesting and innovative solution has been found. It is understood that the technology of diamond drilling, which actively conquers the leadership in the field of construction and supersedes the usual methods( the use of perforators and jackhammers), will now be used for laying Internet cables in residential, administrative and industrial buildings.

Diamond drilling is a modern and most effective method used to produce holes in stone, concrete, bricks and other high-strength materials, due to its obvious advantages.

  • Ability to perform work with high speed and performance.
  • The resulting holes have perfectly accurate dimensions and a flat surface, which eliminates the need for additional processing.
  • No dust in the work area and low vibration during work.
  • Hard-to-reach places and tight spaces are not a problem when using diamond drilling technology. Work can be carried out close to the surface of walls, floor, ceiling, and also at an angle to the surface.
  • No damage is caused to the load bearing structure of the building, no cracks or chips are formed.

Precisely because of these undeniable advantages, the technology of diamond drilling has long been successfully used in the construction of various communication systems( ventilation, heating and other) in residential buildings. And only recently it was actively used for the development of telecommunications networks, and in particular, one of the priority areas in the field of diamond drilling was the laying of Internet cables.

Diamond crowns( ring drills) Typically, laying a cable for the Internet in residential homes includes the following steps: drilling holes in the floors between floors on common areas and laying cables in them using special plastic pipes. To make holes in the interstitial floors, there is a specialized equipment that uses the technology of diamond drilling and is designed to make holes in concrete, reinforced concrete, masonry.

The motor, stand and cutting tool( diamond core) are the basic elements of any diamond drilling rig. Since the power and configuration of the plants depends on what kind of work is planned, technical experts advise when choosing the type of installation to be guided by the following technical characteristics:

1) Engine power and mobility.

Drilling rigs with an engine capacity of 1.6 - 2.0 kW have small dimensions, weight up to 17 kg and, importantly, are affordable. Such a relatively small capacity is enough to drill holes in the interfloor, small size and weight determine mobility. These factors, combined with an affordable price, allow us to conclude that such installations are the most effective for laying Internet cables.


frame fastening method The stand is a support for the motor, and by means of which the drilling unit is fixed to the surface in which the holes will be made. The main common methods of fixing a drilling rig are fastening with the help of a spacer rod and an anchorage.

The use of installations with anchoring fastening for work in residential areas is limited due to the fact that they require additional holes especially for fastening. Therefore, in such cases, usually using installations with fastening using a spacer rod, made in the form of a pin, which at one end rests on the floor, and the other - in the ceiling. This method is especially convenient for work carried out in living quarters, precisely because there is no need to drill additional holes. There are other ways of fastening - vacuum, through fastening by a hairpin, and also by means of special platforms, but they are less widespread.

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3) Additional accessories.

When carrying out drilling operations in residential buildings, it is very important to take all measures to minimize noise and to protect the surrounding area from the generated dust. To do this, some models of drilling units are equipped with additional equipment - water pumps( manual or electric), through which water is supplied during drilling, as well as industrial vacuum cleaners that collect dust from the drilling zone. The use of drilling rigs equipped with these additional units ensures the performance of drilling operations without contamination of the surrounding space.

4) Diamond Crown

The diamond core is the cutting element of a drilling rig, made in the form of a cylinder with diamond segments fixed in it. The parameters of the holes that can be made with them vary widely: diameter - from 12 mm to 600 mm, and depth - up to 4 m. The Russian market offers a wide range of diamond crowns, so it is very important to choose a tool not only of high quality, butand corresponding to the type of work performed. Adel GC specialists recommend choosing the following parameters when choosing:

  • Drilling speed. The bit rate can vary from 10 mm / min to 60 mm / min. The properties of the material being processed and the power of the drilling equipment exert a significant influence on it.
  • Quality of the holes. This indicator is usually high in all diamond crowns of any manufacturer. The shape and quality of the surface of holes made with diamond bits are such that, as a rule, no additional processing is required.
  • Crown resource. The crown resource depends on the material that is being drilled. Crowns produced by GC "Adele" have a high service life.
  • Price. The price of a diamond bit depends on its size( diameter and length) and can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer.
  • Availability. An important factor in the performance of urgent work - the constant availability of diamond crowns in warehouses, the possibility of urgent purchase and replacement, it is also important that non-standard orders have crowns of non-standard sizes.
  • Possibility of multiple recovery. If the crown has the capacity for multiple recovery, it can significantly reduce costs, because instead of purchasing a new crown it is enough to restore the old one.

Only a small part of diamond tool suppliers meet all the criteria for qualitative diamond crowns. This is due to the fact that manufacturers of diamond tools in Russia are not so many, but only manufacturers can fulfill a non-standard or urgent order and provide a guarantee for the products. Known manufacturers of diamond tools in Russia are no more than five, confidently guarantee the fulfillment of all the above conditions.

Diamond installation with crown

Specialists advise to pay close attention to the diameter of the diamond crown. Usually, construction companies use crowns with a diameter of 52 mm. This is a common mistake, because the diameter of the drilled hole is almost equal to the diameter of the pipe into which the cable is laid. But it is worth taking into account the fact that in the process of work, the crown wears out gradually about concrete or brick, the diameter of the drilled hole decreases with time and it becomes too tight for the pipe. To prevent such problems, as well as for effective long-term use of the tool, you should choose crowns with a diameter of 56 - 58 mm.

It is also worth paying attention to the length of the crown, experts recommend a length of 450 mm. Such a crown can be restored up to five times, which significantly reduces costs. And when choosing a professional high-quality tool, for example, a drill bit with an Adel diamond core, you can drill to 50 floors with an average thickness of about 25 cm.

The technology of diamond drilling and drilling continues to develop. Today, to fulfill the tasks in the field of telecommunications, and above all, to ensure the accessibility of the Internet to any Russian, only the most advanced highly effective methods, including the technologies of diamond drilling, are used.

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