To build your home is still half the battle. It must be provided with all that is necessary for normal living. No building can not be considered in the full sense suitable for housing, if it lacks water, light, heat. That is why in the process of building various engineering communications are laid.
But they will not function until after they are connected to external highways( about autonomous systems, such as generators, they told here).
And here comes the most unpleasant. For the most part, all these efforts are related to the fact that people simply do not know where they need to go, what documents to prepare and submit. Quite a vague notion about the timing of the work, and their cost. In order not to depend on the mood of this or that official, it is necessary to know what regulatory acts regulate the organization and holding of such events.
Without going into details, which can only be understood by a specialized specialist, we note the main points that an ordinary consumer needs to know when connecting his house to the central power grids.
Everything is determined by the Regulation No. 861( the name is long, therefore we will call it shortly - "Rules"), which were approved by the Government on December 27, 2007.They, in particular, detail the entire technology of connecting private residential buildings to power networks. What do we need to know?
There is a nuance here - if the power consumption of all Applicant devices does not exceed 15 kW.This takes into account all those "objects" that were connected earlier to this place of accession. That is, 15 kW is the total capacity for 1 consumer.
If from the boundary of the section to the connection point( transformer, switchgear and the like) on the straight line does not exceed:
- for the countryside - 500 m
- for cities, urban-type settlements - 300m,
then the power can be increased to 20 kW.
Where to turn
To the organization that deals with the supply of electricity to this "territory".Data about it can be obtained either in the local administration, or clarified from neighbors( if they already have a connection made).
It happens that the site is located on the border of the "responsibility" zones of 2 different Electricity Suppliers. In this case, the connection is made by the one to whose objects( poles, substation or something else, where the connection will be made), the boundary of the site is closer.
How to contact
Apply( in writing).What does it indicate?
- First name, middle name, last name.
- Passport data. You can also make them from another identity document( for example, the rights), but this is in agreement with the organization.
- The location of the connection object( home) is the address.
- List and name of devices that will be connected with indication of their total capacity in "kW".
- Timing when the design will be completed. In addition, the expected dates of commissioning of the connected equipment. But this needs to be clarified in advance in the design and installation organizations.
What to attach( photocopies)?
- Passport( or other document specified in the application).
- Certificate of ownership of the house.
- INN.
- List all aggregates( devices) that will be connected, indicating the power of each of them.
- Load calculations.
- Site plan with the location of the attached objects. In this case, it is necessary to outline in this scheme not only the very territory of the house, but also the adjacent site where the object is located, where the connection will be made( and on a scale).This is necessary to determine the distances from the boundary of land ownership to the object of energy supply.
On the basis of the application, the Terms of Reference for the development of the project are issued.
- For the issuance of technical conditions - no more than a month.
- Connection based on the submitted application must be made not later than six months from the date of the Contract conclusion. This is taking into account the laying of communications( for example, the cable, if the connection from the substation), the installation of additional poles( air connection).
- The specialists will need about 2 to 3 days to perform assembly work on the connection of all devices.
It may also be that the distance between the boundary and the connection point is greater than the specified( from 300 or 500 m).In this case, the Supplier is given up to 2 years for laying the line, but payment for temporary connection will be charged at an individual tariff( higher).It is possible and accelerate such "construction", but at their own expense. This is decided on an individual basis, as in each organization - its nuances in the provision of services.
The cost of
It should not exceed 550 rubles, if the estimated energy consumption is not more than 15 kW.
This can not be called a "rule", but sometimes it happens that the Applicant is informed that "this and this" will need to be paid separately. Explanations are different - the complexity of the work, the need to build additional "structures" or improve the technological capabilities of equipment and the like. All this is illegal. In other words, this is "not our problem"( if the distance from the site to the connection point and the declared power does not exceed the above limits).
- tips The list of documents can be slightly changed. Therefore, before preparing them, this question needs to be clarified in the specific supplying organization. The fact is that within the framework of the all-Russian legislation, regional authorities can make some additions, taking into account local conditions. In addition, there are also departmental documents that clarify certain provisions.
- If the supplying organization does not meet the deadlines( and this is not uncommon), then it is necessary to put an official claim in writing. There are many "subtleties" here, so it's better to turn to a lawyer. Electricity suppliers can give different reasons( there is no funding, a problem with personnel, and so on).But the owner has nothing to do with it. There is a Treaty, and it is not executed through the fault of the other party. By the way, an experienced lawyer will also tell you how to collect compensation for moral damage. And it can be very decent( in monetary terms).
- It is more expedient to order the connection from the Supplier. All of them are rather jealous of this, and if the documents are developed by a third-party organization, then complications can arise later. Specialists, if they wish, will always find what to "pick up" the layman. At the very least, this will help save both time and nerves when negotiating a project. After all, it is clear that nobody will find fault with their "own" document.
Unauthorized connection is fraught with serious trouble. If this fact is revealed, then the corresponding organization will, among other things, issue such an invoice( and prove its validity) that it will have to be paid for a very long time, by a court decision.